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Tales Of Injustice


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The world's largest tobacco company is attempting to gain access to confidential information about British teenagers' smoking habits.





Next week's topic in ' Horizon ' is 'Are You Evil?'


I'll tell you now.


Big f u c k off corporations that need to increase profits to satisfy greedy shareholders by undermining the youth of today.



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The world's largest tobacco company is attempting to gain access to confidential information about British teenagers' smoking habits.





Next week's topic in ' Horizon ' is 'Are You Evil?'


I'll tell you now.


Big f u c k off corporations that need to increase profits to satisfy greedy shareholders by undermining the youth of today.


No different to any other company researching its customers.


Whether you agree with people smoking or not, its legal, the government make plenty of money from it, the research is there and freedom of information can be used by anyone to get any form of information.


I'm not defending the way companies act but the systems are there and they have as much right to use them as a news paper has to dig into MP's expenses. Cant have one and not the other...

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The world's largest tobacco company is attempting to gain access to confidential information about British teenagers' smoking habits.





Next week's topic in ' Horizon ' is 'Are You Evil?'


I'll tell you now.


Big f u c k off corporations that need to increase profits to satisfy greedy shareholders by undermining the youth of today.


I'm an advocate of allowing people to do whatever they like so long as no-one or nothing is harmed. Smoking in public would be out, but smoking bars would be legal.


Narcotics, to my mind, should be readily available and, depending upon their level of potency, taxed up the yinyang. Imagine the revenue government would make on Coke and Heroin... it would turn the economy round.


Certainly it ruins lives, but our lives are our own to ruin. Or at least they should be.


It's illegal to inject myself with heroin, but not illegal to inject myself with a fatal dose of window cleaner?


How is that even sane?


If you're going to prevent people from smoking weed or banging down E then you should prevent people from drinking and boxing. Far more harmful activities.


Call me a hedonist, but I see no rational reason why I couldn't go to a legal Opium Den, get f**ked up beyond all belief, get taken to a recovery room then go off home when I'm compos mentis again. The only danger to anyone is to myself.


We live in a world of too many rules. Many of which have no good reason to exist.

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Agreed , they are working within the letter of the law , if not the spirit.


What I'm saying is that I don't f u c k i n g like them.....a lot.


And it is probably better not to have laws preventing c**t s from making even greater c**t s of themselves....it would be better if they saw it for themselves and desisted.


But some people will do anything to make money.






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But some people will do anything to make money.


I hear what you're saying about the Jews, Feem, min....




Supply and demand, though. Supply only exists to feed demand. The fact that there is a demand should, to my mind, mean that demand is legal.


Criminalising people who harm no-one, but in fact could be making a contribution to the economy, makes no sense.


Christ knows what the revenue would be to the government from legalised narcotics, but I'm thinking it could make the revenue from cigarettes seem like tuppence ha'penny.


Personally I think pretty much anything a grown adult wants to do should be legal, within certain parameters.


People like to fight at the fitba? Rent a big field out to them and charge them maybe ten quid a pop.... then let them have at it. Anyone fighting outside the designated Pagga Field gets arrested and heavily fined/jailed. Anyone inside the Pagga Arena signs away the right to prosecute anyone for anything that happens to them... and maybe have a sliding scale of payments for on-site medical assistance.


Broken arm?


That'll be 2500 to set and cast it sir, and we accept all major credit cards.


A grand to the government, 1500 to the medics. Split it however you want.


Killed by a jambo with a lawnmower? 1000 quid off your credit card for immediate cremation and disposal at sea.


I'd legalise brothels, drugs, and violence... in fact I'd legalise gladiatorial games just for the hell of it. Sign a waiver, grab a net and a pitchfork and off you go... stick it on PPV and create even more revenue.


Treat adults like adults... this telling people what they can and can't do between consenting adults is, quite frankly, bullshit.


So long as you can pay for the luxury of doing whatever the hell you want then you should be able to do whatever the hell you want, with a few exceptions and caveats.

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