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Assassins Creed: Revelations


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know nothing about this game but i got an email from ubisoft saying id been chosen at a beta tester for the online game.


9 characters, 3 maps, 4 game modes.


just finished downloading it but cant be arsed playing just yet.


anyone else get this invite? i assume there must be fuck loads if its to test the online part and not the single player part

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know nothing about this game but i got an email from ubisoft saying id been chosen at a beta tester for the online game.


9 characters, 3 maps, 4 game modes.


just finished downloading it but cant be arsed playing just yet.


anyone else get this invite? i assume there must be fuck loads if its to test the online part and not the single player part



you can download the beta on playstation network

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just had my 1st play of this. its alright, basically a reskinned version of the brotherhood multiplayer so far. nothing to get excited over.


played my 1st game and dicked on everyone. came 1st at a canter. next game 2nd, 3rd game 2nd. all matches out of 8 folk so either im a gaming demi-god, or the standard aint that high at all. the few guys that were killing me repeatedly were using perks which i didnt even realise i could get until i quit playing at which point the game then tells me im progressing well, its time to introduce some new tools.


the fuck???? i could have done with this hunter/tracker perk about 15 mins ago!!!!


it then said how about we go into team deathmatch.


no, ca be arsed tonight. maybe imorn. but yeah, if you give it a bash, level up to rank 5 which should take 3 games, come out and get the perks, then go back in and keep playing.

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