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Rate Your Hugmanay

Big Man

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1/10. Offshore for it. Only thing giving it a 1 is that I was with my mates from my shift and we had some good banter. New Years Day itself was a lot better as we got the day off and the food was tremendous. Hogmany, finished work quarter past 6ish, had supper, watched an hour of tele, played a game of poker then was in bed for Match of the Day. Beauty.

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5/10, same as any other fucking day, never left the house and no cunt chapped my door, just as well, they may have been offended when I telt them to GTF.


Got the kids up at half eleven, lemonades all round, watched that wanker Jools Holland for a bit, seen plenty folk making a cunt of themselves on that, drinks in, wits oot, deserved sore heads for them yesterday bunch of fucking gaylords that they all were.


Not had a drink this year and do not intend to for the foreseeable, five mile run in 90mph winds earlier, breath of fresh air that was, I'm aiming for peak physical condition as everyone else looks at their expanding stomachs and overdrafts, another year of taking the game to planet earth for me, no rest for the wicked.

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-15/10 for me


Arrived in Saudi on the friday night got up at 10 ish and trapsed into the office showed my face and came back to my flat. Sat there for a few hours on skype to the wife then ordered the little ceasers flaming hot pizza. Saw the bells in wi ma mate on skype put the laptop off and knocked one oot 1st of the new year.


Absolute pish but hey ho theres always next year

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5/10, same as any other fucking day, never left the house and no cunt chapped my door, just as well, they may have been offended when I telt them to GTF.


Got the kids up at half eleven, lemonades all round, watched that wanker Jools Holland for a bit, seen plenty folk making a cunt of themselves on that, drinks in, wits oot, deserved sore heads for them yesterday bunch of fucking gaylords that they all were.


Not had a drink this year and do not intend to for the foreseeable, five mile run in 90mph winds earlier, breath of fresh air that was, I'm aiming for peak physical condition as everyone else looks at their expanding stomachs and overdrafts, another year of taking the game to planet earth for me, no rest for the wicked.





So tup...... Is your glass half full or half empty in general? :dontknow:

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Probably a 7/10. First time I have been elsewhere other than Aberdeen or aberdeenshire for it so was a good change. Party at a flat with about 12 folk, quick scarper up Calton hill for the mental fireworks then back to party til about 4ish.


Should have been sick with the drink mixing on the go and the day after was a lazy one ending with a dominos pizza.

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2/10 - only saving grace was the food, cooked by myself fair enough but I dinna mind. It was quality.


New Years is just a field day for full time cynics like myself. It's just a run out for all the happy-clappy semantic wankers, thank god I can rage at it in the comfort of my own home instead of being surrounded by thick pissheids and infuriating tourists.

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Its got to be an 8 then.


A 9 is almost the perfect evening where either a) animals are involved. b) drugs and animals are involved. c) getting a blowy from something/one


or d) All the above


A 10 is the same but more exotic animals



9 out of 10, first time in years I've not gone intae toon, went to a dinner/ceildh at the Northern Hotel, pricey ticket but fantastic entertainment and good food, got to see the fireworks and caught up wi a couple o boys I ain't seen in years.


No mention of criteria a, b or d so it must be c. :gay: :gay: :gay:

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