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Muslim Women Not Used To Drinking...


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was going to post this earlier but completely forgot.


Absolute disgrace.


Never mind the fact they have battered this girl senseless. they were shouting racial slurs whilst doing it, and walked free. Thats the bit that annoys me. Get these cunts done for racism.


Does this mean i can go down union street with 2 pals on saturday, get drunk, batter some boy and be racist and get off with it?


If it was the other way around they would of got the book thrown at them.


Makes me sick to be honest. How can they expect us to be equals if they treat us like shite? they should of faced the exact same penalty that anyone else would have gotten for that offence. I would of said the exact same thing if the attackers were white and got off with it. Country is in a fucking state.

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If those 3 girls had tried to do that to a girl I was with I'd have knocked each of them out, I hate men being violent to women but they were feral and deserved to be sparked out.


The bloke should have been tougher, why keep shoving them back when they were being so aggressive, anyone attacking my girlfriend would have had to come through me first and frankly it wouldn't have happened.


The judge was a cunt as well, if that was British girls on a Muslim couple they'd be in jail now.......and rightly so.


I despise racism but it's a two way street, when I worked in Leicester the first thing the taxi driver told me coming from the airport was the places for me to not go to at nights, why come here but not want to integrate, it's a strange one.

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was going to post this earlier but completely forgot.


Absolute disgrace.


Never mind the fact they have battered this girl senseless. they were shouting racial slurs whilst doing it, and walked free. Thats the bit that annoys me. Get these cunts done for racism.


Does this mean i can go down union street with 2 pals on saturday, get drunk, batter some boy and be racist and get off with it?


If it was the other way around they would of got the book thrown at them.


Makes me sick to be honest. How can they expect us to be equals if they treat us like shite? they should of faced the exact same penalty that anyone else would have gotten for that offence. I would of said the exact same thing if the attackers were white and got off with it. Country is in a fucking state.



Crazy country we live in.

One law for us and one for them.

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Interesting this coming after that mad white woman on the bus the other week... If this had been any muslim country they would have probably been stoned in accordance with Shariah law. The have your cake and eat it mentality that you can live in the UK with your religious beliefs but in some way circumvent the local law because of your beliefs is the ultimate in hypocrisy... and having lived in muslim countries for over 3 years, it's just common decency to respect the laws of the country you live in, whether you were born there or not... And that's not racist, that's having a decent moral and ethical upbringing, assault is assault whichever way you look at it.

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They should be stoned to death.


Fuck me though, why are foreign criminals not deported straight away?

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He said he accepted the women may have felt they were the victims of unreasonable force from Miss Page's partner Lewis Moore, 23, who tried desperately to defend her from the attack.


thats a joke! i know you dont hit women but "all bets are off" in this occasion! id be booting feck out of them!!

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sadly these things are all too common nowadays.


but whats grates me more than anything is the fact that they get off with it.


and i presume that is the judges fault for handing out such a lenient sentecnce.

or is it?

why do they essentially get off with it?

a suspended sentence is not a punishment, not in the slightest.

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sadly these things are all too common nowadays.


but whats grates me more than anything is the fact that they get off with it.


and i presume that is the judges fault for handing out such a lenient sentecnce.

or is it?

why do they essentially get off with it?

a suspended sentence is not a punishment, not in the slightest.


Do you think first or just go straight for stream of conciousness?


Of course a suspended sentence is a punishment - and a particularly useful one for a first offender.


Whether it is appropriate in the circumstances is a different matter entirely.

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Guest milne_afc

Judges have been lenient with me in the past because i used drink and/or drugs as an excuse.


It's the best bargaining chip out there for white working class males.

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Shocking offence - a suspended sentence seems too lenient for this and I'm certain were the shoe on the other foot a prolonged custodial sentence would be inevitable along with lots of concern about our multi-cultural society.


A suspended sentence is still a punishment if they are looking for many jobs a criminal records check will happily bring this up. A further offence in the wrong time frame will activate this punishment although I'm not sure if this would then run concurrently or consecutively.


Saying you're not used to being drunk surely can't be a valid defence in any circumstance. (you'd have thought from the picture that these women were not exactly the stereotypical muslim stay at home types anyway).


One caveat - story run in Mail and Telegraph therefore unlikey to be a completely objective report.

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You haven't a clue what you're talking about, so less of the insults, eh?



edit - what would you prefer - a fortnight inside or 6 years of reduced employment opportunities, etc?


I'd go for the first every time...



if i was employing someone and saw they had been in prison, I think that looks worse than a suspended sentence.


But that's just me.

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You haven't a clue what you're talking about, so less of the insults, eh?



edit - what would you prefer - a fortnight inside or 6 years of reduced employment opportunities, etc?


I'd go for the first every time...



non disclosure means employers cant check criminal records unless you're employing for a role that includes looking after kids, elderly or another role that needs police checks. As an employer you're relying on the honesty of applicants, crims by their very nature arent the most honest of people...


A suspended sentence means naff all these days min.



On the story, fucking ridiculous! If any white person or group of white people committed this type of crime they'd be in jail for 18 months charged with racially aggravated attacks etc but because they are Muslim they get use of the get out of jail card. Its no wonder groups like the EDL and BNP are gaining popularity when this is how unfair our justice system can be when it comes to dealing with racism against white people.

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You haven't a clue what you're talking about, so less of the insults, eh?



edit - what would you prefer - a fortnight inside or 6 years of reduced employment opportunities, etc?


I'd go for the first every time...




Practically every thread you post appears to suggest you thrive on showing off how stupid you are.

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