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United Gave Me Wrong Treatment For Knee Injury, Says Hargreaves

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United gave me wrong treatment for knee injury, says Hargreaves

Friday, 23 September 2011



Owen Hargreaves has claimed Manchester United prescribed the wrong treatment for his knee condition and reduced him to feeling that he was "made out of glass" before he left the club to rebuild his career at Manchester City.



Hargreaves, whose 57-minute display and goal against Birmingham City in the Carling Cup on Wednesday night hinted that City might have pulled off a masterstroke by signing him, said he had sought medical opinion since leaving Old Trafford which had told him that prolotherapy injections used on his knees were "absolutely" the wrong treatment.


The treatment, which involves injecting glucose into the ligaments to stimulate the growth of new fibres, had "side effects" which made his knee tendons "significantly worse", said Hargreaves, who admitted the course of treatment was embarked upon at a time when he, United and England were desperate to see him back playing.



Hargreaves eventually underwent surgery on his left knee in November 2008 after a scan by Colorado specialist Richard Steadman detected dead tissue. After two months' recovery time, Steadman operated on the right knee the following January.


"They [united's medical staff] said it [prolotherapy treatment] would help and that I wouldn't have any side effects from the injections," Hargreaves said. "That obviously wasn't the case and if I'd known I could have had a reaction like that, I wouldn't have done it. It's my career, I'm in it. I'm trying to get all this information. I'm hearing about tendons and before I didn't know its real function. It was a s**t position to be in."











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If the Man Utd medical staff told you if you got those injections you would be fine, would you not believe and trust their "expert" opinion?


Call me gullible but I would.

Correct, they thought it was the best course of action to take and obviously they saught the best possible advise on how to treatment, if hargreaves was in any doubt about it there was nothing stopping him from getting a second opinion on it.

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He's Canadian.


Well if by that you mean he was born in Canada, then yes, you're right.


However, he has English blood coursing through his veins.


Ergo, to my mind, he's an English cunt.


Couple that with the fact he plays for the guffs, and it's fairly cut and dried, English, no bones about it, Hargreaves hardly sounds German does it?

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<BR>Correct, they thought it was the best course of action to take and obviously they saught the best possible advise on how to treatment, if hargreaves was in any doubt about it there was nothing stopping him from getting a second opinion on it.<BR>



If you take prescription drugs , do you get a second opinion...or simply trust your doctor ? I wish I'd researched a bit more and got a second opinion before taking statins. I did ask my GP if the drug was safe and was reassured that it was risk free( ! ). But now he's not so sure and has taken me off them( after 4 years ). The muscular pain is still there after 6 months off this cholesterol lowering prescription drug.


My point , and it's a big one , especially the older we get and rely more on drugs to ease the ageing process , is that not all medicines , drugs and inoculations prescribed by our doctors are fit for purpose. Too many of them are ok if right for 999 out of 1000 people. If you are that 1 unfortunate out of 1000 , it can be disastrous. These are the ones that actually do something , too many of them do nothing , or worse.....and might as well go down the pot.


But Big Pharma is big money...and big money does not change it's mind willingly. They'd prefer Joe Public remained in the dark.

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If you take prescription drugs , do you get a second opinion...or simply trust your doctor ? I wish I'd researched a bit more and got a second opinion before taking statins. I did ask my GP if the drug was safe and was reassured that it was risk free( ! ). But now he's not so sure and has taken me off them( after 4 years ). The muscular pain is still there after 6 months off this cholesterol lowering prescription drug.


My point , and it's a big one , especially the older we get and rely more on drugs to ease the ageing process , is that not all medicines , drugs and inoculations prescribed by our doctors are fit for purpose. Too many of them are ok if right for 999 out of 1000 people. If you are that 1 unfortunate out of 1000 , it can be disastrous. These are the ones that actually do something , too many of them do nothing , or worse.....and might as well go down the pot.


But Big Pharma is big money...and big money does not change it's mind willingly. They'd prefer Joe Public remained in the dark.



Two a day Phoen. No muscle pain issues and you'll be fit as a fiddle.

Plant sterols

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Take no drugs whatsoever fae the doctor, he's a scheister, in it for himself, and the drugs dinna work as Richard Ashcroft can testify.


And dinna take any of this herbal pish boofon recommends, mumbo jumbo, utter nonsense.


Have some porridge in the morning, puts hairs on your chest, and then eat as much meat as you can and to hell with vegetables and fruit and all that shite, glorified water, does you no good.


Then you'll grow up big and strong like me.

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Been happening for years - Man Utd were pumping their players full of cortisone back in the 1960's to allow them to play on injured; many of the players are now crocks as a result.


I say Man U but I'm sure everybody was at it - Doctors are employed by a club who's primary focus is results, not neccesarily their own players long term health.

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Take no drugs whatsoever fae the doctor, he's a scheister, in it for himself, and the drugs dinna work as Richard Ashcroft can testify.


And dinna take any of this herbal pish boofon recommends, mumbo jumbo, utter nonsense.


Have some porridge in the morning, puts hairs on your chest, and then eat as much meat as you can and to hell with vegetables and fruit and all that shite, glorified water, does you no good.


Then you'll grow up big and strong wi' a heid fu' o' mince like me.

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Mince is also good news, ye canna whack a pan o' mince.


You should do a YouTube video of yersel robot dancing on a treadmill Phoen, just to show thon doctor that his pills are not required and that you're pissed off he even gave them to you in the first place, tout yourself for a new doctor.

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Take no drugs whatsoever fae the doctor, he's a scheister, in it for himself, and the drugs dinna work as Richard Ashcroft can testify.


And dinna take any of this herbal pish boofon recommends, mumbo jumbo, utter nonsense.


Have some porridge in the morning, puts hairs on your chest, and then eat as much meat as you can and to hell with vegetables and fruit and all that shite, glorified water, does you no good.


Then you'll grow up big and strong wi' a heid fu' o' mince like me.


:laughing: :laughing:


Minami high EPA content


One of these popped daily will also ensure you're heart is beating until you're deid.


Clearly just eating fresh oily fish is better than having to use supplements for omega 3 but that's not always possible.


Watch for cheap and nasty Omega 3 supplements as the EPA content in them is generally pretty low.

Those bad boys are super charged.

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You have to question when this 'industry' cropped up though.


What happened before that?


Did people just not bother, and die?


Or were they healthy anyway?




A bit of both to be fair.


Eating the right diet and getting the right things into your body means no need for supplements.


However in my case I can only eat what's in front of me for 3/4 of the year and as I don't get the option of fresh oily fish every day I have to help my body along the way.


At home I don't take the two things above as I can source them naturally through my own selection of foods. Out here I have everything cooked for me and it's take it or leave it. There is enough healthy food for me to have a decently balanced diet but these assist with what's missing.


Years ago we had a better eating lifestyle with no McDonald's or Burger King.


However years ago we also had people dropping dead all the time at an early age because of poor diet and lack of understanding of what was actually happening.


Swings and roundabouts. We now have the knowledge to help our bodies if we decide to do so or we can carry on regardless.


I'd never try and tell someone to do something they didn't want to do but hopefully advice given is occasionally picked up on and utilised.

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Thanks for all the health tips guys. I will have to refine my own judgement by experiencing how my body copes with your suggestions.


tup , you may be covering all the bases by what you've got on the plate in front of you , and I believe food(natural) selection is the right way to go about it. Trouble is , intensive farming has removed much of the good stuff from the soil , now replaced by chemical fertilisers , ergo nutrition by food alone cannot be guaranteed everwhere , making reliable supplements desirable.



boofon , I try to get my omegas naturally( from fish ) but I might take your advice ; mind you , one box of your omegas would buy me 5 fish suppers.....without the accompanying pleasure.


Here's my tip for today - liquid sunshine or.....liquid vitamin D3( Wellesse ). I noticed this stuff on Amazon for

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