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just started a new job which im so over qualified for, its quite ridiculous. but in the "current economy" i have to make do.


wont go into the long details but essentially, its 2pm-10pm 7 days then 4 days off. very little human contact in that 8 hours. most of the time its me on my tod. so loneliness is already creeping in. also feels like my days are wasted as i know whatever i do during the day, i have to be done by 12.30 so i can think about getting ready for work.


therefore, my question is two fold


a) how much do you hate your job that your clearly avoiding doing by reading this thread




b) how do you guys who work offshore cope wi the long assed time you spend away from your families? i still see my mrs 2 hours a night but im finding it strange how much im missing her. thought id cope fine seeing her sparsely but sitting here while shes at work knowing shes getting out at 5, then we both have to sit by ourselves for another 5 hours is depressing.

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i quite like my job. well as much as its humaly possible to like your job.


go colleagues, good social scene and relaxed atmosphere at work.


it may 9-5 and office based but hours a failry flexible as long as i do my hours. i can go out on a school night without having to worry, i can take holidays whenever i like.


all in all pretty fortunate.

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c) I love the sound of your job. My dream job would be a lighthouse keeper, away fae abidy, nae annoying bastarding workmates or public to piss you off.


What are you doing?


i thought it sounded bliss at 1st too. working in a council gym. pool changing room attendant. got a cupboard to sit in and once an hour or so do a patrol of the lanes to make sure theres no build up of water folk could slip in. then just general cleaning stuff. lifeguards dont need to come in, managers keep clear. no reception though so tv, internet and phones are wasted.



Hell is other people.


You've got yourself a wee bit of heaven there, and all you can do is moan?


satre was correct. people are indeed hell. stupidity in spades. im just struggling just now to find a line between sitting in my house doing nothing waiting to go to work...then sitting there waiting to go home. i know everybody feels like that, its not just me, think its more the hours im doing rather than the job per say.


plus ive basically got to pack in the few things i do outside of work as the convention is folk working 9-5 or thereabouts, so most stuff is planned for 7, 8ish. ie training. had to basically pack in my 11s coaching and the junior stuff i do at weekends as id only get to be there once every 4 weeks, so its not really fair on everyone else for me to rock up every 4th week and expect to take part/be listened to. basically yes, im moaning, but working is getting in the way of life :laughing: i need to win the lottery

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I'm in the same boat.


A fucking monkey can do my job, going by some of the fuckwits I'm working with, the monkey would get promoted within the first week.


I'm on the midnight shift, abdy else has fucked off by 7. The peace and quiet is great.


It's not the most challenging job in the world, but it's a job.


I'm about to piss them off by telling them I'll be away for 10 days at Christmas.

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I'm in the same boat.


A fucking monkey can do my job, going by some of the fuckwits I'm working with, the monkey would get promoted within the first week.


I'm on the midnight shift, abdy else has fucked off by 7. The peace and quiet is great.


It's not the most challenging job in the world, but it's a job.


I'm about to piss them off by telling them I'll be away for 10 days at Christmas.


Eh'm guessing there's a shortage of monkeys looking for work, so they had to hire you?

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I am having problem just now with my new job too. Job itself is good and after 3 months I'm totally confident in what I'm doing and enjoying it.


Only trouble I'm having is I'm the trainer for the storeman offshore and have already been to Houston for 2 weeks and not long back from Israel. Both trips were brilliant but I'm now been told I'm needed in Israel again on the 30th December for 10 days because H.R have fucked up and changed the rig storeman. Problem with this is I am on an onshore contract and don't get paid extra for the travelling. It was only supposed to be a couple trips a year which was fine with me. But come the end of my 3 month's I'll have spent over half of it on the rigs away from home.


Beginning to feel like they're taking the piss now and don't fancy missing my own new year party that I'm having in the house. Seems like my boss is putting me forward for all this travelling which I love but could do with the offshore wage bonus if I'm going to be spending this long away.

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I am having problem just now with my new job too. Job itself is good and after 3 months I'm totally confident in what I'm doing and enjoying it.


Only trouble I'm having is I'm the trainer for the storeman offshore and have already been to Houston for 2 weeks and not long back from Israel. Both trips were brilliant but I'm now been told I'm needed in Israel again on the 30th December for 10 days because H.R have fucked up and changed the rig storeman. Problem with this is I am on an onshore contract and don't get paid extra for the travelling. It was only supposed to be a couple trips a year which was fine with me. But come the end of my 3 month's I'll have spent over half of it on the rigs away from home.


Beginning to feel like they're taking the piss now and don't fancy missing my own new year party that I'm having in the house. Seems like my boss is putting me forward for all this travelling which I love but could do with the offshore wage bonus if I'm going to be spending this long away.


Occupational hazard working in the oil industry, birthdays, xmas and New years away, on call and so on,


The pro's far out weigh the cons.


I prefer working on my todd, me myself and I are great company


They say there is no "i" in "team", but if you look close enough there is "me"

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just started a new job which im so over qualified for, its quite ridiculous. but in the "current economy" i have to make do.


wont go into the long details but essentially, its 2pm-10pm 7 days then 4 days off. very little human contact in that 8 hours. most of the time its me on my tod. so loneliness is already creeping in. also feels like my days are wasted as i know whatever i do during the day, i have to be done by 12.30 so i can think about getting ready for work.


therefore, my question is two fold


a) how much do you hate your job that your clearly avoiding doing by reading this thread




b) how do you guys who work offshore cope wi the long assed time you spend away from your families? i still see my mrs 2 hours a night but im finding it strange how much im missing her. thought id cope fine seeing her sparsely but sitting here while shes at work knowing shes getting out at 5, then we both have to sit by ourselves for another 5 hours is depressing.





That's some fowk's ideal job , absence maks the wife look younger.


Read Jack Kerouac's 'Desolation Angels' , written when he spent an entire Summer as a lone fire watcher above the tree level of the vast American forests( west coast ). Think he went a wee bit crazy like. Of course there was no internet in those days.


I think most people are too intelligent for their jobs , it is important to be able to 'dumb down' and then 'bounce back' again when we 'clock aff'. :)

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hate my work. The job itself is not bad and i get to print money with overtime but the people i work with are awful! team of 12 and have one mate and 2 lassies i can actually stand to talk to! the rest i dispise!! bitchy 2 faced apins in the rumps! you wont be surprised it mostly women!


which isnt good as its our xmas nightout in an hours time and drunk Nespa will make a d1ck of himself!

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Used to enjoy my job, coming to the point now I cant bare to go in. Boss is a fucking wanker he's got a little band of yes men. Who kiss his arse at any moment my problem is I dont.



Hoping to get a job offshore in the near future.

That's pretty much my job as a Laboratory Chemist summed up, apart fae the two lassies and a Fife poofter fa I have a good laff wi in my department, it's a never ending procession of know it all, arrogant manipulative wee yes men, all up the boss' ringpiece. The gaffer, of course, is a slimy racist Tory prick wi a massive superiority complex, an emotionless amoral unethical sack of shit, fa tongues the general manager's hoop and makes our life hell. His deputy is a micromanaging auld bitch fae hell. And they're both the type who make your life hell regardless of whether you are competent or not if yer face disnae fit. If only both the boss and his deputy would fuck off, place would be a hell of a lot better both atmosphere and productivity wise.

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That's pretty much my job as a Laboratory Chemist summed up, apart fae the two lassies and a Fife poofter fa I have a good laff wi in my department, it's a never ending procession of know it all, arrogant manipulative wee yes men, all up the boss' ringpiece. The gaffer, of course, is a slimy racist Tory prick wi a massive superiority complex, an emotionless amoral unethical sack of shit, fa tongues the general manager's hoop and makes our life hell. His deputy is a micromanaging auld bitch fae hell. And they're both the type who make your life hell regardless of whether you are competent or not if yer face disnae fit. If only both the boss and his deputy would fuck off, place would be a hell of a lot better both atmosphere and productivity wise.


I even here them boasting about how well he gets paid. Sums it up when he didnt go to the works night out instead went to his brother in laws company night oot. Guys a grade A tosser.

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My one's a sad cunt to be honest. Routinely turns up to official works dos in a work polo shirt and jeans (although saying that, last xmas he wore his golf club jersey- the GM must have had a word), sits doon wi his deputy, says fuck all to anyone else and just....stares creepily at people. At least once it hits the back o 10 or the end o the meal he fucks off, but yeah, zero social skills or interest in anyone besides acting like a creepy fucker. And then the next monday, spends all day moaning like fuck about everyone enjoying themselves and wasting their money on frivolity, when they should be at home saving their dosh and in their beds before midnight. I'm not making this up, the mannie is that bloody sad!

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Work can be pish if you let it be pish. I've worked pish jobs before and the job of work I did refelcted just how much I hated it. This is a failing of the managers, of course. Managers who are so plain fucking stupid and without wits that they honestly believe that browbeating their staff is the way to productivity.


In my experience British companies are far, far pisher than American companies, largely because in Britain the tradition is to promote people based on tenure rather than things like ability, people skills or competence.


"Fuck, Slow Billy's been with the company ten years, it's time we made him a manager. Aye, he's got a heid like a broth pot and all the managerial potential of a reclaimed brick, but... ten years, like. Congratulations on your promotion, Slow Billy, now get out there and manage like you've never managed before."


British companies also have the short sighted belief that the way to be profitable is to hire people for the bare minimum wage they can get away with. And if someone capable fucks off elsewhere for a decent wage then the company will replace him with Slow Billy, the guy with a heid like a broth pot.


I worked for three companies over here, the first was a major IT company... contracted to recoding old COBOL mainframes. That doesn't sound like much fun, but the boss I had was fucking magic and I was happier there doing boring work than I ever was in Britain doing work that should have been fun but was actually shit because my boss was a fucking retard who needed help tying his shoelaces in the morning. But, hey, he'd been with the company for years... didn't matter he had an IQ slightly lower than the kind of life you find belting out from under a rock when you lift it up. Fuck no, let's make this Grade A moron, who's a cunt into the bargain, in charge of an entire department.. that'll be good, eh?


Second job was working for a non-IT company, but doing their IT for them. Again, not the most glamorous job in the world, but the people and bosses were first rate (aside from some of the drivers.. they were largely illiterate felons, guilty of such misdemeanours as stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in heists, stealing the companies trucks, and.. oh yeah, murder)


Third job was for a large computer company again, people were great, but it was then that I realised that working for other people isn't necessary, so I quit and went 1099. Subcontracting to a guy who owns his own company, IT-ing for a bunch of his clients.


Now I'm working for the best boss I ever had... me.



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