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Stephen Lawrence

Bobby Connor

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Nae interested in hearing about this all over again 20 years later. It was boring news when I was 16 and it's still just as tedious and predictable now.


Fuck off with this being a major news story.


That's a bit fuckin much is not BC?


Very much an important news story.



I however can't be arsed to discuss it, nor will i be passing comment on it. Had enough of it at work today.

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That's a bit fuckin much is not BC?


Very much an important news story.



I however can't be arsed to discuss it, nor will i be passing comment on it. Had enough of it at work today.


No it fucking isn't! Kid got killed in some inner city slum. Happens every day. Why this is an exceptional news story that has managed to span 3 separate decades is completely beyond me.

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Cos of the racism innit.


Well yes, that is the hook that has the media so enthusiastic. But this is surely not the only incident in the past 20 years?


Bizarre how the media are obsessed with this one? What about the mad stabbings on Oxford Street last week? We'l never hear about them again, let alone in 2032. Fucked up world.

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Well yes, that is the hook that has the media so enthusiastic. But this is surely not the only incident in the past 20 years?


Bizarre how the media are obsessed with this one? What about the mad stabbings on Oxford Street last week? We'l never hear about them again, let alone in 2032. Fucked up world.


Was the issue with this one not more the institutional racism of Metropolitan Police and how this case brought it in to the public domain?

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Was the issue with this one not more the institutional racism of Metropolitan Police and how this case brought it in to the public domain?


Right enough. Forgot about that angle altogether. Maybe that's why it's taken so long to come to a conclusion - so all involved get to have a career and retire quietly.


Still doesn't make it news now. The world has moved on a hell of a lot.

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Quite. We like full blown riots now.


Any riots these days are fuck all to do with race and all about not being able to afford the latest iPad.


The world has moved on... Stephen Lawro would be stabbed for his trainers outside of Footlocker in the modern era (in front of everyone in broad daylight). He is one of thousands of kids who have been done over by other kids in the past 20 years.


The world has moved on... Nobody is surprised or gives a fuck these days.


The world has moved on... Inverness is full of foreigners


The world hasn't moved on... we're still short of blacks

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No way was that a fair trial or a safe conviction, this was find someone guilty at all costs.


We'll also overlook the fact the deceased was a bullying gang member who singled out young white people for his kicks, not the random killing the left wing press have made it out to be.


I predict the convictions will be over turned on appeal. One tiny spec of blood found over 15 years after the crime and all the evidence had been kept in the same cupboard and handled many times over the years.

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No way was that a fair trial or a safe conviction, this was find someone guilty at all costs.


We'll also overlook the fact the deceased was a bullying gang member who singled out young white people for his kicks, not the random killing the left wing press have made it out to be.


I predict the convictions will be over turned on appeal. One tiny spec of blood found over 15 years after the crime and all the evidence had been kept in the same cupboard and handled many times over the years.


I ken fuck all about this case, but I can safely say this. "I Hope you've telegrammed this latest set of pish to Maggie and the Daily Mail Daytripper because nae cunt with an active mind will be taking you seriously.

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Any riots these days are fuck all to do with race and all about not being able to afford the latest iPad.


The world has moved on... Stephen Lawro would be stabbed for his trainers outside of Footlocker in the modern era (in front of everyone in broad daylight). He is one of thousands of kids who have been done over by other kids in the past 20 years.


The world has moved on... Nobody is surprised or gives a fuck these days.


The world has moved on... Inverness is full of foreigners


The world hasn't moved on... we're still short of blacks

Really? The Duggan's may beg to differ.

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Cos the fuckers that did that got banged up long ago.


It got almost zero coverage whilst the hunt for the killers went on, when they were found no one shouted about it being racist.


I have my doubts whether SL was even killed by a white man, it's only because of his parents screaming racism that this has ever got 2 people jailed for life, only one person says it was a white gang, it was late at night, he could easily be mistaken. Black on black killing is rife in London.


The coverage of them in a flat speaking about it always misses out the last bit of film where they joke about the camera that they knew had been planted in their flat, they were acting for the camera and it got them jailed for life.

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It got almost zero coverage whilst the hunt for the killers went on, when they were found no one shouted about it being racist.


I have my doubts whether SL was even killed by a white man, it's only because of his parents screaming racism that this has ever got 2 people jailed for life, only one person says it was a white gang, it was late at night, he could easily be mistaken. Black on black killing is rife in London.


The coverage of them in a flat speaking about it always misses out the last bit of film where they joke about the camera that they knew had been planted in their flat, they were acting for the

camera and it got them jailed for life.


Zero coverage - it was all we heard about up here for ages. I can

even mine the fucker that did it was nicknamed 'baldy' - I wouldn't hav a clue what SL's killers nicknames are.


Anyway it's a moot point - these fuckers did it. Their behaviour in the video you refer to above (acting for a camera they didn't ken was there?) their constant lying to police(why tell the police they didn't even know each other for example?) their list of prior convictions, many of them racially motivated, not to mention the forensic evidence all point to their guilt, as confirmed by the jury.


I'm prob as right wing as they come but I'm not so stupid as to think that my enemies enemy is my friend. These cunts are skum and don't deserve any sympathy.

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No doubt they were racists, that's why the police went after them..........but they did know the camera was there.


They also got abused for fighting outside the enquiry, if anyone had seen the coverage of them being SPAT at before then they'd have sympathy for them, strange why that clip never starts at the point they walk out the doors.


A young man got murdered, it's terrible but because he was black and the attackers were supposedly white it gets rammed down our throats, some poor bloke got stabbed to death on Oxford street last week, I don't even know his name, why would that be?

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No doubt they were racists, that's why the police went after them..........but they did know the camera was there.


They also got abused for fighting outside the enquiry, if anyone had seen the coverage of them being SPAT at before then they'd have sympathy for them, strange why that clip never starts at the point they walk out the doors.


A young man got murdered, it's terrible but because he was black and the attackers were supposedly white it gets rammed down our throats, some poor bloke got stabbed to death on Oxford street last week, I don't even know his name, why would that be?


This is the bit that gets me. You can only draw your own conclusions. Seems fucking weird though that 20 year old news is more important than what happened last week and was much more shocking.

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They'll be looking a lot older tonight, locked up for a crime they didn't commit!


Remember they were already found not guilty, only a change in the double jeopardy law allowed the state another chance to put them on trial again.




David Norris has never stood trial before.


Garry Dobson did (under a private prosecution), but was acquitted due to issues with the reliability of eye witness evidence.


You seem to have some kind of pre-occupation with miscarriages of justice.

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Dunno if they did it or not, but I find it bizarre when one of they're mothers was giving evidence in court a couple of weeks ago, she claimed he couldn't have done it as she remembers he was at home, as she had to tell him to turn his music down, then he came down to make some toast around the time of the killing :dontknow:


Some memory on her, I can't remember what I (or others), were doing 20 days ago, never mind 20 years ago.

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You seem to have some kind of pre-occupation with miscarriages of justice.


Of course I do, as would every right thinking person in this Country.


This conviction is as unsafe as they get, would be not proven all day long in Scottish law.


I know how the police and PF'S work in Scotland even without any pressure or media looking at a case, they're lying bastards, god knows what they'd get up to in a case like this.

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Dunno if they did it or not, but I find it bizarre when one of they're mothers was giving evidence in court a couple of weeks ago, she claimed he couldn't have done it as she remembers he was at home, as she had to tell him to turn his music down, then he came down to make some toast around the time of the killing :dontknow:


Some memory on her, I can't remember what I (or others), were doing 20 days ago, never mind 20 years ago.


She recalls it because her son was accused not long after the murder, she wasn't thinking back 20 years she was retelling what she'd told the police back then. I don't know about you but my mother wouldn't lie for me, nor would I want her too.

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