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Anyone ever been called up as a witness before?


Was driving home from work with wife and stopped as dog ran out on road followed by a young boy.


Two mums fighting, one majorly on top punching other in the face repeatedly Seperated the little war lords and gave the one who'd been battered my details, police came and took a statement and now been called as a witness. Will I have to repeat what I saw or said I saw is my worry? I can barely mind what I said in my statement and worried about looking a cock in court

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I have given a statement before, for racial abuse directed at staff in a kebab shop.


Think they ended up just signing a written statement confirming they did it and plead guilty. Which was good, as I barely remembered the incident, and any questions would have had me flummoxed...

hope it's same as that's exactly where i am

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Never given evidence before, but iv'e seen plenty of people do it - and do it badly...


If you've been cited by the PF you should get all the coming to court booklets - read all that shit to familiarise yourself with court etiquette and forms of address. When you first get shown in by the macer, the sherrif will usually say ''Good Morning Mr URL'' - you should reply ''Good Morning My Lord'' : they like it when witnesses address them properly. Then you'll be sworn in.


Your witness statement will be before the court, you may be asked to recall roughly what happened and then if there is any specific detail the PF is interested in, he will read your witness statement back to you and ask whether its an accurate reflection of what you saw. The main thing to remember is the PF doesn't want you to look like a cock during his examination, because that will make his case look like shit, which will in turn make him look like a cock. They'll usually do as much as possible to help you out at this stage.


When your cross examined, its important to remain as calm as possible. If the defence solicitor is good at his job he will try to come across like a cold and arrogant wanker (if he's really really good at his job he won't even make eye contact with you - he'll look up at the bench as he asks his questions). This is designed to unnerve you - don't be unnerved. When he asks a question, pause for a couple of seconds, compose yourself and then answer. Don't get lured into answering questions in quickfire succession - if you fuck up he'll seize his opportunity and use your one fuck up to rip the rest of your evidence apart. When he asks a question, answer with the minimum amount of material necessary to answer - never elaborate on anything, unless asked. If you don't know something or are unsure then say so. Don't get drawn into a logical argument with them. If he tries to get you to answer in Yes's and No's and you think there is something the court should know, just turn to the Sheriff and say ''My Lord, to answer yes or no to such a question would be misleading to the court, i'd like the opportunity to explain my answer in more detail''. Its important to remember that if things get a little heated during cross-examination you are on your own. The PF won't jump in for you (after he's finished his examination you are no longer pals, he needs to pretend he's the impartial public prosecutor) and i doubt the sheriff will either.


Finally - body language. Cannot emphasise how important it is. Stand up straight, legs shoulder width apart, hands at your sides or behind your back - do not slouch. You get a cup water automatically. If the defence solicitor is male, act like the alpha-ist fucker in there - when you first go into the court look at him straight in the eyes like your about to stab him. This lets him know that your not afraid and he won't be fucking with you when its his turn.


Stay cool, stay calm, stay collected - there is nothing scarier to a defence solicitor than a calm, well mannered well turned out crown witness.




- make sure you claim expenses

- bring reading material

- remember to turn off your mobile

- do not eat porridge or eggs for breakfast if its your first time


p.s. If you really want to look like you know what your doing, you should direct the answers to all questions towards the Sheriff. You get asked a question, you pause, you look up towards the sherriff, you answer, you smile, you look back towards the PF. During cross-examination don't look directly at the defence solicitor, pick a spot on the wall behind him and repeat as above.


Good Luck



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Was a witness at a fatal accident inquiry at Dundee Sheriff Court for 2 guys killed in an explosion on a rig, was quite a daunting experience, the solicitor for guys families asked some awkward technical questions above my station but he seemed to accept my answers.

I was the last one onboard to speak to them then I heard the explosion minutes later also I saw the remains of one of the lads later as I had to help the electrician to isolate some eqiupment so the firemen could recover the bodies.

Spoke to a welder during one of the lunch breaks and he told the same solicitor ripped him apart accusing him of some terrible things

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