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Kindle Question

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As the title suggests I'm looking for our more knowledgable forum members to suggest a computer program which will convert files to go onto my new kindle.


Aquired some books over the net, but they are eiher in a .txt, .epub, .mobi or .opf format.


So looking for something that'll convert these to a suitable file which operates on the kindle.




KSL - you work off-shore aye? My mate has 3500 pirated books on his Kindle - acquired in the North Sea...


He's clearly never read any of them but ask around.

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KSL - you work off-shore aye? My mate has 3500 pirated books on his Kindle - acquired in the North Sea...


He's clearly never read any of them but ask around.


Yeah I was going to do that. Haven't been offshore for a few week so not had the chance.

I've a few books on my computer that I need converted, hence me asking if anyone can suggest a decent program.

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