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New Captain

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So now that Foster seems to be off to Bristol City, assuming he agrees terms, who is your nominee for the Captain's armband?


For me its got to be Arnie. Through that into the contract offer along with a bit more cash and I hope he'd sign.


If he doesn't sign...well Consi is vice captain, but not sure he's the right guy or not. But perhaps as good as anyone else....

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Arnason would be the obvious choice but there's still doubt about him signing on again.


While Foster leaving gets Broon out of a fix (appointing him captain in the first place) it also leaves him with a bit of a headache...with so many players contracts up at the end of the season he's going to look pretty stupid if he appoints a new captain on Friday and the player gets a better offer a week on Tuesday.


Think he'll go with Considine(as he's most likley to re-sign)

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Who is actually vice captain just now actually? Can't think of a time Foster has gone off this season.


While Considine seems like a decent enough option, I'd prefer it if he concentrates on his own game more. Doesn't strike me as a great "encourager" and can let his head drop a bit too quickly.


Langers. No. He'll be gone at the end of the season, Shirley...


Arnason. If he shows commitment, then a definite yes for me as he possesses qualities you'd look for in a captain.


Anderson, if he returns, I'd be for as well, for the same reason as Arnason.


Beyond them, there ain't a great selection...

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If Arnie doesn't sign, this is gonna be controversial, assuming he's fit and looking back to himself... Clangers.

Fit, a hapless, incompetent buffoon?


Now he'll be a hapless, incompetent buffoon, wi' a f*cked up napper (mentally), even more scared to come for crosses than he ever was (if that's at all possible).


Fishing much?

F*cking hope so. :unsure:

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Russell Anderson long term I would hope, but if Arnason signs on, then he gets it for now.


If he procrastinates, it would undermine team unity to make him captain.


In that instance, I'd go with Vernon, provided he also signs, he has the right attitude.

Fair changed your tune, little bit doubt about what you were saying earlier this week.

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Fair changed your tune, little bit doubt about what you were saying earlier this week.


I'm confident we are just dotting the i's and crossing the t's right now, but I'm only speaking of contingency as you never know with AFC, they can be 95% of the way there and still make a hips of it.

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Fit, a hapless, incompetent buffoon?


Now he'll be a hapless, incompetent buffoon, wi' a f*cked up napper (mentally), even more scared to come for crosses than he ever was (if that's at all possible).


Fishing much?

F*cking hope so. :unsure:


Going be Senior Broons track record i widna be at all surprised by this. Especially given its highly unlikely anyone we want as captain will stick around for next season.

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Going be Senior Broons track record i widna be at all surprised by this. Especially given its highly unlikely anyone we want as captain will stick around for next season.


Not even Broon would be daft enough to make Clangers captain...FFS if this did happen Broon should be sent to Cornhill for an assessment of his sanity!!!

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