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Time To Unite!

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!


Enabling the people who run the club hasn't worked for almost two decades.


Not going to work now.

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sorry, i cant agree with this. ive been a big advocate of getting behind the team in the past and its never made a difference.


its sad because arnasson and osbourne arent going to sign extensions without good reason and most seasons, the support we give home and away is one of the only good things about this club. theyll do well to get that this season.


the club has to win us back over before we start trying to win the players over.


so id bet were probably going to lose our 2 best players in july because of the mess the rest have gotten us into.

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!

Fuck the going to the game...doon the boozer drink the entrance fee and head down to Todders and give the cu*t pelters as he leaves

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Enabling the people who run the club hasn't worked for almost two decades.


Not going to work now.



When have we actualy tried to get any sort of change to happen at the club? Apart from calling for managers to be sacked! And that worked time after time.

Look at Celtic back in the 90s. They went about it the right way. They made the right noises and brought their anger into the public eye. Sitting on a PC typing that you cant stand the way our club is heading is going to do nothing.


If change is what we are looking for then me need to be bold.

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!


Always likely to be a few out there whose glasses are still half full. I doubt whether the rest have got the energy left to care.


A well meaning, but otherwise naive post. Almost touching in a way.

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Always likely to be a few out there whose glasses are still half full. I doubt whether the rest have got the energy left to care.


A well meaning, but otherwise naive post. Almost touching in a way.



Aye but I bet they have the energy to care when we hit March and we have to start to win games to stay up. Might be too late then.

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!



15+ years of pish.


That ship has sailed!

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When have we actualy tried to get any sort of change to happen at the club? Apart from calling for managers to be sacked! And that worked time after time.

Look at Celtic back in the 90s. They went about it the right way. They made the right noises and brought their anger into the public eye. Sitting on a PC typing that you cant stand the way our club is heading is going to do nothing.


If change is what we are looking for then me need to be bold.


Marty, thats an interesting example. Can you explain what you mean because I don't really recall the fans at Celtic doing much other than hardly any of them turned up for 20 years?

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!



Not gonna happen. Apathy rules.

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Marty, thats an interesting example. Can you explain what you mean because I don't really recall the fans at Celtic doing much other than hardly any of them turned up for 20 years?



The season before McCann took over at Celtic the average attendace was 22,600 This was not far off the average all through out the 70s and 80s peaking at around 30,000 So yes they did vote with their feet to some extent.


But what I was refering to was the regular gatherings outside Parkhead, banners, leaflets etc. This did bring their anger into the spotlight. They were on the news. In the national papers. Getting there voices heard!


Alot better than "Oh well our teams pish. We have no money and our ground is falling to bits. Lets go type a post and see if everyone agrees with me" This gets nothing done.


I am just as bad as most at doing nothing but moan and feel very angry about what is happening to my team. But something needs to be done.

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The season before McCann took over at Celtic the average attendace was 22,600 This was not far off the average all through out the 70s and 80s peaking at around 30,000 So yes they did vote with their feet to some extent.


But what I was refering to was the regular gatherings outside Parkhead, banners, leaflets etc. This did bring their anger into the spotlight. They were on the news. In the national papers. Getting there voices heard!


Alot better than "Oh well our teams pish. We have no money and our ground is falling to bits. Lets go type a post and see if everyone agrees with me" This gets nothing done.


I am just as bad as most at doing nothing but moan and feel very angry about what is happening to my team. But something needs to be done.



Aye but you wanted us to pay and watch that pish.

No way min!


Also fuck off re Tim love shyte.

We are not the same as those weegie/irish/morons.

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Aye but you wanted us to pay and watch that pish.

No way min!


Also fuck off re Tim love shyte.

We are not the same as those weegie/irish/morons.



Thats intelligent. Not got "Tim love Shite." Just using them as a way to show what can be done if fans unite and let the board know what they are thinking.


Correct we are not the same as them. We are better in every way! That is why I can not stand our club slipping further behind them.

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I like the sentiment, but it's unlikely to work. Everytime Aberdeen have been on a downer and we end up getting a big crowd for say, a Huns game or a semi final etc, we fuck it up. We let down the fans badly all the time, so I think most of us are just not bothering anymore. For example, you bought a TV from Sony and it turned out to be faulty and not up to standards, you would take it back and maybe get another one. If that one ended up being the same, faulty and not working correctly...you'd MAYBE get a sony replacement...but you'd likely not bother. This is what AFC have done for years, except for the odd few games (Copenhagen, Bayern, last game of season against the huns for Europe spot)

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When have we actualy tried to get any sort of change to happen at the club? Apart from calling for managers to be sacked! And that worked time after time.

Look at Celtic back in the 90s. They went about it the right way. They made the right noises and brought their anger into the public eye. Sitting on a PC typing that you cant stand the way our club is heading is going to do nothing.


If change is what we are looking for then me need to be bold.


I wasn't talking about change, I was talking about enabling.


To let you understand, the only thing the guys in charge of our club give a fuck about is cash. This has been beautifully illustrated in the past few days, with Milne himself coming out in a desperate attempt to look interested, knowing that the already piss poor crowds will fall even further.


The club has been enabled for the better part of two decades by fans continuing to turn up, regardless of the reduction in quality of the playing staff year upon year. Now it's getting to the stage where the team will be playing to empty houses and suddenly Milne 'cares' again.


The time for enabling is at an end. The club is circling the drain under Milne's tenure, we've won nothing during Milne's tenure, and we've repeatedly flirted with relegation under Milne's tenure. Further to that the club has diminished in size in relation to other Scottish clubs, Milne has turned the third biggest club into repeated relegation candidates and a joke club.


Money has been wasted repeatedly, tens of millions just pissed away with nothing to show for it... the decline of the club goes beyond the decline of Scottish football. We've declined more than most.


Continuing to attend matches mean nothing will change, because nothing has to change, in the board's eyes, for mugs to keep paying to see a team of third rate losers hump a ball around Pittodrie Stadium.


Only when the team runs out to an empty house will something genuinely be done... until then any change Milne or Duncan speaks of is nothing more than empty rhetoric or, at best, half-arsed temporary (and expensive) fixes, like sacking Paterson, Brown or McGhee.


An empty house sends a real message and demands real change.


Enabling does nothing but prolong the situation.

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I wasn't talking about change, I was talking about enabling.


To let you understand, the only thing the guys in charge of our club give a fuck about is cash. This has been beautifully illustrated in the past few days, with Milne himself coming out in a desperate attempt to look interested, knowing that the already piss poor crowds will fall even further.


The club has been enabled for the better part of two decades by fans continuing to turn up, regardless of the reduction in quality of the playing staff year upon year. Now it's getting to the stage where the team will be playing to empty houses and suddenly Milne 'cares' again.


The time for enabling is at an end. The club is circling the drain under Milne's tenure, we've won nothing during Milne's tenure, and we've repeatedly flirted with relegation under Milne's tenure. Further to that the club has diminished in size in relation to other Scottish clubs, Milne has turned the third biggest club into repeated relegation candidates and a joke club.


Money has been wasted repeatedly, tens of millions just pissed away with nothing to show for it... the decline of the club goes beyond the decline of Scottish football. We've declined more than most.


Continuing to attend matches mean nothing will change, because nothing has to change, in the board's eyes, for mugs to keep paying to see a team of third rate losers hump a ball around Pittodrie Stadium.


Only when the team runs out to an empty house will something genuinely be done... until then any change Milne or Duncan speaks of is nothing more than empty rhetoric or, at best, half-arsed temporary (and expensive) fixes, like sacking Paterson, Brown or McGhee.


An empty house sends a real message and demands real change.


Enabling does nothing but prolong the situation.




All your points regarding wasted money and what Milne has done to our club are correct and agreed upon by most sensible AFC fan. But have to disagree with the notion of do not turn up and the board will get the massage. This makes AFC less money that in turn makes us less attractive to anyone who might (and I mean might) be interested in putting money in should Milne finally get the message and look to sell. He has already stated he would step down should a buyer come forward.


My take on it is make enough noise, get people from outside the club to listen to our grievances (media) and then we as fans have some power.


I won’t mention Celtic again as blueprint of how to protest but look at the way Liverpool fans group "Spirit of Shankly" arranged a demo against their board. It shows that if done correctly a protest/ demo can be very effective without hurting the club. Smaller clubs than ours have managed to arrange similar demos that have turned out to have a positive effect on how their clubs were run.


By not turning up and supporting the team this just pushes us further and further back. And lets everyone outside Aberdeen have a giggle at how far we have fallen.



It hurts having to watch the Dons every week should they lose or draw against supposedly lower rate opposition. But I won’t change and I live in hope the board does!!

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I wasn't talking about change, I was talking about enabling.


To let you understand, the only thing the guys in charge of our club give a fuck about is cash. This has been beautifully illustrated in the past few days, with Milne himself coming out in a desperate attempt to look interested, knowing that the already piss poor crowds will fall even further.


The club has been enabled for the better part of two decades by fans continuing to turn up, regardless of the reduction in quality of the playing staff year upon year. Now it's getting to the stage where the team will be playing to empty houses and suddenly Milne 'cares' again.


The time for enabling is at an end. The club is circling the drain under Milne's tenure, we've won nothing during Milne's tenure, and we've repeatedly flirted with relegation under Milne's tenure. Further to that the club has diminished in size in relation to other Scottish clubs, Milne has turned the third biggest club into repeated relegation candidates and a joke club.


Money has been wasted repeatedly, tens of millions just pissed away with nothing to show for it... the decline of the club goes beyond the decline of Scottish football. We've declined more than most.


Continuing to attend matches mean nothing will change, because nothing has to change, in the board's eyes, for mugs to keep paying to see a team of third rate losers hump a ball around Pittodrie Stadium.


Only when the team runs out to an empty house will something genuinely be done... until then any change Milne or Duncan speaks of is nothing more than empty rhetoric or, at best, half-arsed temporary (and expensive) fixes, like sacking Paterson, Brown or McGhee.


An empty house sends a real message and demands real change.


Enabling does nothing but prolong the situation.



Ke1t just noticed that you dont live in Aberdeen? If this is not the case then I appologise. Although I realise people work/live abroad it does make your choice to boycott games an easy option. Great you still show an interest in the club but if they had been sitting 3rd in the league and still in the cup you would still probably not be going to the Pars game.


My post was aimed at those who would have been going to the game but under the current curcumstances where thinking against it.

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!



Na. Its one humiliation too far for me. I've lost faith. It ain't gonna come back for a long time.....if ever.

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Ke1t just noticed that you dont live in Aberdeen? If this is not the case then I appologise. Although I realise people work/live abroad it does make your choice to boycott games an easy option. Great you still show an interest in the club but if they had been sitting 3rd in the league and still in the cup you would still probably not be going to the Pars game.


My post was aimed at those who would have been going to the game but under the current curcumstances where thinking against it.


Whether I live in the city or not is irrelevant... I can still have an opinion on what goes on regarding AFC.


I usually subscribe to Red TV (have just decided not to renew for the first time since it started) buy merchandise (Bought half what I usually do this year), arrange my entire trip home around Aberdeen games (Didn't go to a single game this trip)... and since I AM In town for the Dunfermline game I most certainly [DO] have the option of boycotting the team.


But if your post was aimed at those who would have been going to the game then, yeah, I qualify as someone your post was aimed at.


Incidentally, I haven't yet decided whether I'm going or not.


Leaning very heavily towards not going....

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After reading the posts regarding a boycott of the Pars game I feel we should do the opposite.


A large (noisy) home support will show the players just what they could get to play in front of if they pulled the fingers out.


Before and after the game should be the time to voice our anger at Mr. Milne and the board. Sitting writing about in on here and other sites is pointless. If they see just what fan power we have and how we are all feeling they (might) start to realise just what this club means to all of us.


If we want the board to listen we need to let them hear us first.


Stand Free!!


good luck, im sure mr milne will be delighted.

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