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How To Improve Scottish Fitba

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This is why we have massive problems in the game in our country.


Not one of these so-called 'experts' even acknowledges that Rangers and Celtic have created the disparity of wealth in Scotland which has seen our game run into the ground.


Until they do, nothing will change.


What do you expect from incredibly average players who have an iq of a baked potato, its drivel , but not surprising drivel.

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The OF have raped our game. They moan about lack of competition in the SPL while at the same time doing everything in their power to stop the other clubs competing. They take far more that their fare share of the money based on the ridiculous reason that they have the most fans and ignoring the fact that it requires 2 teams to play a game of football.


The game needs root and branch reform. The priority should be making the league competitive. If the league is competitive then players will improve, the game will improve, the national side will improve and so on.


The fact that the most influential people in the Scottish game are calling for a 10 team league tells you all you need to know about the so called experts. They are part of the problem within Scottish football.

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I like this part from Craid Paterson:


"We must be one of the only places in the world that stops football when the sun finally comes out."


I've played Junior/amateur fitba off and on for years and I personally feckin hate freezing my ass off playing in winter!!!


Pitches are like mud baths or frozen rock hard, players don't turn up to training or games cause it's too cold and dark, nobody wants to come and watch the games...........all round it's just shit playing in winter!!!!

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The OF have raped our game. They moan about lack of competition in the SPL while at the same time doing everything in their power to stop the other clubs competing. They take far more that their fare share of the money based on the ridiculous reason that they have the most fans and ignoring the fact that it requires 2 teams to play a game of football.


The game needs root and branch reform. The priority should be making the league competitive. If the league is competitive then players will improve, the game will improve, the national side will improve and so on.


The fact that the most influential people in the Scottish game are calling for a 10 team league tells you all you need to know about the so called experts. They are part of the problem within Scottish football.


Pap on!


A 10 team league would be fantastic if the OF were not a part of it.

I believe the standard of football would improve, with every club having a genuine belief of league or cup success.


Revamp the league cup, regional games until 1/4 finals, with rules on youth and reserve team involvement to bring on the youngsters and give fringe players games.

Another thought, reintroduce the reserve league, play the game straight after the senior league game, 2 games for the price of one.


There is plenty that could be done to improve the game, but as the OF remain in power, which they are, and the SPL and SFA bow to their every need, we will in no time at all be rock bottom.


With one of the OF allegedly on the verge of bankruptcy, now's the time to act, jump on them while their weak.

Do our chairman have the collective balls to do take them on?? Probably not.

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I hope the 6 brain dead pundits opinions won't be noted by the SFA, unfortunately they're probably mirrored by them.


Sandy Clarks solution "Ehhhh, yes Rob, we just need to be more upbeat about the game"... :tumbleweed:


Billy Dodds says there isn't a lot of school football about just now? Is that true Billy or have you just plucked that one of of thin air?


Derek Ferguhun - Bringing football into the school circiculum. How's a fecking PE teacher going to be able to train young lads to play football and teach them 'skills'?


This is my favourite though. Step forward Allan Preston.


"We need to stop all the talking and actually do something for the sake of Scottish football".


Would be a fair comment, yet all he does in the rest of his 'solution' is fucking talk about how there's low corwds no money yadda yadda, not one single solution in sight. Just highlights the stupidity of these people and makes you question how the fuck they're called upon for advice, or even have a job in the game in the first place. Jobs for ra boys.



Bunch of muppets. One huge problem with Scottish football is that these so called experts are the ones who are there for the SFA to ask for advice!


My solution: Sack the whole SFA, erradicate the jobs for the boys culture and import some actual football experts who have a proven track record of setting up academies etc abroad, like the Dutch and Germans. The only Scottish people employed by the SFA would be the tidy birds behind the reception desk answering the phones, meanwhile all of these 'suits', well the ones lucky enough not to be handed their P45 will be on the continent reseraching the successes of specific countries and their football system.


Might cost a little to start but the benefits long term would be worth it.


I'm not even going to go intot he Old Firm.

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Scrap coaching. Just get players fit and play them in their correct position, leaving ability to

shine. The less focus on the manager the better.

Bring back the reserve league.

Reduce prices to a sensible level.

Home team to decide formation and opposition to match up.

And as Wullfo said, get the old firm out of the league.

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Improve the young players coming through, protect the clubs and the players so big English clubs or the OF can't come in and steal players from under our noses by offering more money. This would lead to teams in Scotland having better players, less big money charlies and a more competitive league. Having more home grown players playing in each team should decrease the amount of money clubs are spending on wages and transfer fees etc therefore reducing ticket prices which in turn would increase attendances.

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Desperate though the situation is - it is not yet desperate enough for anyone with power to act.


Only when one of the old firm actually capitulates financially along with other teams will things change - either by them getting their wish and going to be crap elsewhere or by the establishment finally getting the reality of what has been staring them in the face. This tax situation may get interesting; but expecting anyone to truly upset the apple cart from within is expecting lambs to turn into leopards. Not going to happen.


We need armageddon financially. The danger is of course in the meltdown that follows much may be lost; but competitive sport might re-emerge which is ultimately the point and the thing that has been lost.

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burn the old firm.


top league of 10

2 up 2 down


tv money split even


prize money split much more evenly than currently


jobs a good un.


Personally I'd advocate carpet nuking of both Ibrox and Parkhead, however hopefully with this HMRC tax case, and their colossal debts, rangers are going to die in a hail of shit. The boy Whyte has no bloody interest in the club, the players, or the fans. He is just an asset stripper, and when he's done, rangers will struggle to field a team in the highland league.


Unfortunately, that leaves us with Celtic, but maybe karma will have its way with that scummy disgusting institution eventually.


League wise: I'd have 16 and clubs only do 1 home and 1 away, league winner gets Champions League, the 4 teams below that have play offs for the 2 Europa places, with the final place handed out to the Scottish Cup winner. Relegation would be 2 up 2 down; bottom team is automatically binned, 14th and 15th have a play off to see who goes down. Promotion would be the same, D1 champs straight up with 2nd and 3rd in a play off


Prize money for league based on final position, however TV money is shared out equally between all 16 clubs in an effort to make better competition.


Summer fitba, or at least an attempt at having seasons that are more in line with our continental cousins so players in european competition (assuming of course they qualify for anything)


however, this is the real world, so there's precisely fucking zero chance of any of the above actually happening

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To be honest the problem stems down to grass roots level: too many shody pitches, emphasis being made on size not skill and finally the inability to play for prolonged periods of time due to youth leagues being played during the winter times


why are shody pitches such a problem nowadays?


why do kids need bowling green type pitches to play??


When I was younger we played anywhere we could during the winter as long as we could see the ball

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To be honest the problem stems down to grass roots level: too many shody pitches, emphasis being made on size not skill and finally the inability to play for prolonged periods of time due to youth leagues being played during the winter times

Rubbish. The problem stems solely from greed.


The big teams, be that in Scotland, Spain, England or Europe want more and more money, and want to keep more and more of it for themselves. There has always been this problem, but with the advent of subscriptionTV and the massive money that generates and brings to the already biggest teams, added to the cartel operated by the biggest European clubs and UEFA, that has virtually eliminated any European competition, except amongst the same 8 or so suspects every year; the game, and any meaningful competition has been eliminated.


As was said in the other thread on this very subject, all this talk about coaching this, and quality of player that, is utter rubbish, and totally missing the point. Scottish football is struggling becasue the clubs here no longer have any money with which to compete for the best players, yes even the OF. The OF ruin our league, and any chance of a spectacle by hoovering up the vast majority of what little cash floats around, however the SPL as a whole gets the same as a team barely escaping relegation in England, and becasue of that, they are now in the state they are in.


Of course the logic that a much more competitive league would be more attractive to TV companies, and we could therefore charge much more for TV rights, and they (and every other team) could then bid for better players, escapes not just them, but every pundit or office holder within Scottish football who all seem to miss this plain and simple fact - at least if quotes and soundbites are anything to go by.


Scottish football is no doubt broken, but Spain is very close ebhind, and so is England, and it's all because of money.

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the pitches these days are bogs of really inadequate size on numerous occasions, i never said we need bowling green pitches just a pitch where the ball actually has a chance to be passed about.


Thats the same with us during the winter months when we have a kick about but what i was meaning was that the fixtures are regularly cancelled and this can lead to a lack of ability to play football at a competitive level.


For many generations this is what Scottish Football has been about but what good has it done? We have an inability among many players to play passing football while the players we have who were brought up in england with the facilities available, eg barry bannan, are beautiful footballers.


This is all just my opinion though from the perspective of a youth player.

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the pitches these days are bogs of really inadequate size on numerous occasions, i never said we need bowling green pitches just a pitch where the ball actually has a chance to be passed about.


Thats the same with us during the winter months when we have a kick about but what i was meaning was that the fixtures are regularly cancelled and this can lead to a lack of ability to play football at a competitive level.


For many generations this is what Scottish Football has been about but what good has it done? We have an inability among many players to play passing football while the players we have who were brought up in england with the facilities available, eg barry bannan, are beautiful footballers.


This is all just my opinion though from the perspective of a youth player.


so why do other European countries who have worse winters than us produce better footballers than us??

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Scottish football is struggling because the clubs here no longer have any money with which to compete for the best players...................................Scottish football is no doubt broken, but Spain is very close behind, and so is England, and it's all because of money.

I'm not sure of the argument here, if clubs had more money, then all would be well? I doubt whether it's as simple as that. Could it be that there are just not enough players with the necessary levels of skill any more.


Going back to the days of Turnbull when he built the foundations for Ferguson's later success, neither of them had vast sums of money at their disposal, but they bought wisely and had a much deeper pool of skilled players to work with.

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so why do other European countries who have worse winters than us produce better footballers than us??



I stronly recommend this for you: http://www.visitkintyre.info/news/localnews/kawp/ALL_WEATHER_FOOTBALL_FACILITIES.PDF


Shows the difference in facilities and football chances, for example that norway has 340 all weather pitches with 97 more planned compared to scotland which has 130

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