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Montrose Police Log Traffic Accident On File

The Boofon

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Treemendous comment but not related to trees at all.


I see someone was caught with a camera taking pictures and putting the film in their sister's fanny.


I doubt anyone will manage to fit in a photosynthesis pun with that information though. :sheepdance:


dunno, something about the secret garden? or the undergrowth?

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Treemendous comment but not related to trees at all.


I see someone was caught with a camera taking pictures and putting the film in their sister's fanny.


I doubt anyone will manage to fit in a photosynthesis pun with that information though. :sheepdance:



dunno, something about the secret garden? or the undergrowth?




Photos in the sis?




Can I get a whoosh?

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Do Scot's pine for their homeland when they are abroad?


If you don't know the answer and think you're stumped then just give a number in Bergen a ring and ask Fir Brian.


His number is tree tree tree 2845.


i don't generally feel homesick - i guess being uprooted was a bit tough but supporting the Red(s) wood always cheer me up. I have a friend who's a Forest fan and he feels the same as me. Sometimes even the dons cant stop me feeling a little bamboozled though.

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