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Can we stop referring to them as Rangers/Huns and Celtic/Tims and just put them all in the same basket where they belong?


From now on I will be referring to both sides as 'Old Firm fans', or 'Minks'. Never again will I acknowledge any difference between either side. A Hun or a tim belong to the same overall disease.


Just an idea and I intend to run with it.




Q: Who do you support?


A: The Huns.


= Old Firm fan.


And vice versa...


Q: Who do you support?


A: The Celtic.


= Old Firm fan.



A Green or blue rizla couldn't separate them so why should we?


*Edit. Just to clarify, obviously they are OF fans but I just winna recognize which side of the OF they support from now on in - 'cos it makes no difference.

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The word cunt is an umbrella term for these types, they always respond to it.


I will be testing this on Steve next time I see him with the question 'how did the OF get on this weekend?'. I will then aggregate the 2 scores and decide for masel if it was a good or bad weekend for the OF team.


I look forward to pissing him off no end with it.

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1325965319[/url]' post='688557']

It's an interesting concept no doubt. Like I say, there's nothing like the OF for people with nothing else. Sometimes I think they should be pityed then I remember they tend to be cunts.

There is definitely an element of special needs. You see them wandering around the town with their replica shirts on. Now, this isn't a generalisation. Every single one of them ain't normal. Compensating for something. Usually disability, obesity or unemployment. It's probably a shame to laugh.

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There is definitely an element of special needs. You see them wandering around the town with their replica shirts on. Now, this isn't a generalisation. Every single one of them ain't normal. Compensating for something. Usually disability, obesity or unemployment. It's probably a shame to laugh.


If you happen to be wearing a decent suit when you chance upon these lowlifes, their limps become more pronounced, their backs get sore again, and their mental illness takes a full grip of them, just in case you're working undercover for the DSS.


No flies on them at all.


I don't feel sympathy for them even if they are fucked up, it's usually inbreeding coupled with early onset solvent abuse that causes it, not society's problem, they should be signing an affidavit when buying lighter fuel, on your own heads be it, no extra broo money if you come out the other side fucked up.


To be honest, I'd probably take to sniffing petrol and drinking litres of white lightning a day if I were born in Glasgow, it's the only way to forget about it, either that or I'd horse myself off the balcony in a high rise, maybe stab a couple of my family members first to do the world several favours in one go.

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We should refer to them as what they are. Teams of faux religious ethnic tradition.


IE a lot of manufactured bollocks to give the impression they are somehow traditionally tied up with religion and historical background of Ireland, Scotland, England. When in fact they are just a couple of weegie football teams supported by people who wouldn't know where their grandparents came from OR where the nearest church is.


Total sham organisations and their fans have totally sham "idealogies".

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Can we stop referring to them as Rangers/Huns and Celtic/Tims and just put them all in the same basket where they belong?


From now on I will be referring to both sides as 'Old Firm fans', or 'Minks'. Never again will I acknowledge any difference between either side. A Hun or a tim belong to the same overall disease.


Just an idea and I intend to run with it.




Q: Who do you support?


A: The Huns.


= Old Firm fan.


And vice versa...


Q: Who do you support?


A: The Celtic.


= Old Firm fan.



A Green or blue rizla couldn't separate them so why should we?


*Edit. Just to clarify, obviously they are OF fans but I just winna recognize which side of the OF they support from now on in - 'cos it makes no difference.

i have thought this way for some time now.

When i have brought it up, suggesting that I don't actually see the difference between the 2 sides, and say, perhaps they should merge as they are one and the same...

Well. It fucking irritates them no end.

They are nothing without each other.

If the minks ever do go down the tubes then the minks will suffer big time too.



If you happen to be wearing a decent suit when you chance upon these lowlifes, their limps become more pronounced, their backs get sore again, and their mental illness takes a full grip of them, just in case you're working undercover for the DSS.


No flies on them at all.


I don't feel sympathy for them even if they are fucked up, it's usually inbreeding coupled with early onset solvent abuse that causes it, not society's problem, they should be signing an affidavit when buying lighter fuel, on your own heads be it, no extra broo money if you come out the other side fucked up.


To be honest, I'd probably take to sniffing petrol and drinking litres of white lightning a day if I were born in Glasgow, it's the only way to forget about it, either that or I'd horse myself off the balcony in a high rise, maybe stab a couple of my family members first to do the world several favours in one go.

Horse myself.



Agree absolutely but why call them Old Firm at all? We need something clearer to describe them, something that sums up their irrelavence to anything other than each other.


What mildly irritates me is the fact that they believe we all have an interest in any of their activities.


Some clowns will ask if ye saw the "big game (meaning OF derby)" and shit like that. I never even acknowledge it's existence.

Yeah I saw the Dons match.

No the OF game.

Who? What?

Sellick against the huns (or teddy bears against the bead rattlers or fitivir).

Oh. They were playing. Really?

Sorry. I need to go for a shit.

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