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Smelly Fuds

Big Man

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This conversation came up in our office today. How would you describe the smell of a vagina to someone that had never seen or smelled one before?


I realise all vagina's are different and there is a natural degree of variation in the population but try your best.


Anyway the best i could come up with was like the smell of a sweaty armpit but with a slight aroma of fish (most of the time).


Over to you...




p.s. feel free to post your nightmare stories about any particularly outrageous fuds you may have smelled.

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This conversation came up in our office today. How would you describe the smell of a vagina to someone that had never seen or smelled one before?


I realise all vagina's are different and there is a natural degree of variation in the population but try your best.


Anyway the best i could come up with was like the smell of a sweaty armpit but with a slight aroma of fish (most of the time).


Over to you...




p.s. fell free to post your nightmare stories about any particularly outrageous fuds you may have smelled.


It smells like the most magnificent thing you've ever smelled multiplied a a trillion trillion.


Tastes even better.

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Big Man...always insist on the fu*ker taking a shower before even thinking about going down south would be my advice...if you don't you could be in serious danger of losing yer lunch


A showered fud is a marvelous thing a sweaty minge is one of the most off putting thing known to man

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Big Man...always insist on the fu*ker taking a shower before even thinking about going down south would be my advice...if you don't you could be in serious danger of losing yer lunch


A showered fud is a marvelous thing a sweaty minge is one of the most off putting thing known to man


I agree, and by in large the current wife is pretty clean smelling - but back in the day when i was a student, there was many a time when you would take a quine back with you, get the knickers aff and she would be honkin (and more often than not hairy) down there.


If i'd of asked every cunt with a bit of a smell to take a shower first i would have got nowhere. Its just one of those things you have to put up with sometimes.


I agree with what you say about showered and odour neutral fuds - they are the greatest thing in the world...



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I agree, and by in large the current wife is pretty clean smelling - but back in the day when i was a student, there was many a time when you would take a quine back with you, get the knickers aff and she would be honkin (and more often than not hairy) down there.


If i'd of asked every cunt with a bit of a smell to take a shower first i would have got nowhere. Its just one of those things you have to put up with sometimes.


I agree with what you say about showered and odour neutral fuds - they are the greatest thing in the world...




Showered is without doubt best....one thing Bofoon forgot is that the "wrong un" is a matter of inches away and if that's not spotless....it can double the chances of the re-appearance of the 10 pints you just put doon yer neck!!-

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Aitkens Bakery

202 Holburn Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeen City AB10 6DA


01224 582567 ‎


Today's best comeback award goes to....


*opens envelope*


Boofon in 'Response to Aitken's Bakery' post


Unfortunately Boof can't be with us to collect his award as he's poncing around in an orchard with his ladyboy life partner.


Here to accept the award on his behalf is a rabbit with a pancake on its head.



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Showered is without doubt best....one thing Bofoon forgot is that the "wrong un" is a matter of inches away and if that's not spotless....it can double the chances of the re-appearance of the 10 pints you just put doon yer neck!!-


You clearly don't know me very well at all.


There is no such thing as a "wrong un" when it comes to holes in a female body regardless of how dangleberry encrusted they may be.

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F*ckin gaggin for one of their pies now...




Well fucking phone them. You've got their number.



Today's best comeback award goes to....


*opens envelope*


Boofon in 'Response to Aitken's Bakery' post


Unfortunately Boof can't be with us to collect his award as he's poncing around in an orchard with his ladyboy life partner.


Here to accept the award on his behalf is a rabbit with a pancake on its head.



Unfortunately I'm at work and surrounded by muslims. Can a have a pig on a pogo stick instead?

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Well fucking phone them. You've got their number.





Unfortunately I'm at work and surrounded by muslims. Can a have a pig on a pogo stick instead?


Do you work in a mosque?


Used to upset my Mulsim mate Falzio by asking him if he wanted to come down to Goals to kick the old 'pigskin' around. Good footballer... terrible at eating ham sandwiches.

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RGU Don is over there, although not seen him a while.....infact are you RGU Don?


To fuck working over there if there is no beak / heaps of drink and dangleberries hinging fae a techt arse of a stunner bird.


You dinna get muckle fun oar there I can imagine? A wank to Asian X-Factor as good as it gets?


I'm not RGU Don...some of what you say is true...plenty of bevy but none of the other...It's nae a bad place...I've been stuck in a lot worse...just don't fall foul of the local pigs...they're brutal

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RGU Don is over there, although not seen him a while.....infact are you RGU Don?


To fuck working over there if there is no beak / heaps of drink and dangleberries hinging fae a techt arse of a stunner bird.


You dinna get muckle fun oar there I can imagine? A wank to Asian X-Factor as good as it gets?


There is beak, heaps of drink and some cracking hairies.


Spent three years over there having a whale of a time.


I'll not go into dangleberry stories though as that didn't occur in Baku.

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On topics, it's like 3 day deep sweaty arm pit, but somehow dinna mind it (pheromones or something?), especially if drinking are in and I've got the horn. Get muching. tongue.gif


EDIT: Though having said that have been with a girl after a night out who had actually sweaty pits and it near gave me the boke just to be in the same bed.

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Used to see a burd who used cocoa butter on her skin and her minge tasted and smelled the same but with an added sweat aroma, Couldn't get enough of it. Sweaty chocolate I guess would be the description YUM!!!!


Did my time in putrid fannies too. Like B.O. but with a tang of bad cheese or fish


Seen dangle berries as big as minstrels but never really put me off I like fannies what can i say

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