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Fits Of Temper


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I'm not one for loss of composure, so I rarely lose the rag.


However, you get folk who like to sit there when you're eating your dinner, and observe you.


This enrages me, I'm not talking those sharing the food, I'm talking interloper.


Fuckoff! Come back when I'm done FFS.


that IS odd. do you masticate in some particularly odd, and noteworthy, fashion? :dontknow:

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that IS odd. do you masticate in some particularly odd, and noteworthy, fashion? :dontknow:


No, I find eating to be a private thing, and I get self-conscious as fuck to have some cunt watching me.


It's out of order, if I invite you in, which I wouldna because I'm having my denner, fair play.


Walking in and watching me is like calling my mither a bitch, and spitting in my face.


Fury is not the word.

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No, I find eating to be a private thing, and I get self-conscious as fuck to have some cunt watching me.


It's out of order, if I invite you in, which I wouldna because I'm having my denner, fair play.


Walking in and watching me is like calling my mither a bitch, and spitting in my face.


Fury is not the word.


i can see you feel strongly about it, indeed.

but why has someone walked into your home, uninvited?

i'd throw them out for that alone.


and to answer your original question, when or if i get furious, is highly variable. and has been quite rare.

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i can see you feel strongly about it, indeed.

but why has someone walked into your home, uninvited?

i'd throw them out for that alone.


and to answer your original question, when or if i get furious, is highly variable. and has been quite rare.



You misunderstand I think.


tup lives in the Zoo, so get's no choice about people watching him eating & this is what riles him.


Just like he was a little ashamed of his you tube video.

Mind the one of him with the frog?



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hearing or reading mackie's name on the aberdeen teamsheet.


bastards who stand at a bus stop for 20 bastard minutes and only count out there fare when they're on the bus holdin everyone up. these cunts should be stiffened with a wooden bat by the driver.


when that wanker arseholes scissor sisters music comes on either in a bar or on the radio, i'd rather listen to a car alarm going off for 3 minutes and 46 seconds.


traffic wardens and amateur refs, each and every one of you bullied pricks should be sent to albania for military service.

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Usually Achieves fuck all, almost always makes a situation worse and it's usually bullys that lose the rag. Saying that there's maybe certain situations where it's necessary but should b used as a last resort.


Indeed. Whenever I've lost my temper I've almost always instantly regretted it. It's a last resort and does nobody any favours.

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Never danced on the spot Mr Connor?


Railed against the events of the day?


I dinna believe you.


I reckon you were howling at the moon when you got the four hundred and eighty quid mobile bill.


Didna bother me too much Tupster. I would obviously have preferred not to have had thon bill, but I roll with the punches these days. ;) My angry side is a long forgotten memory.


I used to be furious about absolutely everything - especially in school where I considered the authorities as fucking bastards. I then got over it.

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