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Another Threat Of Strikes


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I want, I want, I deserve!


I for one am pig sick of the unions trying to hold the country to ransom when the rest of us are also struggling to get by and have the constant threat of redundancy hanging over our heads.


If its not BA's cabin crew, the best paid cabin crew in Europe, bitching because they wont get so many free flights and their pensions had changed then its cooncil workers claiming they are so hard done by compared to the private sector and deserve to be treated like special cases.


Sorry, its not the fucking 80's, cooncil workers are only paid a couple of grand a year less than the hard workers. Have more holidays, less hours, better pensions, better access to services and plenty other perks that take them in line with your average joe working in the private sector.


So, thoughts? Will you back the lazy greedy cunts or will you tell them all to get back to sweeping out streets and collecting our bins every fucking fortnight?

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I want, I want, I deserve!


I for one am pig sick of the unions trying to hold the country to ransom when the rest of us are also struggling to get by and have the constant threat of redundancy hanging over our heads.


If its not BA's cabin crew, the best paid cabin crew in Europe, bitching because they wont get so many free flights and their pensions had changed then its cooncil workers claiming they are so hard done by compared to the private sector and deserve to be treated like special cases.


Sorry, its not the fucking 80's, cooncil workers are only paid a couple of grand a year less than the hard workers. Have more holidays, less hours, better pensions, better access to services and plenty other perks that take them in line with your average joe working in the private sector.


So, thoughts? Will you back the lazy greedy cunts or will you tell them all to get back to sweeping out streets and collecting our bins every fucking fortnight?


Bit of a sweeping generalisation there! Where did you get your figures?


P.S. I'm voting for industrial action

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I don't have too much symapthy and don't think many will. It's at times like these you're half glad the Tories are in power to deal with it, Labour just go handing out lolly till there's none left (or worse the country is bankrupt) - particularly to their friends i.e. people they know will vote for them.


It doesn't apply to everyone, but the biggest thing some public workers don't seem to grasp is that, in the main, they don't have to worry about their job/income/paying the mortgage etc as they have job security to the point these worries are redundant.

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I don't have too much symapthy and don't think many will. It's at times like these you're half glad the Tories are in power to deal with it, Labour just go handing out lolly till there's none left (or worse the country is bankrupt) - particularly to their friends i.e. people they know will vote for them.


It doesn't apply to everyone, but the biggest thing some public workers don't seem to grasp is that, in the main, they don't have to worry about their job/income/paying the mortgage etc as they have job security to the point these worries are redundant.



Oh my good god!


Cunts have you brain washed already.

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A lot of people have to pay for their own pensions, this lot can go fuck themselves. As Dynamo says, they should be thankfully they even have fairly well paid jobs.


It must be amazing working for a company that provides a public service, you are almost guaranteed a pay rise and bonus as they know that if you don't get it, you'll go on strike!


2 year pay freeze and never had a bonus in my life.

If it's that great why don't you come an join us?

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I don't have too much symapthy and don't think many will. It's at times like these you're half glad the Tories are in power to deal with it, Labour just go handing out lolly till there's none left (or worse the country is bankrupt) - particularly to their friends i.e. people they know will vote for them.


It doesn't apply to everyone, but the biggest thing some public workers don't seem to grasp is that, in the main, they don't have to worry about their job/income/paying the mortgage etc as they have job security to the point these worries are redundant.


we are in a cunt of a mess due to overpaid, thieving gready cuntting bankers, and their employers.


If we all stood together, along side the public sector workers and battled, we would be in a far far better postition as a country, its a nonsense that people should have to take a pay cut for no fault of their own, its a disgrace.

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Bit of a sweeping generalisation there! Where did you get your figures?


P.S. I'm voting for industrial action


from working in recruitment for over 10 years and seeing the cooncil workers wage rise to be able to keep their staff.


Admin in council, 20K. Admin in service comp, 21.5K

HR in council 23K, HR in service comp 25K

joiner on hourly at council £20, joiner at SMG on hourly also £20


I carry out salary surveys on a 3 month basis for Aberdeen and the surrounding area. Dont let the engineering hype fool you into thinking everyone gets paid more in the private sector. Truth is the wages in the private sector were also pushed down when the recession started and havent been pushed back up yet and council wages went through a bit of a rise 5 years ago to keep hold of the people they had and attract more into the council because Labour were creating so many public sector jobs.


Someone working for the council has more holiday days, a better pension, more flexibility and better working hours than anyone working in an office in Dyce, BoD, the toon or Altens unless its an operator they are working for. The perception in the private sector when it comes to public sector workers is that after 2 years of working for the council you are no use to anyone in the private sector because you've been spoiled beyond the point of return and expect everything to be handed to them, they can no longer think outside the box.


Unions should be banned in the western world, the point of a union was to make sure that working conditions etc were of a good standard and people were treated fairly at work, the law covers all that now. These days all unions do is call for action in a climate that cant afford the actions they call for and when the rattle throwing doesnt work they then try to hold the country to ransom.


If it was up to me every person that went on strike would be sacked instantly and all the money that the public have paid towards their pensions stripped from them. Its hard enough getting a job these days, 2.5m unemployed and rising yet some folk seem to think they are above and beyond the recession, why?

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spam, I wont argue with you on the wage structure, however, I will come back at you about unions, unions do what they beleive is right for their workers, in the O&G sector we are fucked over when it suits.


The recruitment industry is a slave to the O&G sector( especially aberdeen) and when push comes to shove the recruitment firms leave 99% of their people hanging out to dry during any downturns, a union wouldnt allow it.


Recruitment Services will be a thing of the past in the next 20 or so years, and we will get back to basics, the introduction of the likes of Oil Careers and the internet will see an end to smaller recruitment companies and kill the recruitment service.

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spam, I wont argue with you on the wage structure, however, I will come back at you about unions, unions do what they beleive is right for their workers, in the O&G sector we are fucked over when it suits.


The recruitment industry is a slave to the O&G sector( especially aberdeen) and when push comes to shove the recruitment firms leave 99% of their people hanging out to dry during any downturns, a union wouldnt allow it.


Recruitment Services will be a thing of the past in the next 20 or so years, and we will get back to basics, the introduction of the likes of Oil Careers and the internet will see an end to smaller recruitment companies and kill the recruitment service.


I work in house mate, the recruitment sector has feck all to do with me.


Everyone can choose who they work for and to an extent how much they feel the service they provide is worth. If you think you're being short changed you move jobs... Of course a copper or a nurse has picked their trade (so to speak) but there is still flexibility in that as well of sorts but all these office bods in st nic house bitching can move on or shut the fuck up. We do live in a democracy and we do have a free labour market.

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I work in house mate, the recruitment sector has feck all to do with me.


Everyone can choose who they work for and to an extent how much they feel the service they provide is worth. If you think you're being short changed you move jobs... Of course a copper or a nurse has picked their trade (so to speak) but there is still flexibility in that as well of sorts but all these office bods in st nic house bitching can move on or shut the fuck up. We do live in a democracy and we do have a free labour market.


and we do have unions to represent these workers!

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The unions and public service workers are seriously taking the pysh!


Why shouldn't they retire at the same age as the private sector and why shouldn't they take cuts whilst our government try to get the debts under control, it's called prudency, Labour got us into this mess, than god for the Tories trying to sort it or we'd be in the same state as Greece.


The teachers especially have some brass neck, short days and forever on holiday, 6 weeks in the summer, 2 in october and 2 in December, and how about doing in service days when the kids are on holiday?


Go on strike, see what sympathy you'll get, workshy shysters.

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and we do have unions to represent these workers!


unions that put pressure on certain types of workers to join. Unions that go to places like tesco and asda, bully their way in because they can and then put so much pressure on the companies through draconian laws that have no real need in todays working environment. Once they've bullied their way in they then bully money out of everyone that works there. All the heads of the unions are doing is justifying their fees which then pay the guys at the top making the decisions big fat salaries....


Bob Crow (RMT) -

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