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Cv Writing


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I've been updating my CV and looking to really get it polished and checked over professionally. Anyone know of anywhere they would either recommend or avoid?


I got it looked at for free from a place called Fuller CV, respect due they took my CV and looked over it and called me back within an hour. The woman gave me some advice and tips, but she recommends getting it done properly as well.


Cheers in advance!

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if i were you i would get Tup to look at it.


his english is perfect, much like queens. he takes his times, never makes a typo, always uses spell checkers and, most importantly, proof reads his stuff before submission.


and thats just him on afc chat.


tup will see you right.

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if i were you i would get Tup to look at it.


his english is perfect, much like queens. he takes his times, never makes a typo, always uses spell checkers and, most importantly, proof reads his stuff before submission.


and thats just him on afc chat.


tup will see you right.


Ah but tup is a miserable cunt, and that would come across in the CV.

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I could do it for you, but a CV is but a mere small part of gaining employment, and is often disregarded in total by those doing the hiring and firing, if they've any sense, in favour of a face to face meeting, where much more is gleaned.


So dinna bother too much about getting it done expensively is my advice.

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I could do it for you, but a CV is but a mere small part of gaining employment, and is often disregarded in total by those doing the hiring and firing, if they've any sense, in favour of a face to face meeting, where much more is gleaned.


So dinna bother too much about getting it done expensively is my advice.

Aye but a good CV at least gets you looked at, THEN you can adopt a good face to face approach. Not that I'm looking right now, I'm just keeping it up-to-date and making sure it's correct.

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Aye but a good CV at least gets you looked at, THEN you can adopt a good face to face approach. Not that I'm looking right now, I'm just keeping it up-to-date and making sure it's correct.


Yes but if it's too good, that's bad.


I've personally witnessed ones which have been clearly lovingly prepared horsed in the bin on the basis that the person responsible must be neurotic.

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Yes but if it's too good, that's bad.


I've personally witnessed ones which have been clearly lovingly prepared horsed in the bin on the basis that the person responsible must be neurotic.



Oh well, best just add a cuuple of spelling mistakes and glaringly obvious grammatical error's.


I added a few above that should ensure my comment doesn't get binned.

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Yes but if it's too good, that's bad.


I've personally witnessed ones which have been clearly lovingly prepared horsed in the bin on the basis that the person responsible must be neurotic.










I've personally witnessed shit candidates being offered a job on the spot on the basis that the person will be a better laugh in the office than some geek who comes along with a lovingly prepared CV.

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I've personally witnessed shit candidates being offered a job on the spot on the basis that the person will be a better laugh in the office than some geek who comes along with a lovingly prepared CV.


Which was my point, which again seems to have escaped you entirely.


The piece of paper is very often disregarded completely. If someone has spent lots of time and/or money on it, they must be nuts is the theory.


I reckon you're just like Gareth out of The Office, with your boss being like David Brent or fitiver his name is.

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true. mind you i'm sure anybody could od as good a job as tup if they actually wanted to, and were happy to spend time and effort perfecting their forum posts.


What type of phone do you use for posting here Bluto?


Autocorrect can be turned off for most phones.


As for the CV.


Don't get it done professionally. Just use an appropriate font size and spacing and fire away.


10.5 Arial should do it.


Don't oversell yourself either by listing 100 different courses you may have sat. Keep it to the important relevant ones.


Page one.


Name, Address, Date of Birth, Contact details and Career Summary.


Page 2.


Career History and qualifications.


Keep it simple. No need to list every job you've ever had. Just the long term ones or ones that are relevant to the position you're applying for.


That's it. No page 3 if you can avoid it.


Good luck.

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Which was my point, which again seems to have escaped you entirely.


The piece of paper is very often disregarded completely. If someone has spent lots of time and/or money on it, they must be nuts is the theory.


I reckon you're just like Gareth out of The Office, with your boss being like David Brent or fitiver his name is.



i was being sarcy.


i dont think you could underestimate the importance of a good CV.

that said its only to get your beak in the door and you do need to back it up in an eventual interview, even if it is with blag.


mind you a good CV could easily be disregarded, no matter how good it is, cause the screening bloke canna be arsed as he's got a hangover or the screening wifie has PMT.

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What type of phone do you use for posting here Bluto?


Autocorrect can be turned off for most phones.


As for the CV.


Don't get it done professionally. Just use an appropriate font size and spacing and fire away.


10.5 Arial should do it.


Don't oversell yourself either by listing 100 different courses you may have sat. Keep it to the important relevant ones.


Page one.


Name, Address, Date of Birth, Contact details and Career Summary.


Page 2.


Career History and qualifications.


Keep it simple. No need to list every job you've ever had. Just the long term ones or ones that are relevant to the position you're applying for.


That's it. No page 3 if you can avoid it.


Good luck.



nokia 3590.


agree, keep it simple.


mind you, two pages or less is pretty tough i'd say.


mid career folk i.e. after your 2nd job will take some beating to keep that to less than 4 pages.


but essentially less is more in the cv stakes.

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I'd bin that.


Times New Roman, always.


Boof's right Arial every time...Times New Roman and they'll think you've lied about your DOB if its anything after 1960!!


2 pages max and no cu*t needs to know you enjoy golf either...unless your aplying to be FS's PA (Rentboy).

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If your employer is a Freemason and your not...prepare yourself to be walking about in slack jawed amazment at some of the biffs you'll see in higher managment...


Should you get the job...which since you're not prepared to "tug the goat" is unlikley...start looking for a new job as you have obviously been employed to take the rap for something...the Mason cu*t has up his sleeve/trouser leg

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