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Craig Brown

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Given how well 'well were doing with him, given how well they are still doing, given he has come to AFC and is doing what MM did - centre halfs as fullbacks, no creativity, re-employed Casper (or at least his body/spirit double) I presume it's the money that brought him?


I thought he was building a strong squad, but it's the same old, some good eg Arnasson some bad/unfit/unready, eg Clark


The apathy is horrible, even last year that performance would have had a massive outpouring of angst - now it's just quiet.


Craig or Stewart, when you're finished will you turn out the lights.

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Did Brown learn absoutely anything from Ibrox? The answer is quite simply, NO.

Set a team out to actually try and score a goal and you have a chance of winning the game. Set the team out to defend and play for a draw, and at best you'll get is 1 point.

I'm really becoming fed up of his uneccessarily negative tactics.

He doesn't even have the excuse that we were away to a good team yesterday, we were playing the only team worse than us!!


Chris Clark - a waste of a signing.


Where's Chalali? I thoguht he was ready to 'burst onto the scene'!


Whats the point in signing a forward if we're going to play one up front?



Brown obviously doesn't think his players are capable otherwise he'd maybe have a bit of faith in them to get results. Saying that he was probably happy with the result yesterday,


"Aberdeen are just a little bit away from being in contention for the top six" - Craig Brown, jesus wept, woo hooo.



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we will go nowhere under the tutalge of craig brown. negative is an understatement, he makes craig levein look like kevin keegan in his newcastle days. pathetic, his philosophy's are utter garbage. if we can't go and attack hibs and actually try and win the game when we have a full strength team god knows what shape we'll be in when we get hit with injuries and suspenstions.

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Under 19



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18-January 11 Gender:Male Location:Baku, Azerbaijan Posted 05 September 2011 - 04:49 PM


From yesterdays Sunday Mason...

I would question if Brown has time to contribute or indeed is the right man to be giving a "Tactics Talk" given his current job and leauge position.

Brown looks to be willing to put his name to anything that will contribute to his retirement fund at the moment...fair play to him...just a pity we went back in for him when he had knocked us back...once this happened Brown was always going to have the upper hand when it came to what "outside earnings" he could and couldn't accept as AFC Manager


Broon is only here to make as much money as he can.....any fancieful notions that this is one last challange and he has the bit between his teeth is BS

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Too early to say Craig Brown is a disaster. If we're still struggling near the end of the season then yes, he is a disaster.


Same problem as MM - why do we not have what most teams seem to think is standard two players who can play full back? Even lacking creativity which we have not replaced this is simpler. This is primary school level coaching - why is AFC messing it up again?


Do they/CB really even care?


So I agree with MT - CB is a disaster.

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the biggest selling point about CB was apparently his contacts.



This !


If Fallon signs - that will be four of the new signings who have been found because they are mates with someone at the club - not because of some network of contacts!


Weeks ago when Brown was asked about Rory McAllister, he said that he was on a list of strikers, but there were a number of players ahead of him on the list. What happened to them? Not that it matters - it's creative wide midfielders and full backs we need!

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Its ok, the team have progressed, there will be significant investment, and I am away to butt fxck Beyonce


Barassie, have you been eaten by tup?!


At least his bullshit will not be believed by anyone anymore

- "significant investment" ...wrong

- " we are improving" - wrong

- "we are not interested in Rory Fallon" - eh, wrong AGAIN


Tup (forever known as tupence ha'penny) - about as credible as Ian Huntley's janitorail skills

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Barassie, have you been eaten by tup?!


At least his bullshit will not be believed by anyone anymore

- "significant investment" ...wrong

- " we are improving" - wrong

- "we are not interested in Rory Fallon" - eh, wrong AGAIN


Tup (forever known as tupence ha'penny) - about as credible as Ian Huntley's janitorail skills

"the deal offered to McFadden was not far off

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As I have said before Brown is at Dons because we offered him a two year contract and Motherwell would not. Not because of mythical additional funds, not for the alleged challenge of a bigger club but for cold hard cash. If Motherwell had offered him a contract when he went back to them after our original approach he would still be their manager.

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As I have said before Brown is at Dons because we offered him a two year contract and Motherwell would not. Not because of mythical additional funds, not for the alleged challenge of a bigger club but for cold hard cash. If Motherwell had offered him a contract when he went back to them after our original approach he would still be their manager.

100% Agree....I for one think we are worse off with Brown than McGhee....and I never thought I'd be saying that

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As I have said before Brown is at Dons because we offered him a two year contract and Motherwell would not. Not because of mythical additional funds, not for the alleged challenge of a bigger club but for cold hard cash. If Motherwell had offered him a contract when he went back to them after our original approach he would still be their manager.


Rubbish .

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This !


If Fallon signs - that will be four of the new signings who have been found because they are mates with someone at the club - not because of some network of contacts!


Weeks ago when Brown was asked about Rory McAllister, he said that he was on a list of strikers, but there were a number of players ahead of him on the list. What happened to them? Not that it matters - it's creative wide midfielders and full backs we need!


Agree - if we are to sign ONE more player, make it a left winger.

FFS, we dont need yet another half arsed striker that doesn't score much.

Vernon, Mackie, Chalali & Magennis already fit that bill.

Our scouting system must be total SHITE!!

Kilmarnock pick up Dayton & Heffernan, a creative winger and goalscorer.

Why the fuck cant we?

Is Craig Robertson accountable to anyone at Pittodrie?


Oh aye, I forgot, he's best mates with Willie Miller.

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As I have said before Brown is at Dons because we offered him a two year contract and Motherwell would not. Not because of mythical additional funds, not for the alleged challenge of a bigger club but for cold hard cash. If Motherwell had offered him a contract when he went back to them after our original approach he would still be their manager.


This and all the evidence has the ring of truth. He's here for our money and because we are skint we're stuck with him for another year and a half.


It's like the worst bits of Magoo and Calderplank. No fullbacks and contacts that produce dross.


Roll on 2013.

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After reading some of Brown's comments in the last couple of weeks I stand by what I said...McGhee at least knew when to keep his mouth shut...

For Wylie Old Fox read Dottled Old C*nt!!


McGhee knew when to keep his mouth shut?!

Are you for real?!

He was the biggest bag of winded pish that walked the Earth!

Too many examples to mention, the classic being when he accused one of his won fans of spitting at him, only to retract the comments a couple of days later when quizzed about it.

McGhee was a grade A tosser of a manager.

However, I agree that Brown's after match comments can be cringeworthy.

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"Foster could have had two goals, we had a couple of good balls across the face of the goal and we had a great number of corner kicks that we didn't make use of.


"We should have been playing with a bit more freedom and gay abandon."


WTF.....The only thing this old twat has abandoned is his sensibilities

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McGhee knew when to keep his mouth shut?!

Are you for real?!

He was the biggest bag of winded pish that walked the Earth!

Too many examples to mention, the classic being when he accused one of his won fans of spitting at him, only to retract the comments a couple of days later when quizzed about it.

McGhee was a grade A tosser of a manager.

However, I agree that Brown's after match comments can be cringeworthy.

No that was Calderwood


I'm just sick to the back teeth of the fu*king lack of any, and I mean any, sense of urgency or ambition and complete embarassment at what AFC have become!!

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No that was Calderwood


I'm just sick to the back teeth of the fu*king lack of any, and I mean any, sense of urgency or ambition and complete embarassment at what AFC have become!!


I hear you, but I'm not at the stage of saying ANYONE is worse than McGhee.

Saying on his first day in charge that we were a consolation prize to the scum was unforgiveable.

Saying that a 9-0 defeat to the scum was just another game was unacceptable

Mentioning the scum at every given opportunity was unacceptable.

McGhee was an arrogant moron with not a shred of man-management skills in his body.

Him & his pal Leitch.

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Has an Aberdeen manager had a worse start ever to a league campaign? Even when we were struggling at the start of the 47/48 season under Halliday at least we scored 9 goals in the first 7 games. We still had 5 points but that was 2 for a win not 3 remember.

Halliday bought a bit of time but we still had a pish season.



Brown is looking like the worst manager I can recall.

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Has an Aberdeen manager had a worse start ever to a league campaign? Even when we were struggling at the start of the 47/48 season under Halliday at least we scored 9 goals in the first 7 games. We still had 5 points but that was 2 for a win not 3 remember.

Halliday bought a bit of time but we still had a pish season.



Brown is looking like the worst manager I can recall.


1991 1992 Alex Smith 30.43%

1992 1995 Willie Miller 124 53 45 26 42.47%

1995 1997 Roy Aitken 124 50 31 43 40.32%

1997 1998 Alex Miller 43 11 13 19 25.58%

1999 2002 Ebbe Skovdahl 159 54 37 68 33.96%

2002 2004 Steve Paterson 68 23 13 32 33.82%

2004 2009 Calderwood 227 94 60 73 41.41%

2009 2010 Mark McGhee 62 17 13 32 27.42%

2010 Craig Brown 36 13 6 17 36.11%


You have a crap memory then yeah ? He is better statistically than Mcghee , Paterson , Skovdahl , Miller and Alex Smith . Thats just going back to 1991 . A sweeping hysterical statement by you in Brown being the worst manager you can recall ? Think it might have been !

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1991 1992 Alex Smith 30.43%

1992 1995 Willie Miller 124 53 45 26 42.47%

1995 1997 Roy Aitken 124 50 31 43 40.32%

1997 1998 Alex Miller 43 11 13 19 25.58%

1999 2002 Ebbe Skovdahl 159 54 37 68 33.96%

2002 2004 Steve Paterson 68 23 13 32 33.82%

2004 2009 Calderwood 227 94 60 73 41.41%

2009 2010 Mark McGhee 62 17 13 32 27.42%

2010 Craig Brown 36 13 6 17 36.11%


You have a crap memory then yeah ? He is better statistically than Mcghee , Paterson , Skovdahl , Miller and Alex Smith . Thats just going back to 1991 . A sweeping hysterical statement by you in Brown being the worst manager you can recall ? Think it might have been !


I was just looking at it season on season like. I cant remember a start in 60 years when we only scored 2 goals in 7 games.

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