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Aberdeen St Mirren

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Home game against St Mirren is a gimmie, will do the minimum and win 2-0.


We have to - looking at the other games this weekend you would have to imagine the teams around us getting at least draws, would even fancy a couple to win.


What are we 9 points off top 6 now? As RTYD said in an earlier thread. Its time to man the fuck up.


Only problem i can see is hasslebaink running out our bombscare defence, and as always the long ball which has been our problem since day one of the season.

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I think Brown calls them "Must not lose" games.


Is Chalali still away on Olympic duty? If not then I'd start him on saturday alongside Vernon and instead of that lump of wood Fallon.


You just know that if Arnie is fit to play, then he will shunt Fyvie out wide, which is no good to anybody. Broon is hanging on here by his fingertips, he might as well give Pawlett a run out wide. I'd stick Arnie alongside Mawene in central defence, with Foster at RB and Conso at LB.


Black Andy Goram















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If Jack isn't fit and Arnason is, I'd go with that back-line definitely sooth_stander. Neither Clark nor McArdle are full backs. Clark these days is apparently not much of anything so he needs to be kept clear of that first team.


I agree with you, and myself :thumbup1:


Two left footers on the left flank, and two right footers on the right flank. Bejesus, I could manage AFC!!!!!!!!

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If Jack isn't fit and Arnason is, I'd go with that back-line definitely sooth_stander. Neither Clark nor McArdle are full backs. Clark these days is apparently not much of anything so he needs to be kept clear of that first team.


Both apparently expected to be fit according to the latest mutterings in the rag.

Would be a big boost.

Possibly our 2 best players this season.


Jack Arnason

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Was just posting elswhere, on a wider subject - but the team line ups from Dunfy and Arabs at home should finally be available to us again.


As depressing as it has been lately you have to assume that if that exact team be fielded again then the chances of getting a good win against Smurn are fair to good???



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Handing Chris Clark a three year contract is, in itself, a sackable offence.


Seen a few people saying this now, having a dig at Brown.

And not having a go at you here Ollie, a genuine question on the subject. How much input does Brown have on the contracts handed out? Does he say I want Clark for 3 years and Miller/Fraser negotiate just the salary?

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Regardless of the length of deal brown should never have signed clark - waste of a wage.


Brown or Gonzo (other was a waste of a wage)


LB (instead of clark)

Considine (Mcardle for cover)

Center back (instead of Mawene)

Foster (backed up by jack)


LW (instead of ozzie


Milsom (backed up by fyvie

RW (Instead of Falon) (Backed up by pawlett)



Striker (Instead of Chalali) Backed up by josh and mackie

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Regardless of the length of deal brown should never have signed clark - waste of a wage.


Brown or Gonzo (other was a waste of a wage)


LB (instead of clark)

Considine (Mcardle for cover)

Center back (instead of Mawene)

Foster (backed up by jack)


LW (instead of ozzie


Milsom (backed up by fyvie

RW (Instead of Falon) (Backed up by pawlett)



Striker (Instead of Chalali) Backed up by josh and mackie

Seemed it was the now normal problem at Aberdeen and the lack of homework and preparations in lead up to the summer once again killied us. Deja Vu if you like. Pleanty time to prepare and identify players in lead up but went into summer totally unprepared and then at start of season once again had shortage of players and were scraping around for others, culminating in panic signings like Fallon and Chalali instead of players in positions we knew needed filled for around 6 months earlier.

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Seemed it was the now normal problem at Aberdeen and the lack of homework and preparations in lead up to the summer once again killied us. Deja Vu if you like. Pleanty time to prepare and identify players in lead up but went into summer totally unprepared and then at start of season once again had shortage of players and were scraping around for others, culminating in panic signings like Fallon and Chalali instead of players in positions we knew needed filled for around 6 months earlier.


but chalali is going to explode and Clark was signed with plenty of time to do better - surely this is simply Broons mess - he chose the players we got - and he got some good ones eg arnason but failed miserably to address the balance of squad issues and wasted money on dross. Like Magoo before him we are no better off - everything else is sophistry. Yes, there are flaws with the players and there are flaws at Pittodrie but money has been given, a squad misassembled and a culprit who needs removed before the joke becomes deadly serious.

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but chalali is going to explode and Clark was signed with plenty of time to do better - surely this is simply Broons mess - he chose the players we got - and he got some good ones eg arnason but failed miserably to address the balance of squad issues and wasted money on dross. Like Magoo before him we are no better off - everything else is sophistry. Yes, there are flaws with the players and there are flaws at Pittodrie but money has been given, a squad misassembled and a culprit who needs removed before the joke becomes deadly serious.

Spot on.

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Both apparently expected to be fit according to the latest mutterings in the rag.

Would be a big boost.

Possibly our 2 best players this season.


Jack Arnason


I'd agree, Jack and Arnason have been our two of our best players this season along with Osbourne and Considine.


With Jack at right back (and not at right midfield like he was against the Pars), and Arnason back in the centre, I think we have enough to win on Saturday.


Would like to see Pawlett out wide right, rather than Fyvie too.

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but chalali is going to explode and Clark was signed with plenty of time to do better - surely this is simply Broons mess - he chose the players we got - and he got some good ones eg arnason but failed miserably to address the balance of squad issues and wasted money on dross. Like Magoo before him we are no better off - everything else is sophistry. Yes, there are flaws with the players and there are flaws at Pittodrie but money has been given, a squad misassembled and a culprit who needs removed before the joke becomes deadly serious.


Excellent post.


Bang on the money.

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Seen a few people saying this now, having a dig at Brown.

And not having a go at you here Ollie, a genuine question on the subject. How much input does Brown have on the contracts handed out? Does he say I want Clark for 3 years and Miller/Fraser negotiate just the salary?

The manager has to have the say on contract length surely? It's his team and his plan.

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