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Sellick In Bother...possibly

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Celtic are preparing their response to UEFA after their fans were accused of singing "offensive" songs during a Europa League clash.


UEFA have asked Celtic for their version of events during the club's 3-1 win over Rennes at Parkhead on November 3.


It is understood that Strathclyde Police made the UEFA delegate aware of "offensive" singing during the encounter.


Celtic confirmed they were "looking into the claims", which are believed to centre on songs about the IRA.


A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said: "We can confirm there were a number of instances during the game of singing offensive songs and inquiries are ongoing to detect the offenders."


The club are understood to have been taken by surprise by the action from UEFA, who have not confirmed what charge Celtic may face or when any disciplinary hearing may take place.


A Celtic Park source said: "This is quite unprecedented as no issues were raised to the club during the match and the police didn't inform us directly about their concerns."


Celtic last month urged fans to stop singing pro-IRA chants after being "inundated" with complaints from their own supporters following their 2-0 defeat by Hearts at Tynecastle.


Lothian and Borders Police announced they had launched an investigation into the "singing of sectarian songs" following the Clydesdale Bank Premier League game on October 2.


Celtic chief executive Peter Lawwell said: "Chants glorifying the Provisional IRA are totally unacceptable.


"One, it is wrong, and it is an embarrassment to the club and embarrassment to the majority of supporters.


"We have dealt with it at Celtic Park and we will do all we can to make sure it doesn't happen home or away. We don't want it, we don't need it.


"We have the best supporters in the world and hold that reputation dear."


Possible UEFA sanctions include a fine and ban on supporters, although Celtic have not been punished for a similar offence before.


Rangers fans were banned from travelling to their next away game in Europe and the club were fined more than

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I really hope UEFA do something to them. That smug sense of superiority the celtic fans seem to have really annoys me. They think their so superior to the huns and can't and won't accept they are the other cheek of the same stinking arse :lolceltic:


It is not possible for me to agree with this more.


Ive always hated that about the tims. Its exactly why my hatred is distributed 49:51 huns:tims

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I think UEFA should order a year's ban on all Celtic and Rangers fans, home and away, to send a message that the defiance shown by both sets of fans is unacceptable in a civilised society.


It would also be a huge boost to the other clubs fans who are sick of the bastards, only losers are joiners who lose big money due to the lack of stoved in windows on matchdays.

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Why is it that Strathclyde Police only see it fit to contact UEFA about this, but not the SFA/SPL during domestic matches, as we all know it happens there?


Or is it the case that the legislation hasn't yet been passed for it to be an offence in this country?


Good point.

I wonder how many were arrested at the game for the singing.

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A Celtic Park source said: "This is quite unprecedented as no issues were raised to the club during the match and the police didn't inform us directly about their concerns."



"We have the best supporters in the world and hold that reputation dear."




1. You're having a laugh. They sing these songs at EVERY game

2. Keep deluding yourself.

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Why is it that Strathclyde Police only see it fit to contact UEFA about this, but not the SFA/SPL during domestic matches, as we all know it happens there?


Or is it the case that the legislation hasn't yet been passed for it to be an offence in this country?


Could be even the plod are bored of the inaction by football authorities here who view the bigot brothers as the life blood of football and think the sun shines out of their collective arses. SPL/SFA only do something if it is in the national press and then as little as possible.

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Its about time they had their comeuppance too!!

Sitting there all smug watching their fitly other half get all the flack - its about time UEFA took action against them now.

Its just a shame there is no HMRC investigation into their (allegedly) tax fiddling too?!

Is it not the kiddy fiddling that's more of a concern for them?



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This was discussed on Traynor's Radio Scotland program last night. Guests were Tom English and Paul McBride


What was good to hear was all three making no bones about this and condemning Celtic fans along with Rangers. In fact Paul McBride mentioned Hearts and Hibs too much to the annoyance of their fans.


I find it interesting when their fans are called out to hear what the reaction of the "silent majority if good fans" has to say. Most fall into one of a few predictable groups:


- all those phoning and e-mailing in to say "but what about them, they did such and such" ie the usual whataboutery

- also a lot of people looking for what you might call "technical" reasons why this sort of behaviour is not sectarian. ie because singing about the IRA is not racist or sectarian

- there were deniars of the kind who claim the holocaust never happened ie a hearts fan climing their fans never sang "rangers like songs" who actually demanded Paul McBride prove this was the case.

- the those keen to remind us of the irish or protestant roots of their clubs as if this was some sort of explanation

- the people who just wanted to pretend it wasn't important because allegedly the majority of fans don't behave this way


Basically ALL of these people are part of the problem. Until this supposedly fair minded, decent, silent majority actually takes a stand against the people glorifying terrorism or long irrelevant historical battles. Until the silent majority is actually seen to be fair minded, decent and NOT silent they are basically rubber stamping the more overt sectarianism we see following these clubs.


The excuses trotted out in defense tells it all really - there is NO defense for this sort of behaviour and every single celtic or rangers fan who thinks this way is as much a part of the problem as the supposedly small minority we keep hearing about. These people shouldn't be looking for excuses, if they are such decent people they would admit that this happens regularly and its inexcusable not try to play it down, lie about it, point the blame at others and so on.

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I see the typical OF response to these sorts of allegations has been rolled out.


Paul McBride, instead of saying something about his own has decided to point the finger at Hibs fans accusing them of singing pro IRA songs.


Now I hate Hibs fans just as much, if not more than the OF fans (cant remember hearing about OF fans petrol bombing us on the way out of the station) but I've never heard them sing IRA type songs. Only been to Easter Road a couple of times so its not like I'm there every week and can say with any authority that they dont but even if it did happen wtf has that got to do with the charges Celtic are facing and its just a wee bit redic tims accusing others of pro IRA chants when their stands are full of pro IRA flags and they refuse to let poppy sellers into their ground in case it upsets the plastic paddys amongst them.


pathetic cunts.

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I see the typical OF response to these sorts of allegations has been rolled out.


Paul McBride, instead of saying something about his own has decided to point the finger at Hibs fans accusing them of singing pro IRA songs.


Now I hate Hibs fans just as much, if not more than the OF fans (cant remember hearing about OF fans petrol bombing us on the way out of the station) but I've never heard them sing IRA type songs. Only been to Easter Road a couple of times so its not like I'm there every week and can say with any authority that they dont but even if it did happen wtf has that got to do with the charges Celtic are facing and its just a wee bit redic tims accusing others of pro IRA chants when their stands are full of pro IRA flags and they refuse to let poppy sellers into their ground in case it upsets the plastic paddys amongst them.


pathetic cunts.


The Hibs response:


Hibernian FC have hit back at claims made by QC Paul McBride that the club
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Interesting, I've heard the jambo's at it myself but never actually heard Hibs.


As for McBride, well he didn't exactly deflect away from Celtic with these comments as he fully agreed with Tom English that Celtic fans disgraced themselves with this sort of thing and that it happens regularly.


He was bit on the defensive about them trying to say that it wasn't all fans, minority etc etc but there wasn't the sort of denial I've seen the pundits produce in these circumstances before.


And he balanced any childish defensiveness I thought by suggesting MUCH tougher punishment for these fans and for the clubs if this doesn't stop - something again that most of the pundits just brush under the carpet.


Of course if the press choose to focus on one comment made about Hibs rather than everything else that was said you might question the motives of the journalists writing those stories.


One thing I'd like to see that just doesn't seem to ever be mentioned or expected is much more positive behaviour from both clubs and sets of fans to actually focus more on the clubs scottishness and less on being irish or british - which neither of them really are frankly.


IMO the clubs need to make a statement to the fans reminding them that yes, they have an ancient history in whatever but that they are at their heart Scottish clubs. Its time for the clubs to actually ask the fans to stop focusing so much on a supposed sense of irish or british heritage - all fans should be targeted by this not just sectarian fans. For example the clubs could ask them not to bring irish flags or union jacks - while thats not sectarian in anyway this really just adds to the mentality of the average OF fan.

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Aye, I won't argue with that but that is another debate.


I see Celtic are now the subject of an SPL investigation as well. Interesting - is this the SPL finally forced to take the sort of action they should have been for years?


The SPL will say the club have done everything they can and can't be held responsible for rogue elements (like their support). They'll hope their pronouncement will take the sting from anything UEFA might do. Expect nothing useful from the establishment - you aren't going to be disappointed.

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Think gb routed cops at celtic park at hibs game! Cops chief then goes running to spl and uefa about. "offensive" not sectarian chanting!


A 17 year old has been charged and initially remanded for the chanting, since over turned, on same day a man up for attempted murder was released and not remanded! The law has gone bonkers

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Difficult to see what a club can do to control its fans. Its difficult enough to prove these things in a court, let alone clubs proving it using their resources. Imagine if Celtic ban someone for sectarian singing.....they could only do it with eye witness testimonial from people around him. Could they do it from video cameras only? Dunno...but the only real way for it to change is self policing.....i hear thats what worked for the tartan army....its the only way.

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Difficult to see what a club can do to control its fans. Its difficult enough to prove these things in a court, let alone clubs proving it using their resources. Imagine if Celtic ban someone for sectarian singing.....they could only do it with eye witness testimonial from people around him. Could they do it from video cameras only? Dunno...but the only real way for it to change is self policing.....i hear thats what worked for the tartan army....its the only way.


Start deducting points off them and the decent fans will soon point out the offenders

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Difficult to see what a club can do to control its fans. Its difficult enough to prove these things in a court, let alone clubs proving it using their resources. Imagine if Celtic ban someone for sectarian singing.....they could only do it with eye witness testimonial from people around him. Could they do it from video cameras only? Dunno...but the only real way for it to change is self policing.....i hear thats what worked for the tartan army....its the only way.


Well firstly the SPL use this argument when OF fans break the law they say "oh we check the club has done what it could and yes, it seem they did so its not their fault". Thats not really good enough from the SPL. Its time to punish the club so the fans get the message. Harsh? Perhaps but then thats what happens to clubs who's fans riot or undertake significant racist behaviour. The clubs have fans banned, play behind closed doors or perhaps get a points penalty. After decades of this shit, surely we are at the point we can deduct 1 point from each/either of the OF clubs when this happens next.


But secondly to MJM's point here. Well, does it matter one iota what Celtic can prove? Do they need to? The way I see it is as a business they can refuse the custom of any individual they like - they are not obliged to provide or more to the point prove their reason. So if the scum want to go along and glorify terrorists and murderers and CFC can identify even a handful of these individuals then they absolutely MUST give them life bans. What possible comeback could the banned individuals have? They can insist it wasn't them or demand evidence is produced but are CFC in any way obliged to produce evidence? I doubt it as they do not have to sell their "product" to anyone they don't want to regardless of their reasons.

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  • 1 year later...

Green Brigade scum. Should be locked up




Celtic have closed a section of their stadium for safety reasons after repeated warnings to fans to remain seated during matches were ignored.


Fans in section 111, home to the 'Green Brigade', will now be offered a refund or given the chance to relocate.

"We have been left with no option but to take steps to ensure the safety of our supporters," read a statement.
The Green Brigade are a self-styled 'ultras' group of fans known for banner displays, demonstrations and chanting.
The Celtic statement raised concerns with overcrowding in section 111 and the refusal of spectators to comply with the direction of safety stewards.
Unsafe "lateral movement of spectators" and "body surfing" was also highlighted, along with damage to 190 seats in the area over the last four home matches.
The statement explained: "Stadium safety is covered by a Stadium General Safety Certificate, which is issued annually by Glasgow City Council in terms of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975. Without our Safety Certificate, we could not open and
operate the stadium.
"In order to protect our Safety Certificate, it is essential that we comply with all of our duties in terms of safety for spectators at Celtic Park. Unsafe behaviour at Celtic Park is not acceptable and we have made our position on this clear.
"Under advice from the Safety Advisory Group, which includes representatives of Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland and the Council, it is open to Glasgow City Council to enforce a reduction in stadium capacity or, ultimately, to close a stadium."
Manager Neil Lennon has previously praised the Green Brigade for the atmosphere they create inside Celtic Park but has also urged a minority to stop the singing that resulted in a 2011 Uefa charge of "illicit chanting".
In 2010, the group displayed a multi-part anti-poppy banner during the club's 9-0 home win against Aberdeen, which resulted in a club apology and prompted Northern Ireland DUP MP Gregory Campbell to speak out against the club.
At a recent Champions League qualifier against Cliftonville, pyrotechnics were set off during the match requiring a stadium announcement instructing fans to desist from such behaviour. The club is now subject to disciplinary action for a contravention of Uefa's safety and security regulations.
The statement adds: "We are sure all our supporters understand that it would be inconceivable and irresponsible for the club not to deal with this issue with the utmost seriousness.
"We are sure our supporters will also agree that we have given those fans within this section every opportunity to change behaviour.
"Celtic, of course, was instrumental in developing this section with supporters in good faith, ensuring that other supporters were moved from their seats to allow this area could be created. We have welcomed the colour and atmosphere which supporters
in this section have brought to Celtic Park.
"We have no desire to take this action and we have tried to deal with these issues in the proper way through dialogue and mutual respect.
"If the club were to receive assurances on safety then we may look at this situation again."
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