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Richard Foster

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Saturday and today I witnessed this tool wearing the AFC captains armband, the sooner it is given to someone else the better. Who does he think he is? Strutting about the place thinking he is Messi, screaming at others when he is the worst player in the team when in possession.


How many times do we have to see him try to dribble the ball out of defence only to lose it, or to bomb up the park and lose it..


There were others on the park who played bad this evening but his attitude was stinking.

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Thought he has probably been our best player so far this season but tonight was shocking and his blaming of everything on everyone else was a return to days when Severin did same.


Never a captain in million years but that is yet another Brown fuck up in summer when told everyone he would be taking in someone new to be captain and it would not be any players already at AFC.

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I have seen Dundee, Saturday and tonight. Certainly Saturday and tonight he was losing the ball on far too many occasions, seems to have a swagger where he thinks he can get away with world cup balls and ridiculous runs. Can't comment on his form the rest of the season though, a blip maybe.


But yeah as a captain, its embarrassing seeing him have a go at the keeper for the goal. Don't think anyone in the stadium expected the shot, and the keeper does not need Foster to remind him.

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He'll be afforded the same chances as every other player, skipper or not. I judge players firstly on their own performance. I've seen enough of him over 8+ to be convinced in my own mind it's a disastrous appointment. I can pretty much guarantee, the first slack pass, the first error which leads to losing a goal he'll look round to point the finger at the first young scapegoat, leading to resentment.


I said it back in July. I think he's actually done ok in a playing capacity, and even that has surprised me hugely. But a captain, a leader of men? We needed someone to drive that team on tonight, someone the other players could take inspiration from. Joke.

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Were we lacking leadership on the park tonight? Foster being slated for pointing the finger and being poor but we all knew he wasn't captain material and with Hartley in the team and as skipper last season, no major struggles against lower league teams in the cups, always pulled through. Only part of the problem obviously as Brown got it badly wrong tonight but maybe another leadership issue is brewing although stripping Foster of captaincy maybe a bit much.

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He was having a right go at kids in the main stand at the end also.



What happened their?

You got called a Rangers lover for giving Foster abuse?


I found it weird as fuck, others around me were baffled also.


Total strange.




To be fair he was clearly retarded (and ginger) since he was giving team a standing ovation off the park!!


Some cunt could actually aplaud that fuck me they have the club they deserve.

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Always thought it was licentious to give this very average player the armband and think it was Broon's way of compensating him for having to return to Aberdeen( reluctantly ) after an averagely successful spell at RFC. We'd have been better off leaving him there.


So.....another soft management decision that has cost us dearly. Foster should be nowhere near an armband , although he's got the ego for it without the skills. Another latent 'blue nose' who would rather be playing for 'them' than 'us'.....gtf.


Craig Brown is a tired old man.....and should make retirement a priority.....it is a necessity for us. Stewart Milne fails again with his 'head hunting'. What odds now for the baldy p r i c k to go headhunting John Robertson and Gordon Durie.


Stewart , it's you are the problem , admit it and just let go....you've made Aberdeen Football Club a laughing stock. How are the mighty fallen.


This is what happens when you make money your reason for living. There sure ain't no god but go read your bible.















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Foster laying into folk (wasn't kids though) happened right in front of me.


After laying into Magennis, someone shouted at him something along the lines of 'You need to take a good look at yourself Foster'. He aggressively replied 'You fucking shut up'.


Been reasonably supportive of Foster since his return (much to my own surprise), but after that I want him gone. What was said to him wasn't out of order and to react like that is shameful

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Foster laying into folk (wasn't kids though) happened right in front of me.


After laying into Magennis, someone shouted at him something along the lines of 'You need to take a good look at yourself Foster'. He aggressively replied 'You fucking shut up'.


Been reasonably supportive of Foster since his return (much to my own surprise), but after that I want him gone. What was said to him wasn't out of order and to react like that is shameful


So far removed for the great captaincy of Anderson it's painful.

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Thought he has probably been our best player so far this season but tonight was shocking and his blaming of everything on everyone else was a return to days when Severin did same.


Never a captain in million years but that is yet another Brown fuck up in summer when told everyone he would be taking in someone new to be captain and it would not be any players already at AFC.

Arnason, Osbourne and even Considine have been better this season. He hasn't been the worst player this season but as you say not a captain in a million years.


What I will say is last night, he was piss poor.

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Foster laying into folk (wasn't kids though) happened right in front of me.


After laying into Magennis, someone shouted at him something along the lines of 'You need to take a good look at yourself Foster'. He aggressively replied 'You fucking shut up'.


Been reasonably supportive of Foster since his return (much to my own surprise), but after that I want him gone. What was said to him wasn't out of order and to react like that is shameful

If this is true, and I quite believe it, then it is unforgivable. To shout at your own fans when you are captaining one of the worst results in the clubs history is completely unprofessional. He is a professional footballer, a figure head for the club and he is paid to do a job and when he is not doing it he should be humble enough to take criticism from the fans, ie the people who pay his wages. I never got on his back for going to rangers, even though they are scum of the highest order and being from the North East he knows fine well how we feel about them, but now he can get to fuck. Who does he think he is? He is an extremely average footballer who was loaned to an extremely average hun team for a year. Now he thinks he's Eric Cantona, strutting around the park like he can actually play. Don't make me laugh.

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I have seen Dundee, Saturday and tonight. Certainly Saturday and tonight he was losing the ball on far too many occasions, seems to have a swagger where he thinks he can get away with world cup balls and ridiculous runs. Can't comment on his form the rest of the season though, a blip maybe.


But yeah as a captain, its embarrassing seeing him have a go at the keeper for the goal. Don't think anyone in the stadium expected the shot, and the keeper does not need Foster to remind him.


Exactly, did you see any Huns laying into McGregor after Celtic's second on Sunday?

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I started to worry a few weeks ago when I noticed this cretin has awarded himself free-kick duties.


Foster is an intelligent boy for your average footballer - but he is an average footballer - and I think the manager mistakenly appointed him Captain because he can string word or two together when he should have looked at his courage, attitude and ability.


Poor appointment - I said before I would back Foster but I can't. Its a shame Russell's contract wasn't up in the summer there and not next because his arrival next summer is 1 year too late.

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I was about two rows behind the guy in the Mainer who Foster had a go at.


Foster went ape at Maggennis for having a shot at goal and not squaring the ball to him (bearing in mind that we were 3-2 down a shot at goal seemed a reasonable decision, vindicated further considering Foster would only have ballooned it over the bar anyway). When the guy in the Mainer shouted for Foster to concentrate on his own game (no swearing or abuse contained), he turned round and the told the guy to sit down and shut the f()ck up.


It was the worst incident if it's kind I've ever seen at Pittodrie and I had to calm myself down as I was up for entering the field of play and chinning him.


Did he do the same thing when the Huns in the enclosure screamed at him for gifting Celtic a goal in the Old Firm game last season at Iprix. I think we all know the answer to that - nae chance!


Bearing in mind this happened near the touchline, the management and directors could not have failed to see it.


And that's the captain of our club.


Go figure.

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I was about two rows behind the guy in the Mainer who Foster had a go at.


Foster went ape at Maggennis for having a shot at goal and not squaring the ball to him (bearing in mind that we were 3-2 down a shot at goal seemed a reasonable decision, vindicated further considering Foster would only have ballooned it over the bar anyway). When the guy in the Mainer shouted for Foster to concentrate on his own game (no swearing or abuse contained), he turned round and the told the guy to sit down and shut the f()ck up.


It was the worst incident if it's kind I've ever seen at Pittodrie and I had to calm myself down as I was up for entering the field of play and chinning him.


Did he do the same thing when the Huns in the enclosure screamed at him for gifting Celtic a goal in the Old Firm game last season at Iprix. I think we all know the answer to that - nae chance!


Bearing in mind this happened near the touchline, the management and directors could not have failed to see it.


And that's the captain of our club.


Go figure.


Yet more evidence, as if it were needed, that he is in the wrong place. A leader of men, hah.


Someone needs to be sacrificed, I can't see wiggy topping himself and in the absence of honour amongst the management he looks like a good candidate. The crowds (dwindling) need a sacrifice.


He can barely pass the ball 10 yards, is a bit quick, and blames others when he's at fault. Why is he captain?

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Foster went ape at Maggennis for having a shot at goal and not squaring the ball to him (bearing in mind that we were 3-2 down a shot at goal seemed a reasonable decision, vindicated further considering Foster would only have ballooned it over the bar anyway). When the guy in the Mainer shouted for Foster to concentrate on his own game (no swearing or abuse contained), he turned round and the told the guy to sit down and shut the f()ck up.


Sad to read that

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