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Binge Drinking

Big Man

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There was an interesting question posed in todays sunday paper. It went something along the lines of:


''Why do intelligent young woman who are nurses, teachers and mothers drink themselves to oblivion every nicht across Britain?''


Ignoring the obvious paradox(s) contained within the question, how would you answer this?


Here are some pictures to help get the old grey matter fired up:













I'll post my thoughts when were off and running...

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Why the pictures?

These just look like young student types to me. Not professionals out in the piss every night with work the next day. Such middle class people are staying in and embracing wine o'clock.


I think that's kind of the point MDAL. Believe it or not those are pictures of young nurses, teachers and mothers....



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Can you nae be a nurse or teacher at 21?


Some of those munters look older than that to me.


I think so. But what I'm saying is I bet these people in the pics are not teachers and nurses out on the piss when they have work the next day. They'll be students or just your typical youngsters out on a Sat night.

And imo none of them look older than 21.

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None of them look as old as myself or my 30 year old friends (cue aye but you look about 40 jokes)


I'm thinking a few of you have been caught out shagging under 16s as your judgements with regards to age are well off.


I think you're a bit out of touch MDAL.


There may be a few students in the background in the second from the bottom pic, but that's all.


Nurses and teachers the lot of them...

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I think you're a bit out of touch MDAL.


There may be a few students in the background in the second from the bottom pic, but that's all.


Nurses and teachers the lot of them...


Prove it??


Anyway my main point is that they will not be out every night of the week, getting wrecked like this and having work the next day. I bet this is a photo from High Street, Anytown on a Saturday night.

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Prove it??


Anyway my main point is that they will not be out every night of the week, getting wrecked like this and having work the next day. I bet this is a photo from High Street, Anytown on a Saturday night.


What are you getting bogged down in semantic arguements for. The pictures are irelevevant - they are just the pictures that were printed with the article...


Turning to your main point - you're right. We're talking about extreme binge drinking. Teachers, nurses and mothers who are sober as judges all week and then feel the need to let loose to the extreme on at a weekend...

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Back to the main point, I think there are three groups of women who do this.


1) Students (or at least that age), just ripping it up.


2) Older women, who hardly go out but when they do with "the girls" like to pretend they aren't old and can still have "fun".


3) Scum, who act as scum do.


I'm meaning the ones who get wreaked, not just few drams, but sitting down crying and all that.

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Back to the main point, I think there are three groups of women who do this.


1) Students (or at least that age), just ripping it up.


2) Older women, who hardly go out but when they do with "the girls" like to pretend they aren't old and can still have "fun".


3) Scum, who act as scum do.


I'm meaning the ones who get wreaked, not just few drams, but sitting down crying and all that.


don't men fall pretty much into the same three categories? (except the sitting down crying.. i've only seen women do that) and drink to excess as often?

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Yes they do, but we are talking exclusively about woman here - and there motivations for doing it...


it's my experience, the ones who end up crying in a heep were generally in a foul mood when the evening started. thinking an enormous amount of liquor would somehow make things better. and end up as you see them here. or with someone holding their hair back as they vomit.

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don't men fall pretty much into the same three categories? (except the sitting down crying.. i've only seen women do that) and drink to excess as often?


I'll discuss the majority group, group two (the others are fairly similar across the sexes and maybe even logical).


To be entirely honest I don't know many guys mid 20s plus who drink so much that they are sick on nights out, but I know some fairly sensible women who don't go out that much but when they do get mangled. I don't know why really. Women to me seem to be a bit more manic (in the words of Mr Sheen "only one gear, go!") especially in a crowd. Obviously guys are "pack animals" but a big group of girls on a night out... it's something to behold!


I dunno girls just tend to make a bigger deal about things like going out they plan it and stuff:


Guys "watch the game tuesday?"

Older 'girls' "maybe we can go out for band x/birthday x in 3 months?" cue massive snowball of other elements to 'the plan'


Then the night itself comes and none of you have done anything different since the afternoon when you last talked.


Guys "did you watch the game?" or "want to put a quid each in the sh-it box" (ken the who wants to be a millionaire game things)

Girls....? No idea what they talk about but I'm damn sure it starts off an anti-climax (compared to their massive plan) and so they drink to make it fun, then opps drank a bit too much (maybe because they dinna drink that often I'll concede).

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I'll discuss the majority group, group two (the others are fairly similar across the sexes and maybe even logical).


To be entirely honest I don't know many guys mid 20s plus who drink so much that they are sick on nights out, but I know some fairly sensible women who don't go out that much but when they do get mangled. I don't know why really. Women to me seem to be a bit more manic (in the words of Mr Sheen "only one gear, go!") especially in a crowd. Obviously guys are "pack animals" but a big group of girls on a night out... it's something to behold!


the majority group? so by OLDER, you mean women in their 20s? :hysterical:


i'd agree you're right about women en masse. they're completely different animals from how most of them act on their own or just out with a friend. i'd argue many times, there's definitely a sense of "letting loose", and due to lack of practice, good judgement or being egged on by friends, it can get past the point, fairly quickly.


that said, i don't know that many women that drink so much they're sick.. or at least not more than men i knew when i was younger. the inability to hold your liquor -- in either sex -- is pretty unattractive. :(

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Yes they do, but we are talking exclusively about woman here - and there motivations for doing it...


Their motivations:


- Peer pressure

- Mundane people trying create an aura of interestingness...

- Addiction

- Idea of cutting loose

- So they have something to blame for what they wake up with the next morning

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