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Happy Endings


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Nothing worse than a happy ending.


Total fantasy, life does not do happy endings, because we're all gonna fucking die at some point, and quite a number of us will die in pools of pish, faecal matter and/or vomit, hammered into fuel poverty by the government and killed by weakness through being unable to afford food on the meagre pension you get insulted with having worked 60 odd years of your life, for what, fuck all that's what.


Even those with cash who end up in nursing homes will get ragdolled by minker lassies just out of school and Polish thugs will straitjaiket you and put the Harvey Keitel mask on should you object in any way to this process for your

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Nothing worse than a happy ending.


Total fantasy, life does not do happy endings, because we're all gonna fucking die at some point, and quite a number of us will die in pools of pish, faecal matter and/or vomit, hammered into fuel poverty by the government and killed by weakness through being unable to afford food on the meagre pension you get insulted with having worked 60 odd years of your life, for what, fuck all that's what.


Even those with cash who end up in nursing homes will get ragdolled by minker lassies just out of school and Polish thugs will straitjaiket you and put the Harvey Keitel mask on should you object in any way to this process for your

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I'm realistic min, feet on terra firma, unlike those who like to sugar coat themselves into believing everything is fine, it's not, far from it, it never will be either, so dinna bother deluding yourself.


If you expect the absolute worst, you won't be disappointed when it happens, that's my philosophy, if anything good happens, bonus.

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I'm realistic min, feet on terra firma, unlike those who like to sugar coat themselves into believing everything is fine, it's not, far from it, it never will be either, so dinna bother deluding yourself.


If you expect the absolute worst, you won't be disappointed when it happens, that's my philosophy, if anything good happens, bonus.


see heres the thing, would it not be betetr to get Alzimers (sp) when your about 80...at least then you dont have a scooby fits going on?

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No, I'll take a shotgun to myself when I realise I'm on the slide, when my powers start to wane I won't hang about, I'll simply blow my own head off, saving in both monetary and sentimental terms, canna be arsed with relatives all mooching about sad about dying folk, just kill them, they're nearly dead anyway, that way you dinna have to annoy folk by going on about it 24/7.

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No, I'll take a shotgun to myself when I realise I'm on the slide, when my powers start to wane I won't hang about, I'll simply blow my own head off, saving in both monetary and sentimental terms, canna be arsed with relatives all mooching about sad about dying folk, just kill them, they're nearly dead anyway, that way you dinna have to annoy folk by going on about it 24/7.


There will be a Q...so dinna worry.

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