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Hangover Cures


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I always pop some pills before I go to my bed, works a treat. I just wake up feeling tired nowadays.

But for today I'd recommend some more sleep and some stodge. Failing that, cocaine.

Never felt the urge to take any pills before bed, did lastnight though as my tooth is in pain, had a decent sleep like and feel fine today. Stoney get some lucozade sport lite, that helps big time.

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I always pop some pills before I go to my bed, works a treat. I just wake up feeling tired nowadays.

But for today I'd recommend some more sleep and some stodge. Failing that, cocaine.


:laughing: :thumbs:


I've got a hoor of a hangover today, proper brain sludge going on, can't think or even see straight. I swear hangovers have started to get much more brutal since I turned 33... :(:tommy:

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