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Jackie Mac Pens A Sitcom

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McNamara's Banned (the story of a day when Macnamara's tongue was hingin like a pan loaf for a pint and he was refused service in every pub in Aberdeen)


Mac Attack (the story of Jackie Macnamara coming under attack in a chipper in Perth by drunk Dons fans)


Mac the Knife (The sequel to Mac Attack where poor Jackie gets stabbed in a men's bogs in Duntocher by a rogue Dons fan who's never been traced)


Jack the Knife (Macnamara gets out of hospital and arms himself with a knife to seek revenge, however he steals an articulated lorry to aid his attack and ends up pranging it into a set of traffic lights, whereby the trailer jackknifes into oncoming traffic killing 145 Aberdonians and making Macnamara the most hated man in the North, next day he is hanged at the Castlegate, which attracts a crowd of 14,084, which is seized upon by the Glasgow media as proof that Dons fans are fairweather and are only motivated by hatred of our rivals. The Lord Provost says he intends to capture and hang Alan Maybury next, whilst Derek Souter was hung fae the Formartine crossbar the week before, happy ending)

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