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Everyone Post A Picture Of Your Desktop

Big Man

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On my work computer I have 5 European Cups and a Liverpool scarf draped round them.


On this computer, it's the missus so it's some funky rainbow colours.


Nae interesting, couldn't be assed posting picture.


Get they pictures up roberto min!


Its nae meant to be interesting - its a window into your mind...



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I have no idea how to take a picture of a desktop.


It's nae that hard when you know how.

(Windows Only!)

1- Get onto your desktop screen

2- Press the button marked "Prt Scr" (on laptops you may have to get it via holding Shift if it's the top writing on a button)

3- Open "Paint" in the "Accessories" bit of yer Start Menu.

4- Make the white area as big as possible by dragging the wee blue tag at the bottom to the furthest right you can manage. You're making a big area for the graphics to fit in.

5- Select "Edit" fae the bar at the top, then "Paste", your desktop should pop straight into the white area.

6- Now save your picture and upload it to here via whatever means you use to get your stuff on the site


Like so, wi this Simpsons parody o Halo..........



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It's nae that hard when you know how.

(Windows Only!)

1- Get onto your desktop screen

2- Press the button marked "Prt Scr" (on laptops you may have to get it via holding Shift if it's the top writing on a button)

3- Open "Paint" in the "Accessories" bit of yer Start Menu.

4- Make the white area as big as possible by dragging the wee blue tag at the bottom to the furthest right you can manage. You're making a big area for the graphics to fit in.

5- Select "Edit" fae the bar at the top, then "Paste", your desktop should pop straight into the white area.

6- Now save your picture and upload it to here via whatever means you use to get your stuff on the site


Like so, wi this Simpsons parody o Halo..........




Ain't got windows...


Anyway, this is my current background. I change it quite often though.




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