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Broon Out By Xmas

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succesive managers have failed out team after being succesful before coming here. is it there fault or the tight fisted board mot releasing funds to get decent players in.

wiggy needs to take a long hard look at himself



The board have nothing to do with tactics and player selection...


It doesn't look good so far Craig.

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aye but we GOT into a position to win something


as for top 6 being a pre-requisite...thats dangerous thinking


it was believing we deserve better than what we were getting 3/4 years ago that got us into THIS mess



With regards to your post about getting in a position to win something.


Care to elaborate how he did this better than any other manager we have had during the last 15 year please.



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The fans called for the heads Calderwood, McGhee and now Brown, who has been giving very little backing, inherited shite, and hasnt even had a full season yet. Shameful.


agreed brown has been given little backing, but he's recieved far more backing than the managers of 7 other spl clubs. also, he has chosen to spend his budget on unecessary midfield players, when there are gaping holes elsewhere, 1 full back and 1 wide player for a start. he then signs an "attacking player who will burst on to the scene" only to leave him on the bench instead opting to replace our only striker yesterday, (vernon) with the most inept divvy in the history of world football.(mackie) the telling factor for me is brown's interviews, he's so deluded it's scary. he thinks we're not far off being a top 6 team! wtf? and since when was top 6 good enough? he also sees no wrong in his negative tactics. i find that incredible, especially after the 2nd half performance against rangers and since we were playing the only team in the league worse of than ourselves yesterday. i would nip it in the bud now and remove him, i think craig brown would see positives in finishing 11th.

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Dont think so, doesnt make business sense and if we are as skint as we are led to believe paying Knox and Broon off may well be an impossibilty. Its heartbreaking that a succesion of managers struggle to grasp what makes this club tick, its not difficult the majority of us were raised on a modicum of success and being competitive every year, thats all we want- KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!

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The board have nothing to do with tactics and player selection...


It doesn't look good so far Craig.


The mind is boggling, that is for sure.


He played decent football at Motherwell. Obviously he had a better footballing side to start off with, but he doesn't seem willing to experiment in a footballing respect this year. Pawlett should start any game he is fit, and I don't know what it says for Chalali if Mackie comes on before him...

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Not sure about how things will pan out between now and Xmas but its too early to talk about dropping the management team and tbh the lack of stability is just as damaging as anything else right now.


Or at least anything else barring the obvious problem of the boards total incompetence to produce a decent footall team over the last 10 years or so.


As leftside mentioned these guys have been here too long and presided over several very bad appointments as well as a number of bad decisions about how to run the football operation.


We need change at board level to effect any change within the club. For my money when 2 or 3 new faces joined, we should have seen 2 or 3 others, those who have been here for years asked to step down.


Also I think its time for Milne to be replaced as Chairman but asked to remain on the board and the key board member to drive forward the stadium plan which seems his only objective anyway.


Get someone else in as Chairman for a couple of years and lets see if they can focus better on sorting out the long term issue with the football operation. Issues which have affected all the tenures of the last so many managers, Including MM, JC and probably 3 or 4 before him.


For example. What IS the clubs approach to scouting and finding new talent needed to make the football operation not only successfully on the pitch but financially viable? Anyone got any idea? Why are we relying on managers contacts? That has been the strategy for too long and it just doesn't make for a healthy situation.

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I can see it happening, not as any result of fan anger, but more fan apathy... The attendance numbers don't lie, the downward spiral mentioned earlier is right - no one turning up means pressure to have wins that this team are hardly likely to deliver... Don't get me started on goals...


And we've been here before again and again - the club's "leaders" have been found wanting on so many occasions that it amazes me that anyone with a vaguely ok reputation would want to associate themselves with AFC... manage ? no thanks...


At this rate no club in 5 years is a very realistic proposition - the numbers simply don't add up, and who can blame anyone who walks away...

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It's already been pointed out that AFC managers have been given the 4th or 5th biggest budget in the SPL, so the buck stops firmly with the manager. We could start blaming Milne for bringing in the wrong managers, but I don't think thats the issue.


To be honest, I don't know what the hell is going wrong...we seem cursed. Manager after Manager is getting it all wrong tactically...and yet they have mostly, to some degree, done well at other clubs (compared with how they have done at Pittodrie). Do we have a dictator in the background like Hearts who is pulling the strings? Surely ALL those managers can't be shite?


Maybe we're not scouting players properly anymore and we're struggling to find suitable players?


Maybe there is an agenda to keep AFC mid table for some reason?


Maybe we've not got the 5th biggest budget and in fact thats bullshit and we've only got the 8th?


Answers on a postcard please.

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It's already been pointed out that AFC managers have been given the 4th or 5th biggest budget in the SPL, so the buck stops firmly with the manager. We could start blaming Milne for bringing in the wrong managers, but I don't think thats the issue.


To be honest, I don't know what the hell is going wrong...we seem cursed. Manager after Manager is getting it all wrong tactically...and yet they have mostly, to some degree, done well at other clubs (compared with how they have done at Pittodrie). Do we have a dictator in the background like Hearts who is pulling the strings? Surely ALL those managers can't be shite?


Maybe we're not scouting players properly anymore and we're struggling to find suitable players?


Maybe there is an agenda to keep AFC mid table for some reason?


Maybe we've not got the 5th biggest budget and in fact thats bullshit and we've only got the 8th?


Answers on a postcard please.

As McGhee said very pointedly, yet without making any excuses for himself, 'if the people at Aberdeen think getting rid of me will solve their problems, then they are going to be a struggling team for a very long time'.


Thing is, who, or what is he pointing at?

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