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Ken Fit I Hate?


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i hate the government right now. picking on the poor, capping benefits, i get miffed at the folk takin the piss on the giro, but if they think that taking money from poor people will make a difference, it's not. it's easy to attack the poor, they have no voice. vodafone, tesco and the rest are all pals with the government so they get an easy ride. this threat by the banks saying that aw cunt will leave if they tighten controls, leave, other folk will come in and work. it's all done by computers any way.

max keiser is nuts, saw him wipe the floor with some doucher from the apprentice. i don't think he knew who he was. the other boy was from goldman sachs, he kent him, so he didn't say much.


its getting more fuckered up.

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i hate the government right now. picking on the poor, capping benefits, i get miffed at the folk takin the piss on the giro, but if they think that taking money from poor people will make a difference, it's not. it's easy to attack the poor, they have no voice. vodafone, tesco and the rest are all pals with the government so they get an easy ride. this threat by the banks saying that aw cunt will leave if they tighten controls, leave, other folk will come in and work. it's all done by computers any way.

max keiser is nuts, saw him wipe the floor with some doucher from the apprentice. i don't think he knew who he was. the other boy was from goldman sachs, he kent him, so he didn't say much.


its getting more fuckered up.


Iain Duncan Smith made my blood boil listening to him on the way to work today.

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i hate the government right now. picking on the poor, capping benefits, i get miffed at the folk takin the piss on the giro, but if they think that taking money from poor people will make a difference, it's not. it's easy to attack the poor, they have no voice. vodafone, tesco and the rest are all pals with the government so they get an easy ride.


I hate folk that talk utter bollocks.


What you've written there is just that.


Are you saying there should be no cap on benefits?



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the benefit system in the UK is a joke.

well the overly exposed situations of some fat weegie mink with 8 kids sponging off the state is a joke.

but i'm sure these cases are in a relative minority.


its the same with the justice system.

i'd have no problems living in some totalitarian type state where one step out of line and your looking at a stretch in the can.

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I hate folk that talk utter bollocks.


What you've written there is just that.


Are you saying there should be no cap on benefits?




woops sorry about that, i did say that i dinnae like folk takin the piss on the giro. i couldn't care about benefits, what i do care about is a lazy government picking on the poor folk. easy work that.

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Hate folk on benefits who call the day they get their benefits 'pay day'. What did you do to earn that money?? 26k is more than enough as far as I'm concerned. Boofuckinhoo for the punters in massive houses in London getting 10s of thouhsands in housing benefits for a house who might not be able to afford it anymore. Heard one news report about folk getting 100k a year in benefits because of the house they lived in. Total joke. The UK is such a soft touch normally it's infuriating.

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There is a difference between having a go at the people on benefits, and having a go at the Goverments handling on the situation. Fuck me, if 26k is the set amount they get then I'm going to pack in my job and just live off that.



Say you work and earn 25k and the missus works part time and gets 8k can folk still claim up to 26k?


If so I'd of kicked the missus doon the stairs fan preggers in the hope the bairn was a bit funky.


Easy money!


To sit at home on 26k tax free seems nae too bad to me either.

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I look forward to the day when we can have Saturday night entertainment where poor folk are killed for sport, on television.


It canna be far away, 'I'm a Scumbag, I Can't Get out of Here', something like that, as they get suffocated in a huge tank, to the cheering crowds approval.


I for one would be texting in and pumping my fist in the sitting room, like a deranged woman watching X-Factor.


Dip them in acid and stuff too.

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I look forward to the day when we can have Saturday night entertainment where poor folk are killed for sport, on television.


It canna be far away, 'I'm a Scumbag, I Can't Get out of Here', something like that, as they get suffocated in a huge tank, to the cheering crowds approval.


I for one would be texting in and pumping my fist in the sitting room, like a deranged woman watching X-Factor.


Dip them in acid and stuff too.



Aye but your only rich cos you bide in Wick.


The entire popouation of Caithness in poor compared to folk who live in civilisation.

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