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10 Players Contracts Up In Summer

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Who are all the ten players & who do we think of them should get offered new deals?


Mackie is def a must NOT get new deal extension (not even an hour)


Vernon deal i think expires in Summer also







Anyone know the complete list?

12 is it not?

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Clangers..................... Maybe as No.2 (good back up)

McArdle......................As RB no thanks but ok as back up CH

Magennis...................He can stay as back up also (stronger, faster & better than Mackie)

Mackie.................... gone in Jan if there is any justice

Osbourne...................Must sign

Arnason......................Must sign

Brown........................Not seen enough of him really

Mawene......................gnnghhh! :dontknow:

Folly........................1 year deal

Vernon.................... yes with the team on form, he's an asset

Chalali..................... yes, give him a chance

??...................... yes for sure, this guy is fkn fantastic. (he's the new Gary McDonald)


Brown said: "I have already made up my mind which ones I want to keep. I don't want to highlight some and disappoint others.


"We haven't spoken to any player yet but will follow up our interest in the players we wish to retain."


Got to be Arnason & Osbourne for sure

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Might be wrong but I though J Brown signed for 2 years??


According to EE this is the list.


Jamie Langfield

Scott Vernon

Darren Mackie

Rory McArdle

Josh Magennis

Yoann Folly

Andy Considine

Michael Paton

Youl Mawene

Isaac Osbourne

Kari Arnason

Mohamed Chalali

Paton definitely not up this season - summer 2013

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On the subject of our out of contract players - Duncy Frasers recent Red TV interview he was at pains to point out that NO CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN OFFERED YET - I REPEAT NO CONTRACTS HAVE BEEN OFFERED YET.


It perhaps highlights that AFC have an orchastrated process for the dishing out of new deals, as clearly he wants agents and the press to know exactly where we are as regards this.


I reckon all offers will be made at the same time, with the same time limit - before they are taken off the table. Hand the contracts out too early and the agents will be using that to hawk them about other clubs, as we get fucked about. Fraser has a bit of cuntishness abuot him (similar to Rod Petrie) and thats a good thing when it comes to dealing with vermin like agents.


When you read about Stephen Hughes getting just a 6 week contract it looks like there is a bit of power coming back to the clubs here, so the comments from Fraser indicate that we will be taking a hard and fast line, which is good.


We now have the shining examples of;






To illustrate to certain players that being billy big baws in the current fitba climate can do you more harm than good.

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When you read about Stephen Hughes getting just a 6 week contract it looks like there is a bit of power coming back to the clubs here, so the comments from Fraser indicate that we will be taking a hard and fast line, which is good.


The deal that conveniently gives him some game time up to the point where the transfer window opens again? Obviously he could move anywhere at any time out of contract, but getting 6 weeks of training and football under his belt prior to the window definitely sounds like something he wants, rather than the club wants...

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Jamie Langfield - GET RID

Scott Vernon - KEEP

Darren Mackie - GET RID

Rory McArdle - GET RID

Josh Magennis - GET RID

Yoann Folly - JURY OUT.

Andy Considine - KEEP

Michael Paton - GET RID

Youl Mawene - JURY OUT

Isaac Osbourne - KEEP

Kari Arnason - KEEP

Mohamed Chalali - JURY OUT



McArdle and Maggennis are not first teamers. And if we are to improve we need to be looking to ship these guys out and bring in players of a better quality - which is the hard part. But no point keeping them for the sake of it.

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He was free he could have signed for anyone (if they wanted him that is) at any point, so the windae has nout to do with it.


And it still stands to reason he couldn't get a club up until now Foster14.


Another money grabbing tit with ideas above his station.


I still think the 6 week contract conveniently takes him to the January window. I don't think that would be a Motherwell choice, as you suggested.

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Millertime what don't you understand about "lets agree to stay out of each others way and not reply to each others posts?"


You follow up practiaclly everything I write on here with nonsense, which derails threads and Mod get annoyed.


So we agree to stay out of each others way, and 1 day later you are spouting crap again.


You just don't get it do you?

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Maguire got a big contract at a big championship team and Aluko could end up with Rangers...


how are they examples of what bad can happen if you leave us?



Maguire is hardly shining in the Championship and will no doubt get touted out to other smaller clubs soon enough. You only need to look at the progress Goodwillie is making at Balckburn to see the difference here. Call ups to Scotland squad ect.


Aluko won't sign for Rangers and if he does it is extremely desperate. Plus he's spent a few months now without a wage so JB's point probably stands here.


As for Diamond - :hysterical:

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Might be wrong but I though J Brown signed for 2 years??


According to EE this is the list.


Jamie Langfield

Scott Vernon

Darren Mackie

Rory McArdle

Josh Magennis

Yoann Folly

Andy Considine

Michael Paton

Youl Mawene

Isaac Osbourne

Kari Arnason

Mohamed Chalali


I thought Considine signed a 4 year deal just a couple of years ago?


If he is into his final year then he is a must extend deal player as well.

Really got high hopes for Andy & he will only improve

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Maguire is hardly shining in the Championship and will no doubt get touted out to other smaller clubs soon enough. You only need to look at the progress Goodwillie is making at Balckburn to see the difference here. Call ups to Scotland squad ect.


Aluko won't sign for Rangers and if he does it is extremely desperate. Plus he's spent a few months now without a wage so JB's point probably stands here.


As for Diamond - :hysterical:



lethal he's just trying to derail more threads, but fair play for helping him understand simplistic points.



I thought Considine signed a 4 year deal just a couple of years ago?


If he is into his final year then he is a must extend deal player as well.

Really got high hopes for Andy & he will only improve


Andy has been brillaint so far - interesting to note that he cites his improvement with the confidece havign two screenrs in Ozzie and Arnie in front of him - just goes to underline what a pair of brilliant signings they have been by Mr Brown.


When was the last time we had two strong mifielders like them protecting the defence? Grant/Bett?

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lethal he's just trying to derail more threads, but fair play for helping him understand simplistic points.





Andy has been brillaint so far - interesting to note that he cites his improvement with the confidece havign two screenrs in Ozzie and Arnie in front of him - just goes to underline what a pair of brilliant signings they have been by Mr Brown.

When was the last time we had two strong mifielders like them protecting the defence? Grant/Bett?


Kerr & McDonald :tumbleweed:


Nah, sure Heikenin & Bisconti are worthy of a mention also since Grant/Bett.

Barry Nicholson worth a wee shout (although attacking more) also & maybe even Seve on occasion

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It's a list from the EE, so it probably won't be accurate.

But here's tuppence worth.


Jamie Langfield. NO. Homework should be getting done now to identify a suitable replacement.

Scott Vernon. YES.

Darren Mackie. NO, NO & thrice NO. He's time has long since been up.

Rory McArdle. NO. But could be kept as a CB back-up only.

Josh Magennis. NO. He's a trier bless him, but he's na use and a waste of a wage.

Yoann Folly. NO.

Andy Considine. YES. Harshest critic of Considine Jnr, But he seems to be answering my critisism of late.

Michael Paton. NO. He's wasted any chance of a decent career.

Youl Mawene. YES. Some dodgey moments, but generally assured and seems to work well with Considine.

Isaac Osbourne. OH AYE!

Kari Arnason. OH AYE!

Mohamed Chalali. DUNNO. Purely because he's barely had a chance with us just yet. The 2nd half the season will decide his fate.

Jason Brown. DUNNO. Haven't seen anything of him at all.

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Kerr & McDonald :tumbleweed:


Nah, sure Heikenin & Bisconti are worthy of a mention also since Grant/Bett.

Barry Nicholson worth a wee shout (although attacking more) also & maybe even Seve on occasion

Heikennin and Bisconti didnt play in the same team though. If they did, certainly not regular. Pele got rid of Bisconti almost as soon as he came in and he signed Heikkenin summer of his first full season.

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