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Obama Assassination...

Big Man

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Tbh i'm actually surprised this is the first known attempt on his life, thought at his inauguration it wouldn't take long for a nutter to go for him


Aye i have to say i agree with you.


This boy supposedly fired bullets into the Whitehoose through an open window from some distance away... waiting for the BBC to confirm.

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That's him fu*ked...he may even end up on death row...not sure, but knowing the yanks, any sort of assasination attempt probably carries the option of a trip to "Old Sparky"


Thats what i love about America's criminal justice system - they don't fuck about:


There's the line, that's the punishment > you cross that line you are fucked regardless of circumstance.

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Thats what i love about America's criminal justice system - they don't fuck about:


There's the line, that's the punishment > you cross that line you are fucked regardless of circumstance.


Do they still have the '3 strikes and you're out' rule?


Only the Yanks would base their criminal justice system on baseball.

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Three Strikes is a state by State thing, and I think only half the states have any kind of a Three Strikes law. Usually it means an extension onto the maximum mandatory sentence, so if someone keeps committing crimes, say they commit a crime that carries a maximum 10 year sentence, then the Three Strikes law means that an additional period of incarceration can also be applied over and above the maximum of 10 years. So potentially you could go to jail for 20 years for a crime that would only carry half that time for a first time offender.


Having said that, trying to murder the President is a Federal offense, and the states have little or no real say over those kinds of crimes... State police will turn him over to the Feds and he'll be tried under Federal laws, not State laws. The reason for that, I suppose, is that a State could potentially make the punishment for trying to kill a black president two weeks in Las Vegas at the Taxpayer's expense.


I'm thinking states like Mississippi or Louisiana might have those kinds of punishments.


So for this reason the Federal government takes precedence over state law in the case of Federal offences.


Anyway, back to three strikes, it doesn't mean life imprisonment or execution as far as I'm aware. My understanding is that for repeat offenders the Three Strikes rule simply allows people to be banged up for longer for crimes that usually carry lesser sentences.

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Three Strikes is a state by State thing, and I think only half the states have any kind of a Three Strikes law. Usually it means an extension onto the maximum mandatory sentence, so if someone keeps committing crimes, say they commit a crime that carries a maximum 10 year sentence, then the Three Strikes law means that an additional period of incarceration can also be applied over and above the maximum of 10 years. So potentially you could go to jail for 20 years for a crime that would only carry half that time for a first time offender.


Having said that, trying to murder the President is a Federal offense, and the states have little or no real say over those kinds of crimes... State police will turn him over to the Feds and he'll be tried under Federal laws, not State laws. The reason for that, I suppose, is that a State could potentially make the punishment for trying to kill a black president two weeks in Las Vegas at the Taxpayer's expense.


I'm thinking states like Mississippi or Louisiana might have those kinds of punishments.


So for this reason the Federal government takes precedence over state law in the case of Federal offences.


Anyway, back to three strikes, it doesn't mean life imprisonment or execution as far as I'm aware. My understanding is that for repeat offenders the Three Strikes rule simply allows people to be banged up for longer for crimes that usually carry lesser sentences.


Of course D.C does not have a 'state' police since it is not a state. Although it does have a metropolitan police. Both of which are irrelevant given he has committed a federal crime. Incidentally this was only made a federal crime after JFK's time came to an end.


Reminds me of how lucky I was when I was caught trespassing at the White House. But if I can do it, then it's really not that secure a place.

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