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Drastic Situations Require Drastic Measures...

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So, another year is drawing to a close and yet another relegation battle is looming. I could use the term "deja vu" but this is more akin to the movie "Groundhog Day", only worse, for despite the omnipresence of a devious little rodent lurking deep within, there is no beautiful woman to win over at the end of it. It is clear that in order to break this cycle, some drastic measures must be taken.


In recent times, we have had very well-constructed critiques from not only us members of the Board, but higher profile fans such as Chris Crighton, Michael Grant and Richard Gordon, as well as overtures from a former Board member (and opponent of the status quo, Jim Cummings) but few, if any, viable solutions have been proferred, other than to sack yet another Manager, whereby after a short honeymoon period, the cycle continues.


The time for outside commentary really is truly over. With the Club about to depart it's ancestral home in 2 years (despite being up to it's eyes in debt) and no interest in "the product" shown by the leader of the Club, we simply cannot allow this to continue. No one man/clique is bigger than the Club. We as fans must come together, as the people who TRULY matter, to find a drastic measure to combat the destructive influence(s) at AFC, before it's too late.


That time starts now.

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One possible scenario I can think of, is for a fans' coup (with or without Jim Cummings or someone of similar stature) to oust Milne from power. He guarantees some of the debt for sure, but we could go into Administration. Motherwell have done it and look at them now (even more telling, when you consider our last 2 Managers came from there and failed here). The 10-15 points we would lose could be overcome within one transfer window (whether that is with a new Manager, we can decide that later, but in principle, let's consider it). Then we could start again with a clean slate, no Milne and no huge debts.


Drastic in the extreme, I know, but when one considers that (a) we are heading for relegation with or without a 15pt deduction and (b) without Milne we would at least have a fighting chance anyway, it doesn't sound like such a bad idea. In fact, right now, after 15yrs of this hell, I would be willing to try ANYTHING to get rid of this man.

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I am all for hearing potential solutions from those who view the current board as being an issue.


Putting the club in to administration though. Fuck me, we'd be lucky to survive that scenario in the SPL, if at all. For every Motherwell there is a Livi or Dundee. Just ludicrous!


The title of the post dictates that Jocky's suggestion is drastic..or as you put it ludicrous...Voting with our feet is another drastic course of action which will met with the same sort of howl of derision...Fuck knows what can be done...In reality nothing....I'm a great believer in "What goes around comes around".

Maybe when Milne's droogs start tearing up Pittodrie they'll find some extreme fault that renders the site unsuitable for any sort of building structure...we can but hope

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The title of the post dictates that Jocky's suggestion is drastic..or as you put it ludicrous...Voting with our feet is another drastic course of action which will met with the same sort of howl of derision...Fuck knows what can be done...In reality nothing....I'm a great believer in "What goes around comes around".

Maybe when Milne's droogs start tearing up Pittodrie they'll find some extreme fault that renders the site unsuitable for any sort of building structure...we can but hope


Glad you understand. I was not advocating Administration per se, only saying that it would and should be a last resort. Tbh, if it came down to that, I would rather take our chances and do it, just to get rid of Milne, but I would like to see REAL action on the fans' part now, not just words and NOT another bloody managerial sacking. Haven't we learned yet?

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I posted elsewhere but this model is not working at all levels of the club! The original post is suicide talk, not radical! Radical would be fraser and miller going! Milne is fucking useless and should not be chairman!


This clubs wired to the fucking moon with its planning, a club that has cut its playing budget by 1.3m in 2 years and playing standard to an atrocious level, all to get wages to turnover to 60 per cent when we fluked two national semi finals, plans to take on a 30m mortgage whilst still being unable to balance the books, hows this going to end? With us defaulting on the mortgage within 15 years id say

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I posted elsewhere but this model is not working at all levels of the club! The original post is suicide talk, not radical! Radical would be fraser and miller going! Milne is fucking useless and should not be chairman!


This clubs wired to the fucking moon with its planning, a club that has cut its playing budget by 1.3m in 2 years and playing standard to an atrocious level, all to get wages to turnover to 60 per cent when we fluked two national semi finals, plans to take on a 30m mortgage whilst still being unable to balance the books, hows this going to end? With us defaulting on the mortgage within 15 years id say


How long is the term of the mortgage?...75 years?

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Good post Jocky. But admin.... hmm, not bottom of the league coming into December.


Getting rid of Miller and Fraser would essentially see little change. Everything that is wrong with AFC comes from the top down.


Totally agree that something needs to be done though. Who'd be interested in attending another Fans Forum before a home game at the Beach Ballroom to bounce around some ideas??

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Jim Cumming was highly vociferous (when was it, summer 2010?) Not sure what he's been thinking in the 18 months since, but I think we need some kind of figurehead like him to get involved, to make it worthwhile.


I'm not saying that the last Fans Forum in 2004 was a waste of time, but we need to make this one count.

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We need a more cohesive attempt to bring about change and not just rely on individuals Sooth. Not saying Jim isn't a very inspirational figurehead, but he knows fine well that alone, he has no chance of ousting Milne.


Nope, the only way we are going to change matters is to act en-mass.

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Jim Cumming was highly vociferous (when was it, summer 2010?) Not sure what he's been thinking in the 18 months since, but I think we need some kind of figurehead like him to get involved, to make it worthwhile.


I'm not saying that the last Fans Forum in 2004 was a waste of time, but we need to make this one count.


He was on the radio with Balsawood a while back, was he not? He was quite vocal then, but hasn't re-surfaced since. Now would be a good time to hear his thoughts...

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It's all been words, for many years now... It's going to take some smart like minded fans to do something about it, and come up with some non traditional ideas to get their point across... Not aggressive, just get everyone around to their way of thinking, almost mocking Milne and the board... Like you spent your 25 quid to spend 90 mins entertaining yourself rather than watching the shite that you know that's going to be served up... My apathy is turning around back into anger...


Wonder what it's going to take...?

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Glad you understand. I was not advocating Administration per se, only saying that it would and should be a last resort. Tbh, if it came down to that, I would rather take our chances and do it, just to get rid of Milne, but I would like to see REAL action on the fans' part now, not just words and NOT another bloody managerial sacking. Haven't we learned yet?


most fans cant even join together in more than 2 lines of a song anymore, how can we expect them/us to come together for some REAL action? :dontknow:


the shite has been hitting the fan for soo long that i think most fans just dont give a fuck anymore or realise that any protest like action will only fall on deaf ears.

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most fans cant even join together in more than 2 lines of a song anymore, how can we expect them/us to come together for some REAL action? :dontknow:


the shite has been hitting the fan for soo long that i think most fans just dont give a fuck anymore or realise that any protest like action will only fall on deaf ears.


The problem with organised protests is that they fail to capture the moment. At protests before there has been a trigger switch, the one that springs to mind is Aitken's tenure and Alex Miller against Utd, where he took Kirakov off and he threw a massive strop about it. The fans wanted Miller out and this was the trigger that pushed him out quicker.


We saw after East Fife that the home support don't give a feck anymore so its going to be down to the away support and something away from home before fans finally crack up I reckon.

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