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New Years Resolutions....


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I'm not a fan of the whole New Years Resolutions, mainly because if you want to do something....start NOW, you don't need to wait until January the first, unless it's related to the calendar year.


So basically...Do you have any goals and things you want to achieve next year?


My plan for the next 6-12 months is to get fitter and lose the belly! Lost about 1 1/2 stone last year, so i'm looking to tone up and maybe lose 6lbs and get rid of moobs and belly! I fancy doing a 1/2 marathon as well, i've absolutely NO inclination of doing a full marathon.

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Got a stone to shift that i put on after the wedding, Also drinking a lot more on thursday nights than i was so maybes limiting to 8 pints. Also got 3.5k on a credit card for the honeymoon that im needing cleared before the summer.


Chances are that none of the above will happen but im starting with good intentions. Only 7 pints last night :laughing:

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I'm not a fan of the whole New Years Resolutions, mainly because if you want to do something....start NOW, you don't need to wait until January the first, unless it's related to the calendar year.


So basically...Do you have any goals and things you want to achieve next year?


My plan for the next 6-12 months is to get fitter and lose the belly! Lost about 1 1/2 stone last year, so i'm looking to tone up and maybe lose 6lbs and get rid of moobs and belly! I fancy doing a 1/2 marathon as well, i've absolutely NO inclination of doing a full marathon.



Why nae?




My only resolution is to complete the Loch Ness marathon in 2012 in under 4 hours. That's started a while ago though and not an actual New Year resolution.

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Why nae?

I dunno, mainly because it's a lot of training and work for something i really don't fancy doing. Running for 4 hours (speed depending...) would bore me to tears, although after doing a 1/2 marathon chances are i'd start thinking about doing a full one. I would only do one to say that i've done one.


I'll do a few 10ks and a 1/2 marathon or two and see how it goes. I prefer going for long cycle rides than running.

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I dunno, mainly because it's a lot of training and work for something i really don't fancy doing. Running for 4 hours (speed depending...) would bore me to tear, although after doing a 1/2 marathon chances are i'd start thinking about doing a full one.


I'll do a few 10ks and a 1/2 marathon or two and see how it going. I prefer going for long cycle rides than running.



Get some swimming under your belt and do a triathlon. :thumbs:

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If we're going to be playing games about our resolutions, to kid more people on into believing things I say:


Take far more cocaine than I do at present.

Start dealing cocaine to youths who require being brought through the ranks of the drug world

Start taking heaps more Peruvian flake

Ride Jennifer Ellison more than 5 times a week, I'm only riding her 3 times a week just now.

Join the casuals and smash Cheesepipes, and boast about it on the internet.



Who has been playing games so far?


What a strange comment.

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I have thought about doing a Triathlon, not the biggest fan of swimming mind you...but would at least keep me fit.



It's the cycling that puts me off.


Swimming 60 lengths in one go at the moment which is twice the distance of a Sprint triathlon requirements so that one's a doddle. 20km on a bike would be a ball buster though as I only do running, cross training and swimming at the moment for my marathon training programme.


Maybe in 2013 I'll tackle one.

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It's the cycling that puts me off.


Swimming 60 lengths in one go at the moment which is twice the distance of a Sprint triathlon requirements so that one's a doddle. 20km on a bike would be a ball buster though as I only do running, cross training and swimming at the moment for my marathon training programme.


Maybe in 2013 I'll tackle one.

We'll team up, you do the swimming and i'll do the cycling! 20km on a bike is a piece of piss. :sheepdance:

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Front crawl boof?


Freestyle Mobby.


Same thing though. Freestyle is the proper name but yes front crawl with proper breathing with the face in the water coming up every second stroke for air.


A bit like a dolphin but without the arms.


Water is pretty cold in the pool though so getting in past the bollocks is a bigger challenge than the swim itself.

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I dunno, mainly because it's a lot of training and work for something i really don't fancy doing. Running for 4 hours (speed depending...) would bore me to tears, although after doing a 1/2 marathon chances are i'd start thinking about doing a full one. I would only do one to say that i've done one.


I'll do a few 10ks and a 1/2 marathon or two and see how it goes. I prefer going for long cycle rides than running.


I started off with the approach of doing a marathon to say I had done one. Thoroughly enjoy them.


1/2 marathon requires a fair bit of training as well. If you are starting from nothing, you'd only be adding a few weeks on the end to get up to a marathon.


Each to their own, but I would recommend it for sure, especially if you get in to one that is a great all round event.

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I started off with the approach of doing a marathon to say I had done one. Thoroughly enjoy them.


1/2 marathon requires a fair bit of training as well. If you are starting from nothing, you'd only be adding a few weeks on the end to get up to a marathon.


Each to their own, but I would recommend it for sure, especially if you get in to one that is a great all round event.

I'll see how my half marathon training goes. I might end up wanting to do the extra miles. I'm going to miss the Baker Hughes this year which is disappointing, but there will be plenty other 10ks that I can do.


Went for a run last night for the first time in about 3 weeks and it was tough! Amazing how quickly you lose your fitness.

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I'll see how my half marathon training goes. I might end up wanting to do the extra miles. I'm going to miss the Baker Hughes this year which is disappointing, but there will be plenty other 10ks that I can do.


Went for a run last night for the first time in about 3 weeks and it was tough! Amazing how quickly you lose your fitness.


I haven't run since I did my last marathon, 3 months ago. A bit worrying, since it is only 5 months to my next one, and I have let myself go.


So in answer to the thread question, I guess I will be laying off the junk food and alcohol come January time...

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Cut down on the drinking


Lay of the snifter


Start using heroin



i bet you are tee total, would never take coke in your life and are disgusted by the herion chic culture so prevalent in fraser and edin burgh


perhaps you should spend less time in the library and on xbox live and more time out socialising with real people.

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Boof, if you can swim and run those distances you'll manage 20k on a bike.



I know I just find cycling very uncomfortable.


Did a quick 10k the other day on an exercise bike and it's just not comfortable. Fair works the thighs though as opposed to running and the calves that get the most build.


I'm sure a decent bike would help and getting seats adjusted etc. but for the moment swimming and running are doing enough for me.


Folk think I'm bonkers trying a marathon but a triathlon would take the biscuit although a Sprint triathlon doesn't actually look like too much effort.


30 lengths, 20k on a bike and a 5k run.


I'm maybe have another shot of the bike tonight if I can be bothered after my run.


Mobby the pool is cold because the weather here only heats up from about 11am onwards and it has no heating.


It's roasting in the summer though.


I'm also needing to be able to speak fluent French although that's not a resolution either but something in progress.

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My only resolution is to complete the Loch Ness marathon in 2012 in under 4 hours. That's started a while ago though and not an actual New Year resolution.

My brother did it this year in 2:56.




Freestyle Mobby.


Same thing though. Freestyle is the proper name but yes front crawl with proper breathing with the face in the water coming up every second stroke for air.


A bit like a dolphin but without the arms.


Water is pretty cold in the pool though so getting in past the bollocks is a bigger challenge than the swim itself.



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I know I just find cycling very uncomfortable.


Did a quick 10k the other day on an exercise bike and it's just not comfortable. Fair works the thighs though as opposed to running and the calves that get the most build.


I'm sure a decent bike would help and getting seats adjusted etc. but for the moment swimming and running are doing enough for me.


Folk think I'm bonkers trying a marathon but a triathlon would take the biscuit although a Sprint triathlon doesn't actually look like too much effort.


30 lengths, 20k on a bike and a 5k run.


I'm maybe have another shot of the bike tonight if I can be bothered after my run.


Mobby the pool is cold because the weather here only heats up from about 11am onwards and it has no heating.


It's roasting in the summer though.


I'm also needing to be able to speak fluent French although that's ot a resolution either but something in progress.


Def agree with the comfort part! I'm not a bike man at all, but have used one a fair bit recently as my back has being playing up. Some padded cycling shorts may help boof.

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My brother did it this year in 2:56.










That's some going like. 14kph an hour or there or thereabouts for 26miles. Guy here at work used to do them in those times.


Next time you're ever on a treadmill fire it up to 14 and hud going for a few clicks. Fuck that four hours will do me fine.



Is that picture Mini?

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Def agree with the comfort part! I'm not a bike man at all, but have used one a fair bit recently as my back has being playing up. Some padded cycling shorts may help boof.

It sounds like either your seat is too high or low, or your bike is too small / big for you. When I got my road bike I found that I was getting a sore back more often than not, but eventually managed to get my seat and handlebars at the right angle and height and it made a big difference.


Padded shorts definitely help though for long cycles.

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