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Car Insurance


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Think she tried that to begin with when renewing(prior to us getting married) and ended up going with the current lot as they were the cheapest. Away to phone them after work and question it though as apparently the woman on the phone basically said "computer says it's

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If it's a renewal a price hike is normal as prices have increased by about 25% across the board due to women drivers being classified the same as men where in previous years they were getting cheaper insurance.


Women like men.


If it's simply went up because she's changed her name half way through a policy then you're getting fleeced and there is no justification for the increase.


Which one is it?


The latter. She's changing her name on everything, phoned up thinking it'd be straightforward and was told it'd be

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Think she tried that to begin with when renewing(prior to us getting married) and ended up going with the current lot as they were the cheapest. Away to phone them after work and question it though as apparently the woman on the phone basically said "computer says it's

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Aye - get cheap deal through comparethemarket first time around then when comes to renewal (normally automatic renewal) they bump up the price to make up for cheap deal the year before!!


I don't think she'd mind too much if they were saying come the time for renewal that it was more expensive, that'd be justified seeing as she got a cheap deal originally, but for it to bump up purely because of a change in marital status?

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I don't think she'd mind too much if they were saying come the time for renewal that it was more expensive, that'd be justified seeing as she got a cheap deal originally, but for it to bump up purely because of a change in marital status?



It might have went up a little because she's married depending on how they classify drivers. Is a married person more likely to have an accident.


It won't be 100 quid worth of risk though.


If they won't back down then don't change the policy and get the wife to keep her maiden name. In Scotland you can call yourself anything you want legally without charge as long as it's not for defrauding banking institutes.


If she had a crash the insurance would still pay out. :thumbs:


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock



More linkage


I know this to be true as my wife kept her maiden name as she's a teacher and kept the title Miss ****** (although she changed the Miss to Mrs) but on her banking details and passport and so on she's Mrs Boofon.


She pranged last year and wrote the car off. Insurance had her as her maiden name and not as Mrs Boofon. Driving licence was Mrs Boofon.


Same woman and it's the driving licence number insurance companies use.


If they insist on the increase in premium just hang up and don't contact them again.

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It might have went up a little because she's married depending on how they classify drivers. Is a married person more likely to have an accident.


It won't be 100 quid worth of risk though.


If they won't back down then don't change the policy and get the wife to keep her maiden name. In Scotland you can call yourself anything you want legally without charge as long as it's not for defrauding banking institutes.


If she had a crash the insurance would still pay out. :thumbs:


Princess Consuela Banana Hammock


I know this to be true as my wife kept her maiden name as she's a teacher and kept the title Miss ****** (although she changed the Miss to Mrs) but on her banking details and passport and so on she's Mrs Boofon.


She pranged last year and wrote the car off. Insurance had her as her maiden name and not as Mrs Boofon. Driving licence was Mrs Boofon.


Same woman and it's the driving licence number insurance companies use.


If they insist on the increase in premium just hang up and don't contact them again.


Not 100% sure if she's went through with changing it, she just said how much the increase was. I'll give them a phone after work and query it. Cheers for the advice regardless :thumbs:

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Not 100% sure if she's went through with changing it, she just said how much the increase was. I'll give them a phone after work and query it. Cheers for the advice regardless :thumbs:


If she hasn't done it then there is absolutely no need to.


Get them to fuck.


Which company is it out of interest? I feel an email coming on on your behalf and a letter to the insurance ombudsman.


Complaints department

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If she hasn't done it then there is absolutely no need to.


Get them to fuck.


Which company is it out of interest? I feel an email coming on on your behalf and a letter to the insurance ombudsman.


Complaints department


It's Yes Insurance, never heard of them until she told me the name but I guess that's what you get on these price comparison sites.


There'll be an irate phone call on my/her behalf to accompany your email!

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It's Yes Insurance, never heard of them until she told me the name but I guess that's what you get on these price comparison sites.


There'll be an irate phone call on my/her behalf to accompany your email!


If you haven't paid then do nothing


Don't change the name. When the insurance runs out ensure you don't use them again.


Definitely trying to shaft you over this.

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In that case split up with her immediately.


A scatter cash wife is the last thing you need. She should also be asking permission from her husband before making any sort of financial decision.


Get her telt.


It's her money, doesn't affect my wallet :thumbs: but I'll no doubt get it in the ear if the price stays as it is.

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