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Ipad Help.

Maniac Cop

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My missus has an ipad which she's filled up with music, videos etc. I managed to sync her ipad to the PC using itunes so I could delete stuff off it to free up space. Problem is though I don't see a way of transferring the files back from the PC to the ipad. I tried dragging the file over to her ipad in the 'devices' section but nothing happens. Anyone got any idea how to go about it?

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My missus has an ipad which she's filled up with music, videos etc. I managed to sync her ipad to the PC using itunes so I could delete stuff off it to free up space. Problem is though I don't see a way of transferring the files back from the PC to the ipad. I tried dragging the file over to her ipad in the 'devices' section but nothing happens. Anyone got any idea how to go about it?


We've got an ipad at home and thankfully ive never had to do this.


To protect copyrighted files apple don't officially let you transfer from ipad to pc - it would be easier for you to undergo gender reassignment surgery to be honest.


There are some ''apps'' out there that will let you do it, but im not sure how installing them will affect your warranty.


Why would you want to transfer anyway?


Edit: Sorry, what is it you want to do transfer from ipad to pc?

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We've got an ipad at home and thankfully ive never had to do this.


To protect copyrighted files apple don't officially let you transfer from ipad to pc - it would be easier for you to undergo gender reassignment surgery to be honest.


There are some ''apps'' out there that will let you do it, but im not sure how installing them will affect your warranty.


Why would you want to transfer anyway?


Edit: Sorry, what is it you want to do transfer from ipad to pc?


She just wants to create space to download some more stuff from itunes. The idea is that she could just move something to the pc, then if she wanted to watch it again, move it back at a later date.

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She just wants to create space to download some more stuff from itunes. The idea is that she could just move something to the pc, then if she wanted to watch it again, move it back at a later date.


Yeh O.K. i see what you mean now.


You can't do that in the way you suggest. The best thing to do in terms of file management, is buy your stuff through itunes (either on your ipad or pc) and then control what is synced to your ipad through itunes. That it the only way you can control memory usage legitimately.


As for making your own files and folder like you said - forget it. You cant use your ipad like a mass storage device in the way you would a normal plug in hard drive. If your after that level of user customisation i'd avoid apple like the plaque.



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(Without being disrespectful) you're stuck in the Windows mindset; drag and drop, move files at will, assign them folders, etc. That's not the Apple way, especially not in terms of their proprietary software. iTunes, for example - you don't "own" the music/videos/etc you've bought from the Apple Store(s); you own the right to use them. That's why a cursory examination of your iTunes relative folders on your Windows machine won't just show every single track, video, etc.


If you sync any Apple device (iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc) to a PC, you can delete items from said device but unless the PC has exactly the same files as found on the device, you can't re-upload them. It's not selective swapping - again, that's a Windows thing.


There are programs out there that allow you to override iTunes control; I've never used an iPad, but in terms of iPod, there's programs such as Grabpod, etc.


Google will point you in the right direction.


As for what it'll do to your warranty; if you downloaded one of these programmes, and suffered a problem that required you to return your iPad for repair (and they found said piece of software), your warranty would be voided instantly.

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She just wants to create space to download some more stuff from itunes. The idea is that she could just move something to the pc, then if she wanted to watch it again, move it back at a later date.


Like Terrorfex says you don't have to physically move stuff . All you do is go to the sync tab, de-select any songs/albums/artists that you don't want on the iPad then re-sync. All the music that was originally on the iPad should still be in her iTunes library on the PC, just re-select them when re-syncing if you want them back on the iPad.

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