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Player Quality And Youth Development

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On Your Call they were just talking about youth development being the only real viable option for SPL clubs going forward- keeps costs down and adds sales with higher profit margins.


This is a good point to my mind, and i again have to wonder what is wrong with our youth development- the set up is clearly good, but transitioning this into the first team almost never works. Theres a kind of apathy pervading the club about this- the youth players that come into out first team rarely imrpove from there unless they move away, and no one seems concerned about this stage.


We currently have FYvie, Jack, Pawlett, Paton, Megginson and a couple of others trying to make the step up- the only ones i see any future for are Fyvie and Jack, but frankly i dont think either will go on to be anything special.


On another note, the game should be all about cutting costs right now so as to cut ticket prices for fans- so lets stopping for players in more expensive leagues with managerial 'contacts', and place more importance upon scouting in cheaper leagues.


Dont forsee good things for us in Fenlon gets Hibs sorted out........ very concerned.

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give them a chance at first team level instead of using the likes of Foster and Mackie.


we do that, and it doesnt work out. Fyvie has had plenty of first team action, and could probably be considered an average squad member. however, thats almost an insult to a professional (to be average in that shower of shite), and he shows no signs of progress.


It may just be that they need a boot up the arse, and if they dont like it they can get tae and see how they do out in the real world with their single digit IQ's, or trying to scrape a living playing in the 2nd Division (where they wont do much anyway, because most of those guys are honest pros who'll have no time for them).

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On Your Call they were just talking about youth development being the only real viable option for SPL clubs going forward- keeps costs down and adds sales with higher profit margins.


This is a good point to my mind, and i again have to wonder what is wrong with our youth development- the set up is clearly good, but transitioning this into the first team almost never works. Theres a kind of apathy pervading the club about this- the youth players that come into out first team rarely imrpove from there unless they move away, and no one seems concerned about this stage.


We currently have FYvie, Jack, Pawlett, Paton, Megginson and a couple of others trying to make the step up- the only ones i see any future for are Fyvie and Jack, but frankly i dont think either will go on to be anything special.


On another note, the game should be all about cutting costs right now so as to cut ticket prices for fans- so lets stopping for players in more expensive leagues with managerial 'contacts', and place more importance upon scouting in cheaper leagues.


Utter rubbish, youth developed is extremely costlty and it is complete luck if you are able to make any money from selling a player on.


I am fed up of posting the reasons why.


Economists have proven that investing in players under the age of 20 more often than not does not work.


I made the bold prediction two years ago (and was shot down by LS and he banned of bandits) that we would more than likely fail with the new youth system and see very little return.


We must spend at least 500,000k of youth development a year over the last five years = 2.5 million. Yet we have only recieved 400,000k for Bebo. i.e. no return.


I also said that Paton, Fyie and Pawlett would not been successful - so far I am right.

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Utter rubbish, youth developed is extremely costlty and it is complete luck if you are able to make any money from selling a player on.


I am fed up of posting the reasons why.


Economists have proven that investing in players under the age of 20 more often than not does not work.


I made the bold prediction two years ago (and was shot down by LS and he banned of bandits) that we would more than likely fail with the new youth system and see very little return.


We must spend at least 500,000k of youth development a year over the last five years = 2.5 million. Yet we have only recieved 400,000k for Bebo. i.e. no return.


I also said that Paton, Fyie and Pawlett would not been successful - so far I am right.

If it got half the first team from home grown players and we were doing reasonably well then the money spent on youth systems would most certainly be well spent. Would save loads of cash from signing other players on high wages and forking out fees and signing on fees. But ours just doesn't seem to be producing as we would like it to.


And as original poster says, so many years we have players in international squads right up through the younger age levels but rarely to any progress to be good regular first team players.

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Utter rubbish, youth developed is extremely costlty and it is complete luck if you are able to make any money from selling a player on.


I am fed up of posting the reasons why.


Economists have proven that investing in players under the age of 20 more often than not does not work.


I made the bold prediction two years ago (and was shot down by LS and he banned of bandits) that we would more than likely fail with the new youth system and see very little return.


We must spend at least 500,000k of youth development a year over the last five years = 2.5 million. Yet we have only recieved 400,000k for Bebo. i.e. no return.


I also said that Paton, Fyie and Pawlett would not been successful - so far I am right.






I agree that the above mentioned will not be successfull, think Jack could become squad level player but thats about it.


You are right that it is not 'cheap', and i wont dispute that.


you assert we spend £500,000 a year on youth. Without it we would have to get in at least 4/5 extra players for squad depth- even if they only cost £2000 a week each after taxes (below our average for a full time pro) that is considerably more than the youth costs.


As with anything, getting it right will be the difference in making it cost effective- if we can sell 1 player a season at Bebo rates, we've got out costs back.


I also feel we should lower costs in any case, by scouting domestically and in cheaper leagues abroad- the Euro crisis is actually a great chance for us to buy some guys from Holland etc if properly scouted, as their wages here would buy more than it would if they were paid in Euros, assuming theyre family remained at home. I realise isnt exactly the cheapest market, but just for illustrative purposes.

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I agree that the above mentioned will not be successfull, think Jack could become squad level player but thats about it.


You are right that it is not 'cheap', and i wont dispute that.


you assert we spend £500,000 a year on youth. Without it we would have to get in at least 4/5 extra players for squad depth- even if they only cost £2000 a week each after taxes (below our average for a full time pro) that is considerably more than the youth costs. As with anything, getting it right will be the difference in making it cost effective- if we can sell 1 player a season at Bebo rates, we've got out costs back.


I also feel we should lower costs in any case, by scouting domestically and in cheaper leagues abroad- the Euro crisis is actually a great chance for us to buy some guys from Holland etc if properly scouted, as their wages here would buy more than it would if they were paid in Euros, assuming theyre family remained at home. I realise isnt exactly the cheapest market, but just for illustrative purposes.


I am not sure I fully understand your point. The 4/5 youth players would be included in the first team squad and hence included in the first team budget. I am not sure their wages would then be involved in the 500k. The point is that youth development rarely makes you money. Futhermore the bigger club's continue to "pinch" the best youth players from the smaller clubs at times when compensation levels are low.


Anyway due to the new UFEA rules where teams must have so many players in the squad who are developed from the youth system in order to play in Europe, Aberdeen have no choice but to contune with this ineffective method.

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