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Bbc Frozen Planet


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Any watch it last night?


Cracking programme. :thumbs:

Which BBC channel is it on? Really enjoy these types of programmes


Sorry, no.


Have I ever told you I don't watch television?

Who gives a fuck


Very impressive - killer whales working together to catch the seal - thought it was great how they did that.


Planet Earth box set is also very good - another Attenborough programme.

An excellent boxset :thumbup1:

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The intelligence of the killer whales was great to watch although you had to feel for the seal as they were just playing with it in the end. Aren't killer whales actually just big dolphins and not whales at all?


The bison were right selfish c*nts, they could have saved the one that got chomped by the wolves.

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Aye the look on that wee seals face as the killer whale dragged it off the ice flow by its flipper.... "Oh F_UCK".... priceless...

Nature at its finest.


That bit got me. It thought it'd gotten to a safe point, but as has been said the KW were only toying with it.

The look on the Seals face and it's deep black orbs for eyes looking straight into the camera as it was pulled under.

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Nature at its finest.


That bit got me. It thought it'd gotten to a safe point, but as has been said the KW were only toying with it.

The look on the Seals face and it's deep black orbs for eyes looking straight into the camera as it was pulled under.

You had to feel for it, it didn't stand a chance. Anyway surely the seal wouldn't be much of a meal for a full pod of Orcas :checkit:

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Wouldn't say it justifies the licence, only covers up the shambles that is the BBC. One very good programme amongst utter crap is nothing surprising by this lot imo


You're right. I sort of meant it makes the licence money paid seem like not so bad a deal. They have some cracking programmes other than this one. A lot of crap as well though.

However as it's about a tenner a month for the licence fee it far outways value compared with 50 odd quid a month for Sky or whatever folk pay for a package these days.

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You're right. I sort of meant it makes the licence money paid seem like not so bad a deal. They have some cracking programmes other than this one. A lot of crap as well though.

However as it's about a tenner a month for the licence fee it far outways value compared with 50 odd quid a month for Sky or whatever folk pay for a package these days.

You could look at it that way right enough. Well i've got SKY and there are a lot of good programmes all over the place, particularly SKY 1.

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The intelligence of the killer whales was great to watch although you had to feel for the seal as they were just playing with it in the end. Aren't killer whales actually just big dolphins and not whales at all?


The bison were right selfish c*nts, they could have saved the one that got chomped by the wolves.

Just watched it, the part with the Bisons got me a bit emo here, the way the bigger one just ruined the one being attacked, soo tragic yet not intentional.

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i have a ridiculous, inbuilt, "primal" fear of killer whales yes


and after watching what theyre now capable of in this programme...it makes it all the fuckin worse




I was up north, in the wilderness of outback Western Australia, over the weekend, and I saw a whale for the first time ever! Was a humpback whale and it was absolute huge! Was absolutely amazing!

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You're right. I sort of meant it makes the licence money paid seem like not so bad a deal. They have some cracking programmes other than this one. A lot of crap as well though.

However as it's about a tenner a month for the licence fee it far outways value compared with 50 odd quid a month for Sky or whatever folk pay for a package these days.


You lot don't realise how lucky you are.


Oor equivalent, NRK, has a good website and good on-demand online stuff. But, the actual tv output is chronic. The average age of viewers is 57. Young fowk widnae dream of watching it. The majority of programs are imported shite, and the domestic stuff is, often literally, amateur. Eh remember seeing briefly they were showing a play from a toon hall once.


For the privilege, we pay about

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