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What Would Happen If You Ate Only One Type Of Food?


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Would be handy to have the perfect all-in-one food if Gingrich ever gets his space colony, the nutter. But failing that.. I guess I'd pick breast milk. The alternatives don't sound appealing, much as I love carbs.


(And who allows their child to eat that much crap? But I digress... )


A British teenager collapsed and was rushed to the hospital this week after eating primarily chicken nuggets for the past 15 years. Stacey Irvine, 17, has reportedly survived on her nugget-heavy diet, occasionally supplemented by a bag of chips or piece of toast, since she was a toddler. Doctors have urgerd her to change her ways, but Irvine's case got us wondering: what would actually happen if you ate only one type of food for your entire life?


Depends on the poison you pick, but poison it most likely would be. According to Jo Ann Hattner, a nutrition consultant at Stanford University School of Medicine and former national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, choosing to eat only one fruit, vegetable or grain would lead to organ failure. Consuming only meat would eventually force your body to start munching on your own muscles. And if you stuck solely to almost any one food (besides fruit), you would develop a serious case of scurvy.


"I wouldn't recommend this experiment," said Hattner, who also wrote "Gut Insight" (Hattner Nutrition, 2009), a book about digestive health.


No single vegetable or legume has all nine essential amino acids humans need to build the proteins that make up our muscles, Hattner said. That's why most human cultures, without knowing anything about food chemistry, have developed diets centered on complementary veggies that, together, provide all nine. At first, without all the right amino acids, your hair starts to lighten in color and your fingernails get soft. Much worse, "your lean body mass suffers. That doesn't just mean your muscles, but also your heart and your organs." Eventually, your heart shrinks so much you die; this happens, on occasion, with extreme cases of anorexia nervosa.


Eating only one type of carbohydrate

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I never eat vegetables, and dinna much care for fruit.


I'm doing even better than the macro-biotic :gay: above ^^^^ and could take him in a fight easily.


'Healthy' eating is a lie, propagated by the McKeith's of this world, vested interests.


Dinna eat vegetables kids, they're glorified water, and make you weak.

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I never eat vegetables, and dinna much care for fruit.


I'm doing even better than the macro-biotic :gay: above ^^^^ and could take him in a fight easily.


'Healthy' eating is a lie, propagated by the McKeith's of this world, vested interests.


Dinna eat vegetables kids, they're glorified water, and make you weak.


You've tried many a time before my dearest younger brother and every time I've put you on your arse. :gay:

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Bluto might be able to advise on this issue, seeing as his diet consists largely of ale and spunk.


you could apparently do far worse :sheepdance:


Typically, semen contains rather high nutritional content. In one typical ejaculation (approximately one teaspoon), semen contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc. There are trace amounts of several vitamins in a regular, healthy, ejaculation-full of semen. In fact, the amount of vitamin C is about the same as in an orange.

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If you only ate one food you'd inevitably start to suffer the effects of deficiency, depending upon the vitamins or minerals not part of that food's make up.


I suppose that could be mitigated somewhat if you took a multivitamin as part of your diet, but eventually that deficiency would start to manifest itself, be that in shit falling off or simply death.


Can't even imagine the shape someone must be in after 15 years of processed chicken byproducts and batter.... but I'm guessing the kid didn't win many prizes for athleticism.

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If you only ate one food you'd inevitably start to suffer the effects of deficiency, depending upon the vitamins or minerals not part of that food's make up. I suppose that could be mitigated somewhat if you took a multivitamin as part of your diet, but eventually that deficiency would start to manifest itself, be that in shit falling off or simply death.


Can't even imagine the shape someone must be in after 15 years of processed chicken byproducts and batter.... but I'm guessing the kid didn't win many prizes for athleticism.


that was the key point of my post actually. for instance eating only meat, "eventually force your body to start munching on your own muscles. And if you stuck solely to almost any one food (besides fruit), you would develop a serious case of scurvy." so breast milk is best, or at least provides the most varied nutrients to keep you alive longest if you could only have one thing. although, if you ask me, after looking it up this morning, i'd say semen's a close second. :thumbs:

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I wouldn't get my hopes up as to the nutritional benefits of jizz... protein is supposed to be a 'brain' food, and considering how much of the stuff my ex has wolfed down in her time she should be on the same intellectual level as Stephen Hawking, but in reality she's about as bright as a mildly retarded sea-sponge.


Don't think, however, that I'm trying to put you off exploring the practical benefits of a diet of jizz.


I'm trying to strike a balance between warning and encouragement, here :checkit:

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I wouldn't get my hopes up as to the nutritional benefits of jizz... protein is supposed to be a 'brain' food, and considering how much of the stuff my ex has wolfed down in her time she should be on the same intellectual level as Stephen Hawking, but in reality she's about as bright as a mildly retarded sea-sponge.


Don't think, however, that I'm trying to put you off exploring the practical benefits of a diet of jizz.


I'm trying to strike a balance between warning and encouragement, here :checkit:


you couldn't even if you tried :P

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In that case, Fraser Fyvie has clearly been raised on carrots and nothing else.


There was a loon who ate nothing but jam sandwiches his whole life.


Never killed him, but he was what you would call 'peely wally', a sap.


Nae strictly just jam, but our new Apprentice pops up at daner time, "You ever tried Cheese and Jam sandwiches." WTF is that about.

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that was the key point of my post actually. for instance eating only meat, "eventually force your body to start munching on your own muscles. And if you stuck solely to almost any one food (besides fruit), you would develop a serious case of scurvy." so breast milk is best, or at least provides the most varied nutrients to keep you alive longest if you could only have one thing. although, if you ask me, after looking it up this morning, i'd say semen's a close second. :thumbs:


Unless your supplier of choice is only eats meat, or fruit of course...


So there you go ladies, how to get your man to go on a diet, and eat heathily.. offer him a blowjob every time he eats something thats good for you!


Theres a book in this.

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you could apparently do far worse :sheepdance:


Typically, semen contains rather high nutritional content. In one typical ejaculation (approximately one teaspoon), semen contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc. There are trace amounts of several vitamins in a regular, healthy, ejaculation-full of semen. In fact, the amount of vitamin C is about the same as in an orange.


Is this yer own independent research or something that's verifiable? :itch-chin:

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