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St Johnstone Game.

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Okay lets look at the next game??? We will be minus Milsom Jack Vernon Falloon more than likely pawlett,


So unless broon is senile he will play surely Chalali and Magennis up front and have Ozzie Arnie Clark and


Fyvie i'm the middle and of course we all know the back 4!! So in short i'm worried about the next game.


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Okay lets look at the next game??? We will be minus Milsom Jack Vernon Falloon more than likely pawlett,


So unless broon is senile he will play surely Chalali and Magennis up front and have Ozzie Arnie Clark and


Fyvie i'm the middle and of course we all know the back 4!! So in short i'm worried about the next game.

We don't know the extent of Vernon and Milsom's injuries to start with, don't sound too serious. Definitely be without Jack, Fallon and Pee Paw.




McArdle Mawene Considine Foster


Fyvie Osbourne Arnason Milsom


Vernon Chalali

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A few loans would fill out the squad nicely so we don't have to panick as soon as we lose one player.


Clark and Mackie aren't good enough for me


Yes i can't see anything other than Chalali and Magennis up front for the St Johnstone game if vern is fit it will

be him and Chalali, If brown goes for something like Mackie and Magennis then he is more daft than i thought,

its time for Chalali to get a start!!


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