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Do We Think The Spl Is A Corrupt League ?

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Celtic and Rangers fans at work burying their heads in the sand over numerous things over the years that have gone either un-noticed or un-punished.... So I thought I'd bring this to the forum


What's everyone's thoughts ? Since they seem to be the driving wedge of bringing down this league .......




1. Rangers were awarded "Family Club of the year" last season ... Seriously .. Not too much of a surprise given that the SPL ignored their sectarian signing policy for years. Nor is it a surprise that they've been investigated FIVE times in the last few years for racist and sectarian singing whilst the SPL and SFA have completely ignored their actions.



2. Back in the hay day of Mike McCurry at the hands of a Dundee Utd game, 2 blatant goals were dis-allowed ... Well done to Harry Potter for actually asking why turn up to the game when a chunt like that was in charge....... It's been happening for years but he's the first manager that actually turn the heat up for him to be "sidelined" never to be seen again ....


I could add a lot of Celtic stories as well ... But can't be ar*sed ... lol


In fact the sooner the SPL goes out of business the better, The well has now run dry and soon the backlash of what is and will always be a corrupt league will be finished.

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Yes the SPL is corrupt, but it's basically because the power is held by two clubs who are emblems of a much wider, and more sinister problem.


Namely religious intolerance which is expressed through terrorism.


So anyone who deigns to argue, as an individual, against them is subjected to harassment and possibly death threats, to the point where they lose the will to their argument.


Hence, people are afraid of challenging them.


So the only option as far as I can see is to eject them.

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The SPL is corrupt in the sense that it panders to the main money spinners of the teams viz the OF. They get more than the rub of the green. In return paradoxically the SPL gets told it is not enough of a challenge and the OF wants out (as do some but not all of their fans).


Would the SPL be perceived as corrupt if their was a more even power split amongst the teams - probably not as its vested interest would be to keep the majority happy. The only way to maintain this however is to even up the money so that no team or duo is dominant for too long. You can have your Fergie era and well run clubs but if everything else is pretty even the other teams can compete if they too are competant. It is money and its unequal distribution that has corrupted the SPL (and indeed other organisations) and it is highly improbable that it will be changeable with its current structure. Tups solution although potentially painful is one way to start the process but unless you deal with evening the finances we will be back to square one soon enough.

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My proposal of ejection would be done on the basis of a legal challenge to the cartel they have implemented.


Hence the alternative league to be formed would as it's very foundation have democracy and EQUAL DISTRIBUTION of income as it's principle article of association, hence negating the need to revisit the same argument down the line.

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Yes to the Title...I'm not sure the Tic are as guilty as the Hun...more guilty by association and size of club and support.

The Hun certainly have friends in high places (Masonic) and to that end the playing field is never level.

The only way to rid Scottish football of corruption is to bring an end to "the lightbringers"...and that ain't going to happen anytime soon...it's something we have to live with I'm affraid

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Westcoast SPL, westcoast SFL, westcoast refs, westcoast media. Zzzzzzzzz.


I wish the other SPL teams would stand up for themselves. The Old Firm need us more than we need them - its time someone with power realised this instead of sucking up to them.


We should be demanding a fairer slice of sponsorship & tv deals. If we don't get it - leave the SPL and start our own league. The Old Firm can just start the Old Firm Premier League and play each other about 40 times

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Essentially the SPL is a corrupt league because we live in a corrupt society, a corrupt country.


The media, SPL, SFA, the top clubs, players, refs, fans and so on are ALL corrupted by the pervasive, systematic, domination of 2 clubs and what they and there fans stand for.


IE Religious intolerence with a large helping of arrogant untouchability.


The end result as several have stated is Refs for the OF, a league ran for the OF, SFA so scared all decisions are made to pacify the OF and so.


In fact when you think about it even the police themselves cannot be trusted to behave appropriately because many of them will be avid OF fans and therefore tainted and blinded by the widely accepted attitudes of these clubs, players and fans.


The problem is this "accepted order" has been allowed to go unchallenged for so long people in this country will actually swear that it is ok to behave as these clubs, players, fans do. The reality is it really is not acceptable.


nothing will change until:

- OF clubs are challenged by the SFA to follow the same rules as everyone else and stop throwing their weight around to gain advantage

- OF clubs are challenged by the SPL to deal with the other clubs as equals within the organisation (divding money and power etc)

- OF players are challenged to be held to the same rules and expected behaviour by referees

- OF players are challenged by the media to realise they are not infallible, untouchable or above society

- Referees are challenged by the media/SFA/fans to do the job even handedly

- Media are challenged to see beyond the "any OF story is better than everything else" attitude

- Police are challenged by governmane to actually start "policing" the OF fans the same as anyone else rather than ignoring everything

- OF fans are challenged to behave like civilised people, drop the constant Sectarian bile they spew at every away game


I could go on....

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Yes to the Title...I'm not sure the Tic are as guilty as the Hun...

I disagree. Since the ginger nyaff took over I would argue the pressure the tims have put on refs and linesmen has reached new levels hitherto unknown in even the corrupt world of the sphell. Any decision that goes against them has turned into proof of some prodie related conspiracy to keep them down when any other fan of any other team bar their cunty cousins across the road can see the truth bears no hope for the future of the game in scotland. Games a complete bust and all teams bar the twa cheeks should resign fae the spl and start again and make them live by our rules and not the other way around.

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I'm not sure if it's corrupt or incredibly incompetent.


The media certainly don't want anything other than a Celtic-Rangers domination. I've yet to hear a single person suggest that we split gate money or TV money.


And why should teams support other Scottish clubs in Europe? I've heard numerous people in the media say that we should for the co-efficient. But, if you're a St Mirren fan, why should you want Celtic or Rangers to do well? So they can get even more money and beat you even more heavily? Why should the rest of the SPL reschedule games to help two clubs get more money?


Maybe if the European prize money was split equally it'd be worth it for the rest of the SPL.


And why are there not more games shown live from Celtic Park or Ibrox?? I've heard a few people say that there's a rule that only 4 games a season can be shown from any one ground but, given that there are 60 live games a season, that'd mean 12 games getting shown from neutral venues. How did Celtic and Rangers manage that?


I guess it's probably corrupt. The rest of the league (most of them anyway) seem happy enough to bend over backwards and be screwed loyally. The limit of most chairmen's ambition is probably a relegation battle which they just survive in order to boost crowds.

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Yes to the Title...I'm not sure the Tic are as guilty as the Hun...more guilty by association and size of club and support.

The Hun certainly have friends in high places (Masonic) and to that end the playing field is never level.

The only way to rid Scottish football of corruption is to bring an end to "the lightbringers"...and that ain't going to happen anytime soon...it's something we have to live with I'm affraid



Sorry min, but thats just bollocks. The Tims are just as guilty (Tic? wtf!) as the hun. They are essentially one and the same, the name the Old Firm is no accident. The only team in Scotland that needs Rangers to exist to survive is Celtic. They enable each other, once that symbiosis is broken then so are the individual parts.


Thankfully that moment isn't too far away. You've been told before, Rangers are finished. Despite what the Daily Record says. Its up to the other clubs to make sure any resurrected version is told to fuck off. But you can be sure that despite noises to the contrary the one team that are guaranteed to support them is Celtic.

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I bet most of the weegies running the league think "Surely everyone who watches Scottish football, deep down, support either Rangers of Celtic?"


Funny you should say that. I know of someone who was working in Airdrie and their work got a visit from a certain Dr John Reid and he asked who they supported. When the reply came aberdeen his next question was "aye but who do you really support" the fucking cock that he is.

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Sorry min, but thats just bollocks. The Tims are just as guilty (Tic? wtf!) as the hun. They are essentially one and the same, the name the Old Firm is no accident. The only team in Scotland that needs Rangers to exist to survive is Celtic. They enable each other, once that symbiosis is broken then so are the individual parts.


Thankfully that moment isn't too far away. You've been told before, Rangers are finished. Despite what the Daily Record says. Its up to the other clubs to make sure any resurrected version is told to fuck off. But you can be sure that despite noises to the contrary the one team that are guaranteed to support them is Celtic.


If this is true.. http://www.philmacgiollabhain.ie/done-deal/#more-1719 then I'm applying for Mystic Megs job. And never watching another scottish club football match again...

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That cannot transpire, as a legal challenge would see such leniency, which seems fantastical on the author's part in that poorly written drivel he's spewing forth, overturned in court and those involved in the reprieve sacked and sanctioned.


UEFA will insist on a penalty commersurate with precedent in Europe. Otherwise Scottis teams cannot play in Europe and our national team would be unable to enter any competitions until the sanctions levied within were satisfactory to independent scrutiny.


i.e. Rangers cannot possinly bury the debt, reinvent as before, and get a TEN POINT penalty! In otherwords no sanction at all. Yet fraudulence is written all over their recent honours, wilful in my opinion and not accidental as claimed.


Some of Murray's best pals are tax evaders, Dave King being chief as he serves time in South Africa for mass fraud.


It cannot happen.

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That cannot transpire, as a legal challenge would see such leniency, which seems fantastical on the author's part in that poorly written drivel he's spewing forth, overturned in court and those involved in the reprieve sacked and sanctioned.


UEFA will insist on a penalty commersurate with precedent in Europe. Otherwise Scottis teams cannot play in Europe and our national team would be unable to enter any competitions until the sanctions levied within were satisfactory to independent scrutiny.


i.e. Rangers cannot possinly bury the debt, reinvent as before, and get a TEN POINT penalty! In otherwords no sanction at all. Yet fraudulence is written all over their recent honours, wilful in my opinion and not accidental as claimed.


Some of Murray's best pals are tax evaders, Dave King being chief as he serves time in South Africa for mass fraud.


It cannot happen.


Amd yet this I fear is exactly what will happen.

The media are already working fervently to sweep this under the carpet. The SFL and SPL remain silent.


If AFC had perpetrated this degree of cheating the papers would not let it go until we were ejected from the league. Every cup or title won during the period would have been removed from us long ago.


What have the media really reported and what questions have they asked?

Has anyone heard the SFA comment on the trophies won through organised, criminal, cheating?

What have the SPL had to say?

The other clubs comments?


All too little I'm afraid and point to the fact Scottish Football is basically a conspiracy of ineptitude and silence on the balling demanding face of the OF.


They are called the Old Firm for a reason and I am starting to think the name is every bit as apt now as ever it was.


When the inevitable capitulation from the SPL, SFA and senior clubs is evident to us all, I for one will never set foot in a scottish football ground again.

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Its fairly obvious this would be the end result, im actually amazed they would get docked any points


Why is it obvious?


Obvious to who?


The obvious thing here is glaring tax evasion, which is naked cheating in anyone's eyes.


If what you mean is it's obvious that they are going to make up the penalty and not abide by the law or justice, then yes, possibly it was inevitable this would be the next step.


However no other club can compete in such a corrupt setup. It's corrupt anyway, without this.


I'd rather the Dons just played freelance friendlies until this was addressed and come out of the SPL which is basically the Old Firm telling 10 other clubs what they must do and when they must do it.

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Why is it obvious?


Obvious to who?


The obvious thing here is glaring tax evasion, which is naked cheating in anyone's eyes.


If what you mean is it's obvious that they are going to make up the penalty and not abide by the law or justice, then yes, possibly it was inevitable this would be the next step.


However no other club can compete in such a corrupt setup. It's corrupt anyway, without this.


I'd rather the Dons just played freelance friendlies until this was addressed and come out of the SPL which is basically the Old Firm telling 10 other clubs what they must do and when they must do it.


Agree with this.


They are already massively in breach of SPL rules, but nothing is being said or done about that. These are rules relating to payments and contacts to players. These two are particular killers for them..


"D9.3 No Player may receive any payment of any description from or on behalf of a Club in respect of that Player

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