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Happy Birthday Cheesepipes

Big Man

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Happy Birthday Pipes min!


All the best...




p.s. I tried to organise a whip round to get you looksgoodinred coming out of a massive cake, semi-clad and singing happy birthday Mr. President in a seductive voice - but some of the others wouldn't put their hands in their pockets...

'Cause I was tryin' to hud ma hardon doon


Merry birthday min

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Enter CapricornThe Sun is in Capricorn from December 22-January 20. We are motivated by feelings of responsibility, ambition, and respect for law and order under this influence. Capricorn derives much satisfaction in completion and accomplishment. Standards, structures, and an appreciation for order are Capricorn themes. Capricorn wants tangible results, knows what is feasible and what is not, and is most comfortable working within an established framework and known boundaries or limits. Working towards a long-term goal is most satisfying with this influence.







Happy Birthday , cPipe.


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Did you get your Christmas caird yet min?


We tried to glue cotton wool onto the faces of the Dons Match Attax doubles my loon had, Vernon et al, but although the operation was a success, the patience died, lost the head with it, so it's minus that additional extra I'm afraid, sent it Tue evening so should be with you today :thumbs:

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