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Rapist Claims "he's The Victim"


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Ignoring the laughable, lowest-common-denominator, rabble-rousing hysteria that I've come to expect from The Sun, I just wonder if there were grounds for prosecuting the guy for the subsequent death (by suicide) of the girl?


If it were my daughter he had raped he wouldn't be in a position to complain about being a victim, though.

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Just couldn't make this up. Fucking disgrace :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: :angry2:


I've read about this case before. The boy is animal - he deserves a bullet to the back of his temple.


However, this piece in the sun is lowest common denominator gutter journalism.


The fact of the matter is, however sickening or distasteful it is (and i accept it can be difficult for people to stomach), it is possible for convicted criminals (and this gentleman here) to be victims and to have crimes commited against them.


You can't use a persons past transgressions as an excuse to subject them to perpetual abuse (as much as he deserves it). In the eyes of the law he served his time for the crime he commited. This new case is an entirely separate issue that has to be dealt with separately.


Having said this however, the cunt should be driven out to a wooded area and shot.


Ignoring the laughable, lowest-common-denominator, rabble-rousing hysteria that I've come to expect from The Sun, I just wonder if there were grounds for prosecuting the guy for the subsequent death (by suicide) of the girl?


If it were my daughter he had raped he wouldn't be in a position to complain about being a victim, though.


No. Absolutely not.

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