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So, What Do We Need...

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So now that we've (almost) got rid of Foster, and have signed Reynolds, what signings do you think we still need? I think it's fairly obvious that we need a left winger, maybe a left back (depending on how good Reynolds is and if he's played middle or left) and maybe a right back.


What would be your favored starting 11 with everyone fit and your potential new signings?


For me:



Osbourne/New RB - McArdle/Reynolds - Considine - Reynolds/New LB

Pawlett/Jack - Arnason - Milsom - New LM

Chalali - Vernon



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If we started with the following 4-3-3:


GK: Brown

DL: Reynolds

DR: Osbourne/Jack

CB: McArdle

CB: Considine


3 CMs out of Milsom, Arnason, Jack, Fyvie and Osbourne


Supporting Vernon: Chalali and Pawlett (or preferrably, new signing)


CF: Vernon


I think we'd have a decent solid team, with some creativity and could compete with most in the league.

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Well tbh i'd still rather have a new LB in place cause regardless of what folk have said i'm still nae convinced that Reynolds is the answer in that position. He's a very good centre-half who should play there alongside Considine. Still need a RB, a right-winger (cause Pawlett is not playing well enough sadly), a left-winger and another forward (only as backup, as long as Vernon & Chalali start and form a good partnership). Of course we'll need a new goalie in the summer but we can worry about that later. So the team i'd like to see at the moment with current players (apart from LB & LM positions) is:




Osbourne Reynolds Considine New LB


Jack Arnason Milsom New LM


Vernon Chalali

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So now that we've (almost) got rid of Foster, and have signed Reynolds, what signings do you think we still need? I think it's fairly obvious that we need a left winger, maybe a left back (depending on how good Reynolds is and if he's played middle or left) and maybe a right back.


What would be your favored starting 11 with everyone fit and your potential new signings?


For me:



Osbourne/New RB - McArdle/Reynolds - Considine - Reynolds/New LB

Pawlett/Jack - Arnason - Milsom - New LM

Chalali - Vernon





Skacel in at LM

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So now that we've (almost) got rid of Foster, and have signed Reynolds, what signings do you think we still need? I think it's fairly obvious that we need a left winger, maybe a left back (depending on how good Reynolds is and if he's played middle or left) and maybe a right back.


What would be your favored starting 11 with everyone fit and your potential new signings?


For me:



Osbourne/New RB - McArdle/Reynolds - Considine - Reynolds/New LB

Pawlett/Jack - Arnason - Milsom - New LM

Chalali - Vernon



Agree with most of this, although I don't think Jack wide right is a good idea as he's far more effective in the middle. We do need a fullback and a winger but I'll assume Brown makes no more signings and say...




Osbourne McArdle Considine Reynolds


Pawlett Jack Arnason Milsom


Chalali Vernon

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wtf is it with paul gallagher? i don't and have never seen it, a man who is glued to his goal line and regularly screams torrents of abuse at his defenders. he is a good shot stopper admittedly but we need more at spl level. i think we need a wide left player, a left back and run without injuries to key players and we're looking not to shabby.

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Well tbh i'd still rather have a new LB in place cause regardless of what folk have said i'm still nae convinced that Reynolds is the answer in that position. He's a very good centre-half who should play there alongside Considine. Still need a RB, a right-winger (cause Pawlett is not playing well enough sadly), a left-winger and another forward (only as backup, as long as Vernon & Chalali start and form a good partnership). Of course we'll need a new goalie in the summer but we can worry about that later. So the team i'd like to see at the moment with current players (apart from LB & LM positions) is:




Osbourne Reynolds Considine New LB


Jack Arnason Milsom New LM


Vernon Chalali


Aye agree with all that


Still need to fill the same gaps as we did 8 months ago two wing backs and two wingers

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I don't understand everyone's insistance on a 4-4-2. McGhee had the right idea trying to alter that when he came in, mainly because we had neeps playing for us. In the likes of Arnason, Jack, Milsom, Fyvie and Osbourne we have the graft and intelligence to get a midfield 3 to work. If he were to be able to make a couple of changes in the up front area (Magennis, Mackie), he can hopefully get in others able to play off the striker, as I think that is the one area we have been lacking in so far. Other than Chalali, they are all centre forward types of useless.

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A permanent left back, a permanent left and right winger, a replacement for both Ossie and Arnie, and a forward.


Half a team, in other words.


That would be ideal.

Too many key areas need to be addressed.

I am itching to get Arnie signed up. Can't see it happening.

If he sees himself playing at a higher level good luck to him but

I can see staying with us for even at least one more year a better option for both.

There in lies our problem as a club. Can't get our better players to agree on a longer contract.

Why? We not offering enough money is my guess.

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There in lies our problem as a club. Can't get our better players to agree on a longer contract.

Why? We not offering enough money is my guess.


This is the crux of the problem.


A well-run Aberdeen should have minimal debt and be competitive when it comes to wages. Unfortunately we're not a well-run club, in fact we're a very, very badly run club, so the wages we offer are likely derisory, regardless of how the 'fourth biggest wage' figures are massaged to make it look like we actually offer better wages than a United or Hibs.


We can't pay the wages because we've been mismanaged into massive, unsustainable debt by Stewart Milne.


Ergo we get players with problems, and on short term deals. They're here till they sort those problems out, then they'll very happily fuck off for more cash elsewhere. We're like a halfway house for recovering footballers.


Arnie, no club, no wages in seven months. Comes here to get regular football and a pay cheque. Then he'll be off as soon as he's back on his feet and an attractive prospect to a proper club.


Ossie, seemingly perma-injured. Comes to get regular football, get his fitness up, then he'll be offski.


Once upon a time Aberdeen was a club with kudos attached to it. Players would have paid their own fares to get here... now players can't wait to get the fuck out of the mismanaged shit hole, after using it to serve their own, short-term ends, of course.


EDIT: Oh, and we need a new goalkeeper.


so make that 2/3 of a new first team we need.


Yay AFC and it's marvellous forward thinking policies.

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This is the crux of the problem.


A well-run Aberdeen should have minimal debt and be competitive when it comes to wages. Unfortunately we're not a well-run club, in fact we're a very, very badly run club, so the wages we offer are likely derisory, regardless of how the 'fourth biggest wage' figures are massaged to make it look like we actually offer better wages than a United or Hibs.


We can't pay the wages because we've been mismanaged into massive, unsustainable debt by Stewart Milne.


Ergo we get players with problems, and on short term deals. They're here till they sort those problems out, then they'll very happily fuck off for more cash elsewhere. We're like a halfway house for recovering footballers.


Arnie, no club, no wages in seven months. Comes here to get regular football and a pay cheque. Then he'll be off as soon as he's back on his feet and an attractive prospect to a proper club.


Ossie, seemingly perma-injured. Comes to get regular football, get his fitness up, then he'll be offski.


Once upon a time Aberdeen was a club with kudos attached to it. Players would have paid their own fares to get here... now players can't wait to get the fuck out of the mismanaged shit hole, after using it to serve their own, short-term ends, of course.


EDIT: Oh, and we need a new goalkeeper.


so make that 2/3 of a new first team we need.


Yay AFC and it's marvellous forward thinking policies.


Best post I've seen all year

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