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I refer the honorable dandys on this board to the game client 'Steam'.




This thing has to be the buggiest, most fucked up piece of software I have ever seen in my life.


I bought Portal 2 a while back, popped in the disk waiting to play, and all of a sudden this smarmy cock-end of a message pops up informing me that I need an internet connection to install Steam.


"What the fuck?! I'm just wanting to play Portal 2."

But I persevered, installed Steam on 5th attempt - 5 hours later.

Must update Steam first - dozens of attempts - 10 hours later.

Must install game onto Steam .... repeat ad nauseaum.

Eventually I can play Portal 2 and it's cool.


In the following months I stopped playing, and this fat Steam...ing grey turd of an icon sits on my dock, motionless beside the wee accidental click which decides to freak out in an obvious attention seeking move.


The months go buy, and Dandie1992 fancies some retro games which are being advertised on Steam website. Dandie1992 pays no problem, need to open Steam to install them. Current Steam is too fucked up, "fine I'll just re-install it". Downloads it fine....then....


"Steam must have an internet connection to update, please check your internet connection"


checked, re-checked, re-installed more times than Balotelli makes a tit of himself, but apparently I'm offline. GTF STEAM! I want to blow sheeat up!


Anyone else experienced the awful side of Steam?

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I refer the honorable dandys on this board to the game client 'Steam'.




This thing has to be the buggiest, most fucked up piece of software I have ever seen in my life.


I bought Portal 2 a while back, popped in the disk waiting to play, and all of a sudden this smarmy cock-end of a message pops up informing me that I need an internet connection to install Steam.


"What the fuck?! I'm just wanting to play Portal 2."

But I persevered, installed Steam on 5th attempt - 5 hours later.

Must update Steam first - dozens of attempts - 10 hours later.

Must install game onto Steam .... repeat ad nauseaum.

Eventually I can play Portal 2 and it's cool.


In the following months I stopped playing, and this fat Steam...ing grey turd of an icon sits on my dock, motionless beside the wee accidental click which decides to freak out in an obvious attention seeking move.


The months go buy, and Dandie1992 fancies some retro games which are being advertised on Steam website. Dandie1992 pays no problem, need to open Steam to install them. Current Steam is too fucked up, "fine I'll just re-install it". Downloads it fine....then....


"Steam must have an internet connection to update, please check your internet connection"


checked, re-checked, re-installed more times than Balotelli makes a tit of himself, but apparently I'm offline. GTF STEAM! I want to blow sheeat up!


Anyone else experienced the awful side of Steam?



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i fucking loathe steam with a feverish passion.


my rant about steam


the most recent problem was it point blank refused to let me play fm12 saying steam couldnt recognise what im trying to do. sorry, what the fuck has it got to do with steam??? all i need is my desktop to show my pointer. then my pointer be able to click the .exe file for FM. at no point am i asking steam to do anything.


end result was i had to uninstall FM and download the thing through steam rendering my cd completely and utterly pointless.


all i wanted to do was play a hour or 2. ended up taking most of my evening to fix it by which point i couldnt be arsed playing the fucking game!



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i fucking loathe steam with a feverish passion.


my rant about steam


the most recent problem was it point blank refused to let me play fm12 saying steam couldnt recognise what im trying to do. sorry, what the fuck has it got to do with steam??? all i need is my desktop to show my pointer. then my pointer be able to click the .exe file for FM. at no point am i asking steam to do anything.


end result was i had to uninstall FM and download the thing through steam rendering my cd completely and utterly pointless.


all i wanted to do was play a hour or 2. ended up taking most of my evening to fix it by which point i couldnt be arsed playing the fucking game!




The boys on here who somehow have had no problems with Steam will never know the absolute idiocy of some of the comments it throws up.


"Steam is unable to open as your sound card operates at 0.4Hz too high"

"Steam is unable to work as Mercury is not correctly aligned with Jupiter"

"Steam has deleted your game because it makes for a better gaming experience"


complete pish.


PS - I'm sitting here with my iPhone speaking to a friend on the continent for free, while playing a PS2 graphics standard game that downloaded in 5 minutes after touch, touch, password, boom.


How can these fucking idiots not just look at something as simple as the App Store's set-up and realize that they are doing so poorly in the technology market on the back of what could be a really good idea.

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Not too keen on Steam, where I lived last year I couldn't connect to it for some reason so I always had to open it in offline mode, and took about 5 minutes to "launch" Football Manager like this.


Although, I did download the first Portal for free from Steam a few months ago.


When it works it's pretty good, the problem is that it doesn't always work.

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