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Black Sabbath


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Imo, it all rests on whether they could produce a cracking album. That depends on Tony and Geezer, because Ozzy, while one of the best showmen ever, was never a great (or even prolific) songwriter. Despite the band's name change to "Heaven and Hell" for legal reasons, the last album The Devil You Know was an absolute belter and proved why Ronnie Dio was one of Metal's greatest ever singers, if not THE greatest.


There will be some deluded muppets (i.e. Ozzy fanboys) who will say that the original line-up being together again can and will do no wrong, but Maiden blew them offstage every night on the Ozzfest several years back and Ozzy was past it then, as a live performer. He'll be no better now. So... it all hinges on an album, imo, and I have my doubts that the chemistry is there anymore. They went out on a high with Dio. They should leave it at that. After all, if they couldn't get an album together when they tried back in 1997 and beyond, what makes anyone think they can now?


(PS. those who only bother with the original line-up should bear in mind that not only were the last Ozzy-fronted Sabbath albums crap, but he was dragging them down live as well - Van Halen opened for them on their 1978 tour and blew them offstage every single night - even Sabbath themselves admit that! Most importantly, the first 2 Dio fronted albums, Heaven and Hell and Mob Rules were the 3rd and 4th best selling of their career, outselling six of the eight Ozzy-fronted albums and despite HUGE competition in 1980 and 1981 from some of the best rock/metal albums ever. De-humanizer in 1992 was no slouch either and is probably their heaviest album ever).

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I'd maybe try and get tickets if it happened but i remember when they got back the first time round and headlined Ozzfest, fuck knows when but it was a fair while ago and even then Ozzy looked like he needed medical aid to get through the show i think he would probably die live on stage if they did it again.


If we're speaking reunions the only ones that would get me going would be Sepultura classic line up, Skid Row with Sebastian Bach and Dimebag rising from the grave and Pantera going out for a shindig, i'd probably sell my family for tickets to that one.


Sepultura...totally agree. Bring back this band and I'll wet myself. Seen them live many years ago just after Arise came out. They kick as live. Went to see Soulfly a couple of years ago and they were stunning. They played a few Sepultura classics including 'Inner Self' & 'Chaos AD'.


Would love Sabbat with Sneap & Walkier to return and Acid Reign \m/

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Did I not read in Metal Hammer a few months back that Max was trying to get something together.


Had a long drive the other day and stuck them on along with Pantera for a bit of nostalgia


Forgot how many fuck-tastic tunes they both had


Desperate Cry, and Mouth for War, nothing comes close nowadays except maybe Throwdown :P


Sabbath, well good luck to em. like my good freind pisspipes i would toddle along to the gig get bladdered and come away telling everyone it was the bestest gig EVER


I would even buy a t-shirt

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I prefer Sabbath with Ozzy's vocals.


Fair enough saying they sold more albums when Dio joined, but that just means they were commercially better. Take That have possibly sold more albums than Sabbath, don't mean they're better, means they are popular at the right time n place.


Respectfully, you miss my point. I take nothing away from the original line-up (in fact, Master of Reality and Paranoid, their two biggest sellers, are my favourite Sabbath albums) but all I'm saying is that it irks me when people dismiss the other eras (hell, even the one album they did with Ian Gillan, just prior to his reforming Deep Purple, was an excellent album, apart from the disappointingly thin production) and think that Ozzy alone is Sabbath. He has never been a major contributer to their songwriting, hence why I said this all hinges on Geezer and Tony and whether they feel they can pull it off.


I do take your point about the commercial aspect, as Rainbow sold more albums with Graham Bonnet and Joe Lynn Turner, but ask ANY diehard fan and they'll tell you Ronnie Dio was and always will be, the definitive voice of Rainbow. Nevertheless, you cannot say that the Dio Sabbath albums were more commercial than the Ozzy era (as I said, Dehumanizer was arguably their heaviest album ever). They were faster, yet also more varied and, lyrically, more involving. In short, Ronnie came in and totally revitalised their flagging career and unlike many early 70's bands, they stood up loud and proud among the new challengers like Maiden, Priest, AC/DC, etc. etc.


Put simply, Ozzy is a showman. A damn great one, too. However Ronnie Dio was technically the far superior singer. I love both line-ups in their own unique ways, but feel a reunion now would be an anti-climax after the stunning album and tours they did with Dio between 2007 and 2009.

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I see, cheers for clearing that up.


Dio is technically a better singer, but Ozzy has that unique voice. For me Ozzy's voice has a tone of being lost n lonely, that for me suited Sabbaths early darker sound.


In terms of being live I think they'll struggle. Really hope if they do a studio album that they can capture a little of the old magic

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