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Jit + Why We Need An Anderson!

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Three points are three points but as usual we needed to make it difficult for ourselves with a leaderless display.


We have got the making of a half decent side in that squad, thats my genuine opinion. Just a shame we lack leadership and experience. The back 4 just panic and there is clearly no communication at all amongst them. The amount of times that Considine and Foster went for the same ball was embarrassing, zero, absolutely zilch communication in that back line. Simple hoofs up the park are rushed and mistimed, its pathetic. We need an experienced seasoned professional and calming influence at the back before we are relegated.


Midfield wise we are well covered and Jack and Milson linked up well. Arni wasn't at his best but he gets through a lot of the spade work. Fallon and Vernon can and will work if they get the service. Crazy shout but I'd consider giving Vernon the captains arm band for the remainder of the season.


Back to the defence. I'd also start McArdle at centre half as he was better than both Considine and Mawene. He could actually clear the decks. Thats a start.


0-2 up with 10 minutes left and we are still lacking leadership. We are in the St Johnstone half and we start passing the ball back to our own goal! Head to the corners and keep the ball there for fuck sake. Use your common sense, surely to God we have someone in the side with enough experience and leadership to remember to keep the ball.


Anyway as I say 3 points are a welcome relief however we need to switch on at the back and start communicating.

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Three points are three points but as usual we needed to make it difficult for ourselves with a leaderless display.


We have got the making of a half decent side in that squad, thats my genuine opinion. Just a shame we lack leadership and experience. The back 4 just panic and there is clearly no communication at all amongst them. The amount of times that Considine and Foster went for the same ball was embarrassing, zero, absolutely zilch communication in that back line. Simple hoofs up the park are rushed and mistimed, its pathetic. We need an experienced seasoned professional and calming influence at the back before we are relegated.

Midfield wise we are well covered and Jack and Milson linked up well. Arni wasn't at his best but he gets through a lot of the spade work. Fallon and Vernon can and will work if they get the service. Crazy shout but I'd consider giving Vernon the captains arm band for the remainder of the season.


Back to the defence. I'd also start McArdle at centre half as he was better than both Considine and Mawene. He could actually clear the decks. Thats a start.


0-2 up with 10 minutes left and we are still lacking leadership. We are in the St Johnstone half and we start passing the ball back to our own goal! Head to the corners and keep the ball there for fuck sake. Use your common sense, surely to God we have someone in the side with enough experience and leadership to remember to keep the ball.


Anyway as I say 3 points are a welcome relief however we need to switch on at the back and start communicating.

Preferably an uncrocked, capable of playing in the next three months, calming influence.


I just don't get the clamour for a perma(currently)injured Russel Anderson.

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Preferably an uncrocked, capable of playing in the next three months, calming influence.


I just don't get the clamour for a perma(currently)injured Russel Anderson.


Agreed Anderson is not the answer...I'd be looking to make more use of McArdle as a CB paired with Considine.


Broon (fat) looks suspect on anything other than the basics...which is another worry

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Three very welcome points


Brown: A decent display with some very good stops.


Osbourne. His best game in a while and being a midfield player understands why it is vital for the full backs to support the forward play.


Foster. Utter, utter gash. Almost cost us the game at the death. How many times would that have been in the season? Strip him of captaincy and see if he can be traded in the January window.


Mawene. OK.


Considine. Decent enough


Arnason. Loose passes, but does add a presence to the midfield.


Jack. MOM


Clark. Complete pish.


Milsom. A power of work and he has something about him


Vernon. Led the line well.


Fallon. Almost as slow as Lee Miller (almost). Needs more games I think before assessing him.


Considine and possibly Mawene out for Saturday so put McArdle and Arnason at the back, Fyvie into Arnason's position, Pawlett for Clark and Chalali for Fallon.




Pawlett and Chalali posed a real threat. If they had been given more time on the pitch we might have scored a couple more.




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Three very welcome points


Brown: A decent display with some very good stops.


Osbourne. His best game in a while and being a midfield player understands why it is vital for the full backs to support the forward play.


Foster. Utter, utter gash. Almost cost us the game at the death. How many times would that have been in the season? Strip him of captaincy and see if he can be traded in the January window.


Mawene. OK.


Considine. Decent enough


Arnason. Loose passes, but does add a presence to the midfield.


Jack. MOM


Clark. Complete pish.


Milsom. A power of work and he has something about him


Vernon. Led the line well.


Fallon. Almost as slow as Lee Miller (almost). Needs more games I think before assessing him.


Considine and possibly Mawene out for Saturday so put McArdle and Arnason at the back, Fyvie into Arnason's position, Pawlett for Clark and Chalali for Fallon.




Pawlett and Chalali posed a real threat. If they had been given more time on the pitch we might have scored a couple more.





What he said.

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Wish Sky Sports came up with a "distance covered/number touches" etc stat like they often do when Clark got subbed. Seem to remember him kicking it about 3 times in the first half and not a single touch in the 2nd.


Thought Jack, Osbourne, Vernon and Milsom were very good last night, need to get Vernon on a longer contract, reckon if we had a half decent team creating chances he'd easily get 20 goals a season.


Foster at least tried hard but he is terrible, and as already said nearly blew it at the end for us.


Chalali looked good when he came on, would have had a goal if wasn't for wrong offside decision and also made a few good tackles. Is a bit ball greedy but sure that'll change with more games.

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Got to keep Jack in Centre Mid after good performance yesterday. Personally I'd like to leave him and Arnason inthere for a few games - Fyvie has struggled a bit this season and some down time could do him good.


I'd also consider moving Foster to centre half on Saturday to replace Considein, if only to do a job on Sproule who as we all know is quick as f4ck - he'd prob get in behind Mawene and Mccardle too easily.

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Got to keep Jack in Centre Mid after good performance yesterday. Personally I'd like to leave him and Arnason inthere for a few games - Fyvie has struggled a bit this season and some down time could do him good.


I'd also consider moving Foster to centre half on Saturday to replace Considein, if only to do a job on Sproule who as we all know is quick as f4ck - he'd prob get in behind Mawene and Mccardle too easily.

Fyvie not been playing in middle all season and nobody to put in at left back to move Foster into middle.

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Wish Sky Sports came up with a "distance covered/number touches" etc stat like they often do when Clark got subbed. Seem to remember him kicking it about 3 times in the first half and not a single touch in the 2nd.


Thought Jack, Osbourne, Vernon and Milsom were very good last night, need to get Vernon on a longer contract, reckon if we had a half decent team creating chances he'd easily get 20 goals a season.


Foster at least tried hard but he is terrible, and as already said nearly blew it at the end for us.


Chalali looked good when he came on, would have had a goal if wasn't for wrong offside decision and also made a few good tackles. Is a bit ball greedy but sure that'll change with more games.


I thought Clark had a good first half but faded second, think your critique is rather off considering the work rate he appeared to be putting in was really good in the first half. All about opinions I guess.

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I thought Clark had a good first half but faded second, think your critique is rather off considering the work rate he appeared to be putting in was really good in the first half. All about opinions I guess.

Workrate should be a given. Passing, heading, ball retention etc etc awful. In fact his all round ability is frankly, terrible. But he's not alone in this squad.

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I have to disagree about the criticism that Fallon has been given, he is a worker and his link up play for Vernon is excellent, he also drags defenders out of position.


Foster just needs to go back to the basics as do the whole of that back line. If in doubt row Z! No pussy footing about just get it tae.


I also couldn't help notice last night that we got given next to no decisions by the referee. I can only remember us getting 2 free kicks all night, I hope to God it was more but it certainly didn't reach double figures, we had at least 3 very questionable offsides given against us and a few dodgy decisions where the ball went out of play for what was clearly a red throw in only for the linesman to give it to StJ.

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Workrate should be a given. Passing, heading, ball retention etc etc awful. In fact his all round ability is frankly, terrible. But he's not alone in this squad.


correct see above for a description of Mackie and Foster too


I have to disagree about the criticism that Fallon has been given, he is a worker and his link up play for Vernon is excellent, he also drags defenders out of position.


Foster just needs to go back to the basics as do the whole of that back line. If in doubt row Z! No pussy footing about just get it tae.


I also couldn't help notice last night that we got given next to no decisions by the referee. I can only remember us getting 2 free kicks all night, I hope to God it was more but it certainly didn't reach double figures, we had at least 3 very questionable offsides given against us and a few dodgy decisions where the ball went out of play for what was clearly a red throw in only for the linesman to give it to StJ.


Fallon - I agree with the above. he creates space for Vernon, just a shame he doesn't get on the score sheet more.


Foster - he struggles even with the very basic stuff in football and on top of it he moans at everyone else. He should not be in our starting 11 let alone be our captain.

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Workrate should be a given. Passing, heading, ball retention etc etc awful. In fact his all round ability is frankly, terrible. But he's not alone in this squad.


Aye, if you're pish that is.


Some of the best players ever to have played the game were amongst the laziest bastards you could imagine.


Prosinecki, 40 fags a day, alkie, sublime footballer.


Cantona, lazy, arrogant, stinking Frenchman, again a cracking player.

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Aye, if you're pish that is.


Some of the best players ever to have played the game were amongst the laziest bastards you could imagine.


Prosinecki, 40 fags a day, alkie, sublime footballer.


Cantona, lazy, arrogant, stinking Frenchman, again a cracking player.


Would disagree with this - certainly these players did not track back as well as some others - but given opportunity moved well and into space. You can afford to be "lazy" as a striker/attacking midfielder if you then react rapidly to opportunity, move into space and make telling passes - what no one can afford is a lazy midfielder who also struggles to do the basics. Their laziness is the laziness of the hunter waiting for an opportuunity, I don't think that description could really be applied to Christina?

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Given one would say 'Foster, Clark and Mackie - GTF' we are now looking at eight words and a hyphen.


The folk on 606 must have thought poor bri was speaking in code, and were unable to decipher it in six years.



Pardon my ignorance but 8 words and a hyphen?


1. Foster

2. Clark

3. and

4. Mackie


5. Get

6. to

7. fuck



Where is this 8th word that you speak of?


Who is this Bri you refer to?


RTYD made the initial statement.


Questions that require answers.


Get on it.

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Pardon my ignorance but 8 words and a hyphen?


1. Foster

2. Clark

3. and

4. Mackie


5. Get

6. to

7. fuck



Where is this 8th word that you speak of?


Who is this Bri you refer to?


RTYD made the initial statement.


Questions that require answers.


Get on it.


the 8th word is 'cunt' said under your breath after the word foster - like a silent word.

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