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Watched the game over here in Baku and was appauled to see Makie even named as a sub let alone have the cu*t come on and cost us the game.

0-0 at half time and it seems fairly obvious that Broon (GWT) has instructed the team to play for a 0-0.

WTF was Mackie doing back in our box.....It was a pen for sure and I for 1 hope this idiot never pulls on the jersey again he's a fuc*ing liability and simply not good enough for AFC or for that matter anyone in the SPL....

Mackie is at best First Division fodder........I'm not quite sure why this idiot has still got a contract with us...and after todays display...his only contribution was to give away the pen.....it's looking very like an old boys/masonic appointment....we need to dump this cu*t at the first opportunity!!!

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worst striker in the history of our club, worst footballer of my generation. repeating ourselves may annoy some but it should continue in droves until lego man is told to piss off. fucking travisty he's still involved at our club and laughable he earns a crust playing football.

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It was a good first half display....but something happened a half time....I'm convinced the GWT told them to play for the draw...It backfired big time...Mackie has hopefully played his last game.... it was a dreadfull attempt at a tackle....and a stonewall pen....what a fu*king tit!!

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It was a good first half display....but something happened a half time....I'm convinced the GWT told them to play for the draw...It backfired big time...Mackie has hopefully played his last game.... it was a dreadfull attempt at a tackle....and a stonewall pen....what a fu*king tit!!


then you are completely deluded

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then you are completely deluded


Please explain...something was said at half time....that was evident....Broon is the most negitive fu*ker going.....thats not me thats from all that watched the game over here....Broon fu*ked up again...the tactics were very wrong....milsom off Mackie on....should have been Magenis....The GWT is fu*king hopeless....Yes/No??

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Please explain...something was said at half time....that was evident....Broon is the most negitive fu*ker going.....thats not me thats from all that watched the game over here....Broon fu*ked up again...the tactics were very wrong....milsom off Mackie on....should have been Magenis....The GWT is fu*king hopeless....Yes/No??

Agreed, tactics were poor fae the off, to play one striker with zero pace up front on his todd was never gonna threaten them then to play Mackie at left mid was just asking for trouble. Stick to 4-4-2 Craig!

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Benefited in the past from the fact that he tried unlike others, now shown up because now every cunt tries and is funnily enough better than him.


Should have been fucked off out of the door years ago.

Bri....he cost us a point today....It was a fu*king awful excuse for a tackle...

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..the tactics were very wrong....milsom off Mackie on....should have been Magenis....The GWT is fu*king hopeless....Yes/No??


I actually think it was right to go with 4-5-1, we don't have 2 decent strikers(if Vernon is injured), and if Arnie wasn't on a booking after a minute, and Milsom hadn't been booted by the wee shit that got his just desserts, things might have worked out differently. At the end of the day, despite the huns being shit, we need all our 11 to play well, and to many didn't. considine was superb, and I thought Foster did well, but Clark was dreadful, and Mackie well, its all been said about him, but even by his standards I would actually put that down as being his worst ever performance, we missed Jack and Pawlett, and as others have said our squad is threadbare. On top of that the game semed to pass Osbourne by, and Fallon had a thankless task, but his lack of pace is excruciating at times.

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worst striker in the history of our club, worst footballer of my generation. repeating ourselves may annoy some but it should continue in droves until lego man is told to piss off. fucking travisty he's still involved at our club and laughable he earns a crust playing football.



He is an absolute embarrassment of a footballer

Get this fucking cunt to fuck out of Pittodrie.

The tackle that cost us a penalty was nothing short of idiotic

His contribution elsewhere on the pitch was nil

Fuck off you chain smoking, useless cunt!

All you ever had in your so called fucking heyday was pace...that is gone....I wish to fuck you were too you fucking twat

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I have to laugh at those who still defend Calderwood, when one of his last major actions as AFC Manager was to award this joker a 3yr (yes, THREE MORE YEARS!) contract. At least Derek Dung was a half-decent (only half, mind) squad player. Mackie offers nothing of note.


I laugh that CB gave Clark 3yrs and I also laugh at the shocking players McGhee signed.

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i totally agree he is utter rhubarb and never enjoy seein him play. BUT to jive him so much for givin the penalty away is fuckin twatish! aye hes shit and aye he was shit again yesterday, but he had to try make some kind of challenge otherwise papac (granted not guaranteed he'd score) had a free slot at half an empty goal. if anyone tries to say they wouldnt have tried stop papac from shootin then theyr speakin fuckin bollocks and bein a tool.


but aye, hes mince and should be playin for montrose!

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i totally agree he is utter rhubarb and never enjoy seein him play. BUT to jive him so much for givin the penalty away is fuckin twatish! aye hes shit and aye he was shit again yesterday, but he had to try make some kind of challenge otherwise papac (granted not guaranteed he'd score) had a free slot at half an empty goal. if anyone tries to say they wouldnt have tried stop papac from shootin then theyr speakin fuckin bollocks and bein a tool.


but aye, hes mince and should be playin for montrose!



you are talking mince - he lost his man and was left trailing - he shouldnt have had to make that challenge if he'd half a football brain.

The guy offers us nothing now.

Get him to fuck out the door.

We are desperate up front - no-one on the bench

Magennis - headless chicken

Chalali - ditto

Mackie - enough has been said

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you are talking mince - he lost his man and was left trailing - he shouldnt have had to make that challenge if he'd half a football brain.

The guy offers us nothing now.

Get him to fuck out the door.

We are desperate up front - no-one on the bench

Magennis - headless chicken

Chalali - ditto

Mackie - enough has been said


how am i talkin mince you utter spaz?! aye iv agreed hes shit, hence how playin anywhere on the park, especially out wide, he is always out of position, which is how "he lost his man and was left trailing". my only point was that he had to try get something on the ball and any other player who lost his man and was chasing back would have tried. im nae stickin up for him min, just sayin id rather have a player try make a challenge than lettin an oppostion player have a free hit at a half open goal 8 yards inside the box.

cheers and thank you.

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Declan McManus is scoring for fun in the u19's. I'd rather see him get a chance over Mackie at the moment. Need to start looking at the future than playing that chain smoking waste of a wage.


never seen the guy play but i totally agree. id rather take a chance on a youngster a few times if hes playin well at his own level. give them a few chances to get used to first team action then use them the same way as the likes of mackie and magennis are being used now.

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you are talking mince - he lost his man and was left trailing - he shouldnt have had to make that challenge if he'd half a football brain.

The guy offers us nothing now.

Get him to fuck out the door.

We are desperate up front - no-one on the bench

Magennis - headless chicken

Chalali - ditto

Mackie - enough has been said



Not sure about Chalali being a headless chicken, I think hes got something about it. If vernon is out for a few games wouldnt mind seeing him up front with Fallon see how he does.

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never seen the guy play but i totally agree. id rather take a chance on a youngster a few times if hes playin well at his own level. give them a few chances to get used to first team action then use them the same way as the likes of mackie and magennis are being used now.


I think thats where we went wrong with the likes of McRobbie last few seasons too. We need to start blooding these lads at the top level.

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how am i talkin mince you utter spaz?! aye iv agreed hes shit, hence how playin anywhere on the park, especially out wide, he is always out of position, which is how "he lost his man and was left trailing". my only point was that he had to try get something on the ball and any other player who lost his man and was chasing back would have tried. im nae stickin up for him min, just sayin id rather have a player try make a challenge than lettin an oppostion player have a free hit at a half open goal 8 yards inside the box.

cheers and thank you.


Kinda missing my point....you "spaz"?! Never mind

He was lucky not to be sent off for denying a goal scoring opportunity.

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Kinda missing my point....you "spaz"?! Never mind

He was lucky not to be sent off for denying a goal scoring opportunity.


haha i think its more you missed my point mate. but aye never mind. if you read it properly youd kane fit i meant.

anyway at least i agree with you, he shudv walked. he should also walk away from afc and to someone else, january preferrably please Daz!

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haha i think its more you missed my point mate. but aye never mind. if you read it properly youd kane fit i meant.

anyway at least i agree with you, he shudv walked. he should also walk away from afc and to someone else, january preferrably please Daz!


Nobody would be daft enough to take Mackie sadly....unless Calderwood gets a gig.

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Not sure about Chalali being a headless chicken, I think hes got something about it. If vernon is out for a few games wouldnt mind seeing him up front with Fallon see how he does.

I agree. From what I have seen of Chalali, he looks more of a player than Vernon.


Keeping on with this 4-5-1 tactic is total sh!te. We've got to play 2 up front at least, nothing else.

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