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Mcgheeja Vu All Over Again

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"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown defiant despite cup shock"


Why in the name of fuck does the media still persist in calling our annual exits to pish amatuer teams "shocks".... do they have the collective memory of a goldfish?


It's only a fucking "shock" if you don't expect it to happen.


Anyway... Broonser...


"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown has vowed to survive a turbulent spell at Pittodrie after suffering "the worst result of my managerial career"


"However, Brown said he was not considering his position, adding: "I have got confidence in my own ability to turn things around. "I think Archie [Knox] and I are capable of that."


"I would say that was arguably the worst result of my managerial career,"


"I have never considered my own position at all and even after [the defeat by East Fife] "


"If other people consider it there is nothing I can do about that - I just have to get on with my job conscientiously."


This is almost word for word what McGhee was saying in the weeks and months before the useless fucker was given the dunt... it's like the fucking Twilight Zone... or Groundhog Day... you wake up and the same shit is happening again and again and again. The same excuses being trotted out, the same empty promises, the same pathetic 'defiance' in the face of his own ineptitude, the same refusal to acknowledge that the he's simply a pish manager....

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"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown defiant despite cup shock"


Why in the name of fuck does the media still persist in calling our annual exits to pish amatuer teams "shocks".... do they have the collective memory of a goldfish?


It's only a fucking "shock" if you don't expect it to happen.


Anyway... Broonser...


"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown has vowed to survive a turbulent spell at Pittodrie after suffering "the worst result of my managerial career"


"However, Brown said he was not considering his position, adding: "I have got confidence in my own ability to turn things around. "I think Archie [Knox] and I are capable of that."


"I would say that was arguably the worst result of my managerial career,"


"I have never considered my own position at all and even after [the defeat by East Fife] "


"If other people consider it there is nothing I can do about that - I just have to get on with my job conscientiously."


This is almost word for word what McGhee was saying in the weeks and months before the useless fucker was given the dunt... it's like the fucking Twilight Zone... or Groundhog Day... you wake up and the same shit is happening again and again and again. The same excuses being trotted out, the same empty promises, the same pathetic 'defiance' in the face of his own ineptitude, the same refusal to acknowledge that the he's simply a pish manager....


Add to that the belief we can go in to a season with no natural full backs and no width in midfield.

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"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown defiant despite cup shock"


Why in the name of fuck does the media still persist in calling our annual exits to pish amatuer teams "shocks".... do they have the collective memory of a goldfish?


It's only a fucking "shock" if you don't expect it to happen.


Anyway... Broonser...


"Aberdeen boss Craig Brown has vowed to survive a turbulent spell at Pittodrie after suffering "the worst result of my managerial career"


"However, Brown said he was not considering his position, adding: "I have got confidence in my own ability to turn things around. "I think Archie [Knox] and I are capable of that."


"I would say that was arguably the worst result of my managerial career,"


"I have never considered my own position at all and even after [the defeat by East Fife] "


"If other people consider it there is nothing I can do about that - I just have to get on with my job conscientiously."


This is almost word for word what McGhee was saying in the weeks and months before the useless fucker was given the dunt... it's like the fucking Twilight Zone... or Groundhog Day... you wake up and the same shit is happening again and again and again. The same excuses being trotted out, the same empty promises, the same pathetic 'defiance' in the face of his own ineptitude, the same refusal to acknowledge that the he's simply a pish manager....


The refusal to acknowledge the truth goes much further than just a pish manager.


Fact is we have a pish club from top to bottom. What else can it be with:


1. a Pish board

2. a Pish squad

3. a Pish Director of Football

4. a Pish youth system

5. a Pish stadium

6. Pish finances

7. a Pish Chairman

8. Pish players

9. Pish scouting

10. Pish contract management

11. Pish captain

12. Pish attitude

13. Pish training facilities

14. Pish attendances


its top to bottom, wall to wall pish.


When you think about it, its surprising it took East Fife penalties to beat us because they probably have at least 3 or 4 of the above things right.

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The refusal to acknowledge the truth goes much further than just a pish manager.


Fact is we have a pish club from top to bottom. What else can it be with:


1. a Pish board

2. a Pish squad

3. a Pish Director of Football

4. a Pish youth system

5. a Pish stadium

6. Pish finances

7. a Pish Chairman

8. Pish players

9. Pish scouting

10. Pish contract management

11. Pish captain

12. Pish attitude

13. Pish training facilities

14. Pish attendances


its top to bottom, wall to wall pish.


When you think about it, its surprising it took East Fife penalties to beat us because they probably have at least 3 or 4 of the above things right.


Something's got to give, and it won't be that ferret-faced fucker Milne... chances are it'll be the club.


I honestly see relegation as a real prospect at this point unless something drastic happens... and I can't see anything drastic happening.

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Something's got to give, and it won't be that ferret-faced fucker Milne... chances are it'll be the club.


I honestly see relegation as a real prospect at this point unless something drastic happens... and I can't see anything drastic happening.


I'm not sure the board will even notice relegation.


As attendances twindle they merely cut the budget and aim for less. Thats the level of their foresight and planning.


And now everything that I used to say as a cynical joke is actually proving to be pretty much factual.


When folk say "turn out the lights" and "shut the gates", i am actually beginning to think there is a document at pittodrie with the legend "Plan B" on the front and on Page 2 it says:


1 - turn out the lights

2 - shut the gates


Seriously, can anyone prove this is not the case?

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I'm not sure the board will even notice relegation.


As attendances twindle they merely cut the budget and aim for less. Thats the level of their foresight and planning.


And now everything that I used to say as a cynical joke is actually proving to be pretty much factual.


When folk say "turn out the lights" and "shut the gates", i am actually beginning to think there is a document at pittodrie with the legend "Plan B" on the front and on Page 2 it says:


1 - turn out the lights

2 - shut the gates


Seriously, can anyone prove this is not the case?

Burn Pittodrie with all the staff locked in. A giant AFC funeral pyre

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I feel the pain of course but there's too much of the drama queen in some of your reactions. Tempting though it may be , I'm not voting for ripping it up and starting all over again.


And yes it does sound like McGhee Mk.2 and yes my response is to vent frustration during the first 24 - 48 hours after a serious defeat. Then it's back to positive supporting.


The way to treat defeat is to learn from it and there are several new starts out there who will.....and mebbe the captain(Foster) is another ; in fact there's nothing that cannot be learned from experience , by anybody. Supporters too are in the process of self-discovery. Admittedly this is not the prevailing wisdom found at Board level , as far as I can see.


I've heard from many and varied sources that most of the squad are good players, of good character and with decent skills. Give them the chance to grow , learn and prosper from experience. A squad should always be a dynamic thing , always looking to bring in new energy , always striving to improve - but not at the expense of ignoring the potential we have already got... now that would be criminal.

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I feel the pain of course but there's too much of the drama queen in some of your reactions. Tempting though it may be , I'm not voting for ripping it up and starting all over again.


And yes it does sound like McGhee Mk.2 and yes my response is to vent frustration during the first 24 - 48 hours after a serious defeat. Then it's back to positive supporting.


The way to treat defeat is to learn from it and there are several new starts out there who will.....and mebbe the captain(Foster) is another ; in fact there's nothing that cannot be learned from experience , by anybody. Supporters too are in the process of self-discovery. Admittedly this is not the prevailing wisdom found at Board level , as far as I can see.


I've heard from many and varied sources that most of the squad are good players, of good character and with decent skills. Give them the chance to grow , learn and prosper from experience. A squad should always be a dynamic thing , always looking to bring in new energy , always striving to improve - but not at the expense of ignoring the potential we have already got... now that would be criminal.


Good post min. Time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get back to supporting the team. Onwards and upwards.

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so, some of you are ok with things again already?


You don't have to be "OK with things" to decide you want to back your team.


There's little else, short of apathy, left.


I am already caring a bit less than I did last season, and the season before that in turn.


But at least we don't have Mark Kerr and Gary McDonald in midfield. :sheepdance:


I believe Brown and Knox are taking the club in the right direction, just that the journey is proving more difficult than they and many others hoped.


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" - and there are plenty of good intentions around - all we need to find is fork that will take us onto the road to Damascus instead. :scarf:

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"I've heard from many and varied sources that most of the squad are good players, of good character and with decent skills. Give them the chance to grow , learn and prosper from experience. A squad should always be a dynamic thing , always looking to bring in new energy , always striving to improve - but not at the expense of ignoring the potential we have already got... now that would be criminal."


The only player and i mean the only player who is playing above himself is big Isaac, the rest have been very very substandard.


This is the poorest overall squad we have ever had, there is not one player of genuine quality in the team.

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so, some of you are ok with things again already?





No...and neither did I mean to sound complacent.....you imagined that. I was NOT being complacent.



I think the words 'dynamic' and 'continuous improvement' should have suggested that.



Getting rid of managers and players has been tried and found wanting.....not to mention costing us dear.

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No...and neither did I mean to sound complacent.....you imagined that. I was NOT being complacent.



I think the words 'dynamic' and 'continuous improvement' should have suggested that.



Getting rid of managers and players has been tried and found wanting.....not to mention costing us dear.



We can't continue with the status quo tho.


Current crowds, squad, results = relegation and the club almost deid.

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I think a bigger shock than any of the cup games was a sage, sanguine old stager such as you are Phoen, getting manhandled off the Prince of Wales premises for ill-manneredness and intimidation of young female members of staff, I hear she shit hersel when your false teeth fell into the whisky you'd been havering down your chin, tut tut.

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