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Decent Transfer Window

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Agree with regards to taking in Hughes and Reynolds


Jury still out on Anderson with regards to fitness


Really dont see the point in Rae or the Nigerian lad coming in.


And we have not fixed or even looked at a temp fix for our obvious problems.


If we had signed 1 full back i would have been over the moon.

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I think overall its a decent window. Brown and Knox must have been busy to pull all these off esp if there is truth in the other rumoured deals for Mackie and Magennis floating about but not coming off.


I agree with Stoney that 1 proper FB or Winger would have really made a difference but you have to accept we can only bring in what is available to us and where deals can be done.


I'm beginning to think we might need to accept Brown's idea of a side with no width and a cagey approach to squeezing out results. It may be the price to pay for having a manager who can bring in players with bottle, a professional attitude and some determination. Things we were completely lacking under the last few managers.


On the plus side Brown has shown a quick ability to spot the useless shirking cunts and show them the door. The departures have almost been more impressive than the arrivals. If Mackie, Langfield and Magennis are shipped out in the summer I think Brown and Knox will have achieved something we needed badly the last few years.


Next phase may be to add a bit more quality/balance at the FB and Wing positions and perhaps that will happen more after Brown moves on than when he is here.

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Cant see us only playing three in midfield when we have 7 fit central midfielders on the books


(arnie, ozzy, clark, jack, fyvie, rae, hughes)


Think Jack will continue at right mid, hughes / arnie in the middle and nigerian on the left.


Can see us playing 5 in the middle most weeks and looking more like a five in midfield with one up top with rae / ozzy / fyvie being the 5th man.


If you were all picking your first choice starting X1 - how would you pick it?

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Decent window in terms of numbers & preperation for next season but YET AGAIN another window goes a begging without the wide players (or FB's) coming in :nutter:

New striker may turn out to be a great call & he may even be good out wide, have to wait & see but it seems we've suffered with too many centre mids now cos of Fyvie & Arnie speculation about leaving this window, so not been able to get in the players really needed to end the season like a COMPLETE football team rather than a team thrown together with folk being played out of position.


Hope Broon plans to get this sorted in the Summer cos it's been so long since we've had decent width, i'm begining to forget what it's like (much like the wife could say i'm sure)

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Cant see us only playing three in midfield when we have 7 fit central midfielders on the books


(arnie, ozzy, clark, jack, fyvie, rae, hughes)


Think Jack will continue at right mid, hughes / arnie in the middle and nigerian on the left.


Can see us playing 5 in the middle most weeks and looking more like a five in midfield with one up top with rae / ozzy / fyvie being the 5th man.


If you were all picking your first choice starting X1 - how would you pick it?



Dont have a problem with a 4-5-1 as long as this develops into a 4-3-3 when we attack, which I hope we do a lot of but can't see it under Brown.

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Cant see us only playing three in midfield when we have 7 fit central midfielders on the books


(arnie, ozzy, clark, jack, fyvie, rae, hughes)


Think Jack will continue at right mid, hughes / arnie in the middle and nigerian on the left.


Can see us playing 5 in the middle most weeks and looking more like a five in midfield with one up top with rae / ozzy / fyvie being the 5th man.


If you were all picking your first choice starting X1 - how would you pick it?


Ozzy or Jack will be playing right back and isn't Ozzy out right now anyway??


Arnie going at end of year and possibly Fyvie is a bid comes in.


My preference if all were fit for centre mid would be Arnie and Jack then next season Milsom and Jack. Haven't seen much of Hughes in recent times or Rae to comment. Could play Clark on one wing and Uchechi on the other.


slightly off topic but did Chris Clark start his career as a winger?

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Cant see us only playing three in midfield when we have 7 fit central midfielders on the books


(arnie, ozzy, clark, jack, fyvie, rae, hughes)


Think Jack will continue at right mid, hughes / arnie in the middle and nigerian on the left.


Can see us playing 5 in the middle most weeks and looking more like a five in midfield with one up top with rae / ozzy / fyvie being the 5th man.


If you were all picking your first choice starting X1 - how would you pick it?




Considine Anderson Reynolds


Jack Arnasson Milsom Osbourne Robertson


Vernon Chalali

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Maybe he's planning a 3-6-1



Jack,Fyvie,Arnie,Huges,Rae,Dani (or Clark)



Stranger things have happened & he does seem to like central players.


But my guess is now that Jack will find himself more or less RB all the time now & other central mids will be used out wide.

Robertson may get binned from LB for a more experienced midfielder even though he seemed to be getting on great.


Gonna be like a lottery trying to guess what kind of team he'll put out most weeks.

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Ozzy or Jack will be playing right back and isn't Ozzy out right now anyway??


Arnie going at end of year and possibly Fyvie is a bid comes in.


My preference if all were fit for centre mid would be Arnie and Jack then next season Milsom and Jack. Haven't seen much of Hughes in recent times or Rae to comment. Could play Clark on one wing and Uchechi on the other.


slightly off topic but did Chris Clark start his career as a winger?



Ach it will be off topic when tup comes in anyways so dont worry about it :laughing:


If they are going and these are the replacements, i dont understand paying the wages for the next 4 months.


I think Jack or Fyvie should be playing with arnie getting some experience from him.


Dont remember him playing as an out and out winger, more of a drifting right midfielder. Think his better games for this season have been through the middle.

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Certainly got more central defenders and central midfielders to play out wide now.


Whilst Rae and Hughes may be good players were central midfielders really needed? One maybe longer term with Arnie on way but to sign second just because they were available makes no sense whilst again neglecting wide areas we so badly need to strengthen in.


Uchechi is only signing that really excites out of them all as apparently can play wide (even though centre forward).


Full back has been problem and will continue to be problem with no right back at club and now just Robertson at left back who sadly just isn't good enough as yet.


Our young centre mids with potential in Jack and Fyvie will be further hampered in their progress now as not going to get game in centre mid now and will be shunted out of position. Just don't see where all these lads goin to fit in.

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A window that gives us a decent shout at fifth or sixth (assuming no jam tart implosions). 18 months ago I would have bitten your hand off for it. Lack of width will take its toll against quality but the strength in the middle will surely take care of the bottom six matches especially at home that have been our weakness of late. Won't be pretty though.


4 sensible signings, 1 limited risk - Andersons pay to play offer - and 1 wee bit of fun with Uchechi (sp?). That'll do for now. Onwards and hopefully still upwards. For next two games - we'll be trying a new formation against QoS :poster_oops: but hopefully will then get the hibs on a come down after their own restructuring.


Only real negative for me apart from the obvious lack of width is if it pushes Jack out of position and we see a stalling, a bit like Fyvie.

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A window that gives us a decent shout at fifth or sixth (assuming no jam tart implosions). 18 months ago I would have bitten your hand off for it. Lack of width will take its toll against quality but the strength in the middle will surely take care of the bottom six matches especially at home that have been our weakness of late. Won't be pretty though.


4 sensible signings, 1 limited risk - Andersons pay to play offer - and 1 wee bit of fun with Uchechi (sp?). That'll do for now. Onwards and hopefully still upwards. For next two games - we'll be trying a new formation against QoS :poster_oops: but hopefully will then get the hibs on a come down after their own restructuring.


Only real negative for me apart from the obvious lack of width is if it pushes Jack out of position and we see a stalling, a bit like Fyvie.



We had that anyway without the window.

The window should have been used to improve on that hope.

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Jezzo guys.


OK I'll add a bit of emhasis - it gives us a DECENT shout at 5th or 6th as opposed to scrambling in the last few fixtures to grab the shirt tails of 6th but only if Utd draw at Caley, and Killie don't turn up and....... Yes we should be aiming for third but giving Motherwell a 15 point start isn't the way to achieve it plus Hearts squad relative to ours should give them 4th thus, to sum up, in conclusion 5th or 6th but no lower.


Anderson is indeed not on a pay per play contract, but he has offered to tear it up if his injury problems return, a fine distinction granted.


Happy now.


Oh and tup, don't start about aiming for at least 2nd given the hundoes current predicament - yes we should, no we won't, no they can't. Period.

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It was a decent transfer window in that weve made ourselves even more solid than before and have taken a punt on the Nigerian dude as a hopeful prospect for either a second striker or a coverted winger.


It was always going to take 4-5 transfer windows to build decent squad after mess of Calderwood later days and then McGhee. We'll have further scope to adjust in the summer when we presumably bin Langfield (as a high earner - yea he could stay as a sub), Folly, Mackie, Magennis and potentially 2-3 more depending on how they fare next 4 months.

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It has been an interesting transfer window certainly - some good signings, some unimaginative ones - potential disappointment if a Mackie swap with Falkirk delays Farids arrival but still no width/fullbacks.


Arnason still here which is good but it would be nice to see that discussion re-open and for them to try and resolve matters.


So overall some steps in the right direction but still some bizarre failings. However by getting rid of ricky, Hughes and Rae in, we're moving forward.

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Im happy to the point of the additions are (hopefully) an improvement to the squad.

Much moaning about no wide players for full back or on the wings but were any really decent players available in this window. Remember they would of had to have been of a non-contracted nature and willing to accept a fairly derisory wage. I am sure Brown knows who he wants and is just waiting for that person(s) to come along. You never know as we have not exactly spent any money in about 60 years surely he can go to the board in the summer with his targets identified and tell the board this is who we need to bring the team on, show me the money !!

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Im happy to the point of the additions are (hopefully) an improvement to the squad.

Much moaning about no wide players for full back or on the wings but were any really decent players available in this window. Remember they would of had to have been of a non-contracted nature and willing to accept a fairly derisory wage. I am sure Brown knows who he wants and is just waiting for that person(s) to come along. You never know as we have not exactly spent any money in about 60 years surely he can go to the board in the summer with his targets identified and tell the board this is who we need to bring the team on, show me the money !!


Far to sensible an opinion.

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Im happy to the point of the additions are (hopefully) an improvement to the squad.

Much moaning about no wide players for full back or on the wings but were any really decent players available in this window. Remember they would of had to have been of a non-contracted nature and willing to accept a fairly derisory wage. I am sure Brown knows who he wants and is just waiting for that person(s) to come along. You never know as we have not exactly spent any money in about 60 years surely he can go to the board in the summer with his targets identified and tell the board this is who we need to bring the team on, show me the money !!

Sure this was being said last February aswell. 2 windows later and problem still as bad - in fact worse since we got rid of our left back!!

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Foster - thank fuck

Grimmer - dissapointing




Paton - meh, fair enough if he can prove himself that he's matured

Reynolds - quality signing

Anderson - good in terms of the move, football wise we'll have to wait and see. can't be as bad as mawene so it's a good signing

Rae - decent signing going by his dundee form. seems like an ideal playmaker, something we're lacking.

Hughes - good signing i would say as well, same as rae in playmaker sort of role. not seen enough yet, was apparently a stand out in bounce game yesterday

Uchechi - sounds promising and can play wide, apparently can beat a man


good window i would say.

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