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Spl Standard?

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Which of our players do you think would get into the teams of more than 5 other SPL teams?


for me, Foster, and thats about it, maybe Jack if he keeps getting better. Will reserve judgement on Fallon and Chalai, but not overly encouraged by what i saw yesterday.


Think both would get into Hibs and St mirren, Foster gets into Dunfermline, St Johnstone, ICT and Killie.


Arnason could convince me, but right now im not certain.


Fyvie isnt looking half the player he promised to be- i dont think hes any better now than he was when he first broke through. I know he was set back by that injury, but whilst his personal abilities may have suffered as a result, i still feel he could have made use of the time on the sidelines to really study the game and learn better positioning and where space appears, things like that. Reserving judgement for just now.

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I think we've got Top 4 players, and a fair number of them.


Considine (proper position), Arnason, Osbourne, Milsom (when on form), Folly, Pawlett.


That's not to say others such as Magennis (impact sub) and Fyvie (needs a bit of time out) don't have their uses either.


The problem, for me, isn't an awful standard of player.

What is the problem then? Out of those listed as osbourne is playing like a top spl player! The rest are covered by your quote in brackets and are simply flawed as they totally lack the ability to string a run of good games together, pawlett is probably the best example of this, the ability is there no doubt but his end product is shit, he never scores and rarely assists as his final ball is woeful!


I think the biggest problem with our squad is there are to many players youd expect to see falkirk or something on their c.v

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What is the problem then? Out of those listed as osbourne is playing like a top spl player! The rest are covered by your quote in brackets and are simply flawed as they totally lack the ability to string a run of good games together, pawlett is probably the best example of this, the ability is there no doubt but his end product is shit, he never scores and rarely assists as his final ball is woeful!


I think the biggest problem with our squad is there are to many players youd expect to see falkirk or something on their c.v

I actually think we have some decent players a few of which would easily get into most SPL teams. Osbourne, Arneson and Fyvie I think are the best. The others are generally of a decent standard with some obvious exceptions like Clark. Our problem is a lack of width and balance, not necessarily quality in the other areas.


I do agree that there are some really inconsistent players like Milsom and Pawlett. But then, if they weren't inconsistent they wouldn't be playing for us would they?

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Which of our players do you think would get into the teams of more than 5 other SPL teams?


for me, Foster, and thats about it, maybe Jack if he keeps getting better. Will reserve judgement on Fallon and Chalai, but not overly encouraged by what i saw yesterday.


Think both would get into Hibs and St mirren, Foster gets into Dunfermline, St Johnstone, ICT and Killie.


Arnason could convince me, but right now im not certain.


Fyvie isnt looking half the player he promised to be- i dont think hes any better now than he was when he first broke through. I know he was set back by that injury, but whilst his personal abilities may have suffered as a result, i still feel he could have made use of the time on the sidelines to really study the game and learn better positioning and where space appears, things like that. Reserving judgement for just now.


I think that outwith the Old Firm, anyone could play for any team really. I don't think there is much of a quality difference between any players that make the first 11 of the teams outwith the Old Firm.

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I think we've got Top 4 players, and a fair number of them.


Considine (proper position), Arnason, Osbourne, Milsom (when on form), Folly, Pawlett.


That's not to say others such as Magennis (impact sub) and Fyvie (needs a bit of time out) don't have their uses either.


The problem, for me, isn't an awful standard of player.

Pawlett can't even get into our team!!

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Which of our players do you think would get into the teams of more than 5 other SPL teams?


for me, Foster, and thats about it, maybe Jack if he keeps getting better. Will reserve judgement on Fallon and Chalai, but not overly encouraged by what i saw yesterday.


Think both would get into Hibs and St mirren, Foster gets into Dunfermline, St Johnstone, ICT and Killie.


Arnason could convince me, but right now im not certain.


Fyvie isnt looking half the player he promised to be- i dont think hes any better now than he was when he first broke through. I know he was set back by that injury, but whilst his personal abilities may have suffered as a result, i still feel he could have made use of the time on the sidelines to really study the game and learn better positioning and where space appears, things like that. Reserving judgement for just now.




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Which of our players do you think would get into the teams of more than 5 other SPL teams?


for me, Foster, and thats about it, maybe Jack if he keeps getting better. Will reserve judgement on Fallon and Chalai, but not overly encouraged by what i saw yesterday.


Think both would get into Hibs and St mirren, Foster gets into Dunfermline, St Johnstone, ICT and Killie.


:hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: Off the crack pipe son.

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I think we've got Top 4 players, and a fair number of them.


Considine (proper position), Arnason, Osbourne, Milsom (when on form), Folly, Pawlett.


That's not to say others such as Magennis (impact sub) and Fyvie (needs a bit of time out) don't have their uses either.


The problem, for me, isn't an awful standard of player.


sorry mate, but totally disagree. Milsom is 5hi!te- what has he done in the last 8 months to convince you otherwise? Folly- you're surely kidding me. Dreadful player- the epitome of whats wrong with our signing policy, wee bit of athleticism, massive lack of ability.


Pawlett- flatters to deceive. a good 20 minutes every now and then, and an awful lot of anonymity.


Considine, average back up player, would maybe get in a few other teams, but only subject to form. Typical SPL plodder, though he could have been much better.


Osbourne is, i feel, just a slightly better version of Folly, though im aware alot of fans really rate him. I just havent seen anything thta convinces me he's at all good. He has good timing in the challenge, but not really much else in my opinion. I'll give him the full season before i make my mind up.


Arnason, decent player, we'll wait and see, but looks like a decent enough signing.


Magennis- nae chance. Better than Vernon, but thats not saying much. Typical dons striker in that his second touch is a tackle. Cant play with back to goal at all.


Fyvie- going to get pelters for this, but i dont think he's going to amount to much. He looked really promising when he came through, but that was all- promising. No-one, rightly, expected him to dominate games then, but we were all encouraged by what we saw. If anything, i think he's regressed since then. Just really not convinced.



And aye, i rate Foster, whatever others on this forum think. Held his own at high levels last year, is a professional, something i dont think can be applied to many of our players, in that he is always committed, has an average level of technique, but does alot of the simple things quite well. Also understands how to look up before passing, even if he doesnt exercise this ability all the time (but sometimes is better than the never that most of our guys do).

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